Republicans in Michigan Get a Win on Voter Signatures in Blow to Democrat Secretary of State Benson

AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File

Lo and behold, it looks like the normally blue state of Michigan is moving in the right direction for the presidential election in November, which is less than five months away. This press release below shows that a number of Republican organizations are working together to ding the current Democrat Secretary of State here in Michigan, Jocelyn Benson, for her sloppy attention to detail with voter signatures.


Here is said RNC Press Release:

The RNC, Michigan GOP, and NRCC have won a major victory to protect mail ballots in Michigan. We discovered that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson issued secret instructions to election officials to disregard signature verification requirements and instead “presume the validity” of signatures. We filed suit to protect these important safeguards. The court agreed with us, holding that the Secretary’s instructions are unlawful and that officials cannot presume the validity of signatures. 

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: “This RNC legal victory confirms the importance of mail ballot safeguards in Michigan’s Constitution. The Secretary of State’s covert attempts to sidestep these rules were rightfully rejected by the court, exposing that her attacks on election integrity have no substance. This win is just the latest development in our ongoing fight to promote fair and transparent elections in the Great Lakes State.”

NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson stated: "Michiganders deserve free and fair elections. It was a privilege to work alongside the RNC and Michigan GOP to achieve this victory for election integrity. This ruling makes it very clear: we cannot allow a rogue Secretary of State to issue guidance that conflicts with state law." 

Michigan Republican Party Chairman Pete Hoekstra stated: “Secretary of State Benson cannot pick and choose which elections laws to enforce and which to ignore. The signatures of absentee ballot voters have to and should be verified – it's common sense. Michigan is crucial to the pathway to victory in November. We must protect and enforce all our election laws to maintain confidence in our system.” 


Here is the Republicans vs. Benson opinion right here for you to peruse at your leisure.

In the short-term scheme of things, it's good to see that national Republicans are working with the state Republican Party to get it on the record that Benson's been a bit of a disaster on signature verification. 

However, Michigan is still a BLUE STATE which went purple by 11,000 votes in 2016 for Trump. 

Michigan Is a BLUE State and Lying About It Won't Change That Fact

People in the Michigan GOP, since the last conservative GOP Governor John Engler left, had been lying about this state being red when it was continuously trending purple and then blue. That lie has done more damage and allowed Democrats to control the top three positions in the state and the state legislature for the first time in over 30 years. Deal with the facts as they are on the ground, not how some highly paid consultant wants you to believe, and then do the nitty gritty work on the local level to get Republicans elected.

That's how Donald Trump eked out an 11,000-vote victory eight years ago here. With the wind at his back now with Joe Biden blowing up, Trump could win this state by 2 or 3 points this time and secure the White House for another four years.


Hopefully, the Michigan GOP gets support from those who claim to support Trump but have their noses out of joint about other things.


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This piece was edited post-publication.)


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