20 Years Ago, RedState Was Brand New...and I Was a Liberal - Now Look at Us

RedState Crew at CPAC, 2022. (Credit: Jennifer Van Laar)

Unlike our Managing Editor Emeritus, streiff, I have not been with RedState since its inception. In fact, when RedState first opened its doors in July of 2004, I was still a liberal Democrat — though not for long. (I voted in the Democratic presidential and congressional primaries that year...and then voted for Republican George W. Bush in the general election, so there's a fairly clear line of demarcation. I've detailed my conversion to conservatism previously, so won't rehash that here.) 


I can't pinpoint when I began reading RedState, though my best guestimate would be in/around 2011, as I got to know others in the conservative blogosphere via Twitter and attending my first political conference (Smart Girl Summit in St. Louis). From that point on, I was a fairly regular reader, though it took me a while to work up the courage to sign up for a diary. And then, once I did, I ran into writer's block. 

On a whim, on Valentine's Day, 2017, I reached out to then-Managing Editor Caleb Howe (whom I'd met at various conferences and interacted with at times on social media) and offered my services as a copy editor. I was already reading the site regularly anyway, and though I was a practicing litigator at the time, I spent a fair amount of time at my desk/computer. So, it seemed like a good fit. 

And so it was. Caleb brought me on, and I busted out my red pen and have been editing away here ever since — first as a copy editor and eventually taking on added responsibilities, to the point that in February 2022, I hung up my briefcase and accepted a full-time role here as the Deputy Managing Editor. Thankfully, the writer's block abated, and I've been able to contribute as a writer, as well. 

My How Time Flies: Twenty Years of RedState

Erick Erickson on RedState's 20th Anniversary

And here I am, roughly 1,700 articles later. (That's articles written. Edited/reviewed? Ooph. That's got to be upwards of 30,000. Maybe even 40,000?) I've joked at times that I'm the "stealth editor" — not because I stealth-edit articles (okay, maybe some headline capitalization fixes and a verb tense or comma here and there), but because I tend to fly a bit under the radar. I don't have a ginormous social media following, and a lot of folks who know RedState aren't aware of my role here. 


That's not a complaint, mind you — it may be better that way. I catch less heat than some of my colleagues! More importantly, though, I sit in the catbird seat. I get to monitor all the craziness going on in the world of political news and then read (edit) some of the most talented and insightful writers in this arena. And I get to scratch my own writer's itch covering topics about which I'm passionate: politics, the law, faith, and freedom. Not only that, but my work at RedState dovetails perfectly with my radio work at NewsTalkSTL

Others have alluded to this, but in my view, one of RedState's strengths is that our contributors hail from all over the U.S. (and even abroad). We've got Alaska to Florida and California to Maryland covered. And, as Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar notes, the majority of our contributors have worked in fields outside of politics and journalism, so they bring a wealth of experience and some added depth to many of the topics we cover. 

RedState's 20th Anniversary: I Wasn't Here at the Beginning, but I Got Here As Fast As I Could

Speaking of Jen, she's right — we met in the restaurant/lobby of the convention hotel at CPAC 2012. I still recall her walking up and introducing herself with a friendly smile. How could I have known at the time how fateful that meeting would be? We became friends, roomed together at subsequent conferences, and obviously, began working together when I joined the team in 2017. We've worked in our current configuration since she took the helm in March of 2021, and though I'm certain I'm biased, I think we make a pretty great team. (There's also no one else I'd want in a foxhole with me and/or digging up dirt on my enemies — not that I have many of those, of course.) In fact, along with the rest of our RedState crew, I consider us a pretty formidable outfit — one that punches well above our weight and one that I'm proud to be part of. 


I'm not going to lie: There are times when I'm internally screaming for Calgon to take me away. The news cycle is bat-bleep crazy, and working with a bunch of creatives is like herding feral cats. There are (occasional) disgruntled reader complaints and censor-scold battles and countless other stressors. 

But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. I may have only been here for seven of RedState's 20 years, but there's no place I'd rather be. As my tweet above notes — I'm getting to do what I love and love what I do. Who could really ask for more? 

So, thank you — to my co-workers, our Townhall colleagues, our loyal readers and commenters. You all make it worthwhile. Cheers, RedState — to 20 years...and many more!

(EDITOR'S NOTE: We're so grateful for our loyal readers, who've made reaching this milestone possible. We continue to fight censorship and throttling from Big Tech, and the only way we're able to continue bringing the honest, fearless journalism you've come to expect is through the direct support of our VIP members. If you're not already a VIP member, when you join today you'll receive 60% off with discount code RS20.)


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