Looks like the “New York values” kerfuffle only exists inside the ample head of Donald Trump and his liberal friends in New York City. The New York Metropolitan Republican Club is an establishment friendly organization located in the heart of New York City. It describes itself as:
In 1902, reformist Republican supporters of President Theodore Roosevelt came together to found what would eventually be known as The Metropolitan Republican Club.These dynamic supporters took Theodore Roosevelt’s words, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are,” and made them come to life when in 1930 they built an elegant, Eugene J. Lang designed, Federal-style townhouse, thus creating a stronghold for the Republican movement and its candidates on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.The Met club functions not only as an operating center for Republican candidates but also as a gathering place for its members to be informed and promote their beliefs through their passion and intellect. It is our diverse membership, through their continued participation and commitment, which has ensured that the core mission of the club has not changed. With our content driven monthly socials, our new lecture series and our book events, the Met Club is alive and active with a wide spectrum of Republican views.
They had a debate-watching party followed by a straw poll.
The Results from the First Met Club Straw Poll of 2016 are as follows:
1st place: Ted Cruz 33%
2nd place: Donald J. Trump 32%
3rd place: Marco Rubio 20%
4th place: Joshn Kasich 7%
5th place: Chris Christie 3%
6th place: Jeb Bush 1%
7th place: Ben Carson 0%
Two interesting things here. First, even with a home field advantage, Trump could not win the debate straw poll. Second, the entire establishment lane, the Rubio-Bush-Christie-Kasich voting bloc, had fewer votes that Cruz.
This is a harbinger of things to come. As the diffuse field of candidates narrows, conservatives and Republicans are going to coalesce around Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. They are not going for a man who supports partial birth abortion and resembles Howard Dean on steroids in his manner.
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