Earlier today, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, continuing the great work begun by acting DNI Richard Grenell, released a key document that is goes along with what we already know about the underlying information for the Russia Hoax investigation being a fraud from the start. The document is Annex A to the Intelligence Community Assessment. That assessment, you’ll recall, is the one that claimed that not only had the Russians interfered in the 2016 election, but they had done so with the express intent of helping the Trump campaign and hurting the Clinton campaign. Annex A was classified as it contained raw intelligence but both James Comey and Andrew McCabe pushed to have it included with the public assessment. Now we can see why.
To make the points I’m going to rely on a series of tweets by CBS’s Catherine Herridge.
financial compensation.” Mueller did not substantiate. Not credible enough for Intel Community to use in body of report, but FBI still used dossier 3 more times to renew @carterwpage surveillance warrant. Requested @ChuckGrassley @SenRonJohnson Released DNI @RepRatcliffe pic.twitter.com/WU40XWxx68
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) June 11, 2020
Newly declassified “Annex A” Intel Report 2016 Russian election interference, first obtained @CBSNews, this post w/notations. Does not name Steele, who commissioned dossier, what was corroborated. @SenRubioPress said included “largely at insistence of FBI’s senior leadership.” pic.twitter.com/SKJp6e7j8p
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) June 11, 2020
#ANALYSIS Declassified Annex A 1/6/2017 uses dossier intel + claims President-elect Trump + top campaign advisers “knowingly worked with Russian officials” + “offered financial compensation.” But records last month showed FBI moved to close Flynn case (top adviser) 2 days earlier https://t.co/VrEqWH7w4e pic.twitter.com/vRH4YrvOwb
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) June 12, 2020
Going back to what my colleague Betsy Vaughn reported earlier today (see FRAUD: FBI Knew of Key Information About the Steele Dossier Earlier than Thought) some clarity is beginning to emerge from the mess.
The FBI knew the Steele allegations were bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign and probably had doubts about the veracity of the entire thing. Annex A shows the FBI trying to pull off a bureaucratic mafia hit on President Trump…while lying to everyone. Obviously, the Steele allegations had significant play in developing the FBI’s position on the IC assessment as they had used it to obtain a FISA warrant on Carter Page which was a part of the IC assessment, but their first paragraph denies that to be the case. So now that they’ve said they haven’t verified or used it, the attach all the allegations, which we now know to be utter bullsh**, to the assessment and push for this annex to be made public knowing that the Trump administration would never survive the uproar:
“The most politically-sensitive claims by the FBI source alleged a close relationship between the President-elect and the Kremlin,” the annex stated. “The source claimed that the President-elect and his top campaign advisers knowingly worked with Russian officials to bolster his chances of beating Secretary Clinton; were fully knowledgeable of Russia’s direction of leaked Democratic emails; and were offered financial compensation from Moscow.”
The annex stated that “the source collected this information on behalf of private clients.” It did not mention that those clients were the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
The annex also noted that Steele’s dossier “claimed the Kremlin had cultivated the President-elect for at least five years, had fed him and his team intelligence about Secretary Clinton and other opponents for years, and agreed to use WikiLeaks in return for policy concessions by the President-elect — assuming he won the election — on NATO and Ukraine.” Mueller and other investigators did not present any evidence showing these claims to be true.
When we combine this with the coordinated series of lies pushed out by ‘anonymous sources’ both within the FBI, the IC, and Adam Schiff’s office, we are beginning to see the clear outlines of a coordinated campaign across the government to drive President Trump from office by using the Russia Hoax.
The entire document is below.
Declass Document 503_202006… by Kristina Wong on Scribd
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