TX Electoral College Member Resigns, Citing Biblical Objection to Voting for Trump

I literally came out of my seat and shouted, “That’s what I’m talking about!” when I stumbled across this story.

For months, I’ve made the case against Trump on not just grounds of his inexperience and unwillingness to learn, but also on Biblical grounds. I have cited my faith and Scripture to back up my convictions, along the way.


Today, the Washington Examiner is reporting on a member of the Electoral College who apparently has been struggling with his own conscience and has come to the same conclusion as I have.

Over the weekend, Art Sisneros, a Texas Republican, announced in a blog post that he would be stepping down from his position as a member of the Electoral College and turning his vote over to an alternate.

Sisneros states that because he considers Trump to be “Biblically unqualified” for the presidency, he can’t see clear to vote for him when the Electoral College convenes on December 19, 2016.

“I do not see how Donald Trump is biblically qualified to serve in the office of the Presidency. Of the hundreds of angry messages that I have received, not one has made a convincing case from scripture otherwise,” Sisneros wrote. “If Trump is not qualified and my role, both morally and historically, as an elected official is to vote my conscience, then I cannot and will not vote for Donald Trump for President. I believe voting for Trump would bring dishonor to God.”

“Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector,” Sisneros said. “This will allow the remaining body of Electors to fill my vacancy when they convene on Dec. 19 with someone that can vote for Trump. The people will get their vote … I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions.”

Sisneros explained what it means to be “biblically qualified” to serve as president in a previous post by pointing to passages in the Bible suggesting that the candidate must be just and fear The Lord, among other reasons. He also argued that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was similarly unqualified to serve.


The Scripture Sisneros is referring to is from 2 Samuel 23:3 NKJV “The God of Israel said,
The Rock of Israel spoke to me: ‘He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God.”

Yeah. That’s wouldn’t be Mr. Never Needed God’s Forgiveness.

Sisneros went on to say he knew Trump would be president, no matter if he voted, or not, but for the sake of his conscience, he would leave the vote in the hands of someone who could vote for him without betraying their convictions.

Good for you, Mr. Sisneros.



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