Pay-to-play at Hillary's State Department

clinton ucla

The more we see of Hillary Clinton’s private emails the more corrupt and inept she is revealed to be.

Clinton, is seems, attempted to use US foreign policy as a piggy-bank for her cronies and friends, paralleling the way she and her husband used American foreign policy to enrich themselves. Via The New York Times:


While advising Mrs. Clinton on Libya, Mr. Blumenthal, who had been barred from a State Department job by aides to President Obama, was also employed by her family’s philanthropy, the Clinton Foundation, to help with research, “message guidance” and the planning of commemorative events, according to foundation officials. During the same period, he also worked on and off as a paid consultant to Media Matters and American Bridge, organizations that helped lay the groundwork for Mrs. Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Much of the Libya intelligence that Mr. Blumenthal passed on to Mrs. Clinton appears to have come from a group of business associates he was advising as they sought to win contracts from the Libyan transitional government. The venture, which was ultimately unsuccessful, involved other Clinton friends, a private military contractor and one former C.I.A. spy seeking to get in on the ground floor of the new Libyan economy.

The projects — creating floating hospitals to treat Libya’s war wounded and temporary housing for displaced people, and building schools — would have required State Department permits, but foundered before the business partners could seek official approval.

It is not clear whether Mrs. Clinton or the State Department knew of Mr. Blumenthal’s interest in pursuing business in Libya; a State Department spokesman declined to say. Many aspects of Mr. Blumenthal’s involvement in the planned Libyan venture remain unclear. He declined repeated requests to discuss it.


If we were talking about anyone but Hillary Clinton, this story would be so farfetched that it would only appear in WND or DEBKAfile. Well known Clinton butt-remora, Sid Blumenthal, cobbled together a bogus “intelligence” apparatus to feed Clinton equally bogus assessments of Libya to pave the way for US action and an aftermath that involved US government contracts raining down on him and his co-conspirators.

Mr. Blumenthal sent Mrs. Clinton at least 25 memos about Libya in 2011 and 2012, many describing elaborate intrigues among various foreign governments and rebel factions.

Mrs. Clinton circulated them, frequently forwarding them to Jake Sullivan, her well-regarded deputy chief of staff, and requesting that he distribute them to other State Department officials. Mr. Sullivan often sent the memos to senior officials in Libya, including the ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the 2012 attacks in Benghazi.

In many cases, Mr. Sullivan would paste the text from the memos into an email and tell the other State Department officials that they had come from an anonymous “contact” of Mrs. Clinton.

Some of Mr. Blumenthal’s memos urged Mrs. Clinton to consider rumors that other American diplomats knew at the time to be false. Not infrequently, Mrs. Clinton’s subordinates replied to the memos with polite skepticism.


Two other interesting factoids have come out of the New York Times story. First, we know that Hillary Clinton lied to [mc_name name=’Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’G000566′ ]. Not just a little quibbling type of white lie but a full-bore Goebbels quality big lie. Clinton had been queried via her mouthpiece, David Kendall (you will remember this unctuous twit from his many Clinton related appearances between 1993 and 2000). The question was which email addresses Hillary used on her private email server in the fetish dungeon basement in her Chappaqua, NY, home.

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(read the whole response here)

But, thanks to the NYT story we now have numerous examples of Hillary Clinton using “[email protected]” while she was secretary of state.

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The second factoid is even more delicious. Everyone knows that the hacker “Guccifer” penetrated — in only the most metaphorical way — the darkest recesses of Sid Blumenthal’s email and provided the world with the first proof that Clinton was using a private email account for official business and the first hint that State was being run on a pay to play basis. But the emails the NYT has come up with are new. See this Twitter exchange between NYT reporter Nick Confessore and Buzzfeed’s Andrew Kaczynski who inexplicably took time out from parsing statements by GOP politicians for gotcha quotes to actually get interested in a news story.



Someone else leaked these emails to the NYT AND the NYT ran with them which implies they got them from a source they consider reputable and left-leaning (yes, left-leaning because there is no way the NYT is ever going to hit a Democrat with information that comes from the right). Hillary’s coronation just became a lot more interesting.


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