So it began with an ad.
The Donald J. Trump for President campaign released a video to mark the accomplishments of Trump in his first 100 days, and to lay the path for reelection.
The plan was to have all the news networks to run the ad and Trump gets his ego fix.
But then CNN refused to be part of it and rejected the ad.
Trump’s campaign went on the attack, issuing a statement that read, in part:
“It is absolutely shameful to see the media blocking the positive message that President Trump is trying to share with the country. It’s clear that CNN is trying to silence our voice and censor our free speech because it doesn’t fit their narrative,” said Michael Glassner, Executive Director.
CNN takes issue with the ad’s message calling out the mainstream media for peddling fake news and not reporting on the fact that President Trump is making America great again.
I’m pretty sure free speech doesn’t mean they get to say whatever they want, wherever they want. CNN gets to determine their content and are under no compulsion to campaign for Trump.
A big problem with the ad is that it attacks the media. Again.
CNN has been a prime target of Trump’s rages and rants. The ad was no different.
After ratting off a list of successes — including the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, authorization of the Keystone XL Pipeline and eliminated regulations — the ad blames the media for hiding those accomplishments.
“You wouldn’t know that from watching the news,” the narrator says as a group of cable news reporters — including CNN’s Wolf Blitzer — appear on the screen.
So, basically, the Trump campaign wanted CNN to run an ad that told the world they were “fake news.”
The Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel chimed in with her own brand of mindless devotion to the R:
“Freedom of speech is a hallmark of our nation’s founding, and it is concerning that CNN, who I assume to be a strong supporter of the first amendment, would stifle speech that they disagree with,” McDaniel said in a statement. “CNN should allow the ad to be aired and apologize for their attempt to block the President’s message.”
This is the same as pressuring a company to put out ads that say, “We suck. Come buy our stuff.”
Either McDaniel didn’t watch the ad, or she really does believe companies should be forced to undercut their own success, in order to pay homage to the president.
On Tuesday, CNN gave their own answer to the controversy, and they make a lot more sense.
In response to the Donald J. Trump for President campaign’s accusations of ad censorship:
— CNN Communications (@CNNPR) May 2, 2017
They’re right.
How horrible would it be for Wolf Blitzer to have to see his picture on the network that employs him, branded with the term, “fake news”?
In fact, that whole portion, pushing the “fake news” narrative needs to be removed.
There’s certainly biased news, but considering the president relies on the National Enquirer, Gateway Pundit, and Breitbart for his news, has pushed false and/or misleading stories about his opponents, and routinely tosses out claims that he can’t support with evidence, whining about “fake news” is the absolute height of hypocrisy.
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