
Oddly Enough, Joe Biden and David Axelrod Are 100 Percent Correct About Each Other

Brian Kersey

On the very rare occasion that I come across a story where I find that two Democrat stalwarts have opposing points of view, and they are both right, I immediately feel like I need to run out and play the lottery.

This occurrence is so rare that I feel like it happens on a similar time scale to Halley's Comet passing by the Big Blue Marble we call Earth. That famous space visitor comes around every 75 to 80 years, and as I searched my memory for the last time that two Democrats were right with opposing points of view, I couldn't find an instance going back at least a hundred years.

That's pretty gosh darn rare.

Now, I have been told over the past couple of months that my recent commentaries and observations about the GOP in my home state make me a Democrat. I did not know that actually being truthful in my observations made me anything other than observant. 

An example of this is below, where I'm talking about how the GOP in the Mitten State is damn near dead.

TOAST: Michigan GOP Is About to Default on Loan Payments, According to Budget Cmte. Member Who Resigned

As I wrote here recently, about the direction of the party.

With Just Over 30k in the Bank, the Funeral March Has Begun for the Michigan GOP

From an article, I read today that should seal the deal for Karamo to take her own advice and pound sand.

A listing of Michigan Republican Party account balances from West Michigan Community Bank showed $35,051 across seven accounts, with expenses for many of the scheduled speakers at the Sept. 22-24 conference on Mackinac Island not yet paid, including author Dinesh D'Souza and unsuccessful former Arizona candidate for governor Kari Lake.

At this point, 13 months before a presidential election, the Michigan Republican Party should have about $10 million in its accounts, said Tom Leonard, a former Michigan House speaker and former finance chairman for the state GOP.

The party had less than 1% of the $10 million target.

You should have 10 million dollars this far out from a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION and you have less than 1%? Sign me up for this leadership team to lead the state GOP to victory. Hell at this rate the Get Out The Vote strategy and money raising is going,  Trump could lose this state by even more than he did in 2020.

Karamo went on in the article listed above to say this.

During a closed-door state committee meeting on Sunday, the final day of the Mackinac conference, Karamo spoke about the health of the Michigan Republican Party's finances, according to a recording of the meeting obtained by The News.

"The party is not going bankrupt," Karamo told state committee members.

I don't feel like a Democrat for posting about GOP nonsense or vice versa.

So when my colleague Nick Arama penned this piece about Joe Biden's critique of former Obama guru David Axelrod (Biden Shows How Nasty and in Denial He Is With Vicious Crack About David Axelrod), I had to chime in, being as I have talked about Joe's weakness numerous times on my show Duke Over America over on Facebook 

A new report from Politico takes a whack at Joe Biden, saying he won't have the capacity to govern or campaign the way other incumbents had in the past. 

But Politico columnist Jonathan Martin went even deeper to reveal what a nasty character Joe Biden truly is when he is challenged. We've seen it before, including when he's called voters "fat" or threatened to take them outside. 

Martin revealed how Biden made a nasty crack about David Axelrod after Axelrod questioned whether Biden should be running again, whether it was wise and in the best interests of the country. Axelrod said Biden's age was a huge issue. 

Here is where Joe gets a bit sassy.

"Calling David Axelrod ‘a p----,’ as a person who has heard Biden use the word says he does in private, is not a strategy to win 270 electoral votes. And repeating a PG version of the same animus in public while litigating polling with the White House press corps also won’t make Biden’s re-election any likelier," Martin wrote in Politico. [....]

"For Biden to use fundraisers, as he did Thursday, to deny his difficulties and complain about press coverage may be therapeutic, but it doesn’t make him any likelier to defeat Trump once more," Martin added.

Joe Biden using the word prick correctly in a sentence should actually be a time that we all pause and celebrate that he had a sentient moment.

Now, David Axelrod is right that Biden's polling numbers look putrid and that if the party wants to keep the White House and possibly retake the House and expand its lead in the Senate, the party faithful should be worried.

Only common sense.

Just under 12 months out from the POTUS election, and Biden is looking this bad with the prospect of him not getting any better, not getting any younger, and all of a sudden changing 40-odd years of goofiness in public life and becoming a sentient truth-teller is not on your radar if you're a Democrat. Axelrod, having worked in the first term of the Obama-Biden administration, knows Joe Biden, on his best day, is a liability, and it's only going to get worse.

However, I've always gotten the sense that Axelrod is indeed a little bit of a prick and a little too full of himself because of his role in the Obama campaign of 2008.

This is not unusual for people who are major advisors to winning presidential campaigns. I particularly think of Karl Rove, Bush 43's campaign guru, and the late great Lee Atwater of Bush 41's 1988 campaign. Anytime that you are hailed as an architect of somebody winning the most coveted prize in American politics, your ego is absolutely going to inflate a bit. In the case of Rove, he's made a career with his whiteboard doodles, giving analysis on information and data collection that has, quite frankly, passed him by. 

So Axelrod being called a prick by Biden is really the mildest of insults that Joe Biden could throw down. I'm actually surprised that the old codger didn't threaten to take him behind the gym of a school and try to beat him down. 

However, this is one of those rare instances, as I mentioned above, that both of these gentlemen are right, and just like Halley's Comet, I probably will not see this again in my lifetime.

I did get to see it once, though, and I guess I'll just have to settle for that.


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