RedState Weekly Briefing: Gaetz Fact Checks CNN, Greene Tweaks AOC, DeSantis Destroys Moderator


Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!


#1 - WATCH: Matt Gaetz Causes CNN Host to End Interview After Fact-Checking Her Live On-Air — by Bonchie

You have to love her ending the interview immediately. Given her statement, it appears she was trying to ask Gaetz another question before he dropped a real-time fact-check on her. I guess she didn't want anymore after that. It's likely that the rest of her interview notes centered on the idea that Gaetz voted against the rule and is somehow a hypocritical obstructionist. Once that was off the table, it was time for a commercial. 

I don't know why reporters, and I believe Phillip identifies as such, do this. They let their own biases push them into making obvious mistakes because they are so eager to present a specific narrative. When it comes to Gaetz, the narrative CNN wants the audience to hear is that Republicans can't govern and are putting national security at risk.

#2 - COMEDY GOLD: AOC's Ridiculous Pomposity Punctured, MTG Finishes Her off During Impeachment Inquiry — by Nick Arama

Even the Democratic witness notes that he's not a fact witness at the end, puncturing AOC's ridiculous pomposity, and Turley's eye roll at about 16 seconds in is priceless. If you wanted an example of how to waste the time you have to question witnesses, this was it. 

If that wasn't silly enough. then AOC tossed another fit when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was referring to an exhibit. Greene was attempting to show a picture of a woman in a bathing suit, but Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) objected, claiming that Greene had introduced "pornographic pictures" in the past that were not suitable for children. That was funny because it was a reference to her showing pictures of Hunter Biden and hookers. MTG was accusing Hunter of Mann Act violations, and of being involved in trafficking. But the Democrats don't want to address that or address anything related to Hunter or Joe Biden.


#3 - Grab All the Popcorn: AOC Has a Meltdown When Elon Says She's Just Not That Smart — by Nick Arama

"I wasn’t born rich and became the youngest woman in American history to be elected to Congress," Ocasio-Cortez railed. "Then I investigated Cohen, authored the largest FEMA funeral assistance program in history and led creation of a US Climate Corps to create tens of thousands of new jobs. Stay mad." 

First, let's deal with some of those assertions. She "wasn't born rich." I suppose that's a relative term, but she grew up in well-off Westchester, not the Bronx, the daughter of an architect who had his own firm. So she wasn't poor when she was growing up. She touts the Climate Corps that Biden just created. Biden is also refusing to say how much of our money this program is sucking up. The creation of another government program, especially one that's all about pushing an agenda, isn't exactly an accomplishment to brag about. Further, any Democrat who ran from that area would have won, so it's not exactly a spectacular accomplishment on her part. As Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) once said about AOC winning her district, a glass of water with a "D" on it could win.

#4 - WATCH: Ron DeSantis Absolutely Destroys Univision Debate Moderator for Pushing Kamala Harris Hoax — by Bonchie 

One of the biggest problems was the fact that the RNC made a late decision to include left-wing Univision hack Ilia Calderón as a moderator. Her questions were objectively insane. It was like she was auditioning for an MSNBC primetime show. In fact, she spent most of her time fluffing the Mexican government and attempting to frame Republicans as racist for wanting to solve the border crisis. 

Sure enough, right on cue, she kept playing identity politics by repeating the Kamala Harris-led hoax that Florida's black history curriculum promotes slavery as having been a net benefit for those enslaved. As RedState has reported, that's simply false, and the line in question was actually meant to convey the perseverance of black Americans. 

Luckily, DeSantis came prepared, and he absolutely destroyed Calderón


#5 - Laugh of the Day: Rand Paul Responds to AI Pic of Himself in Bathrobe After Senate Dress Code Change — by Nick Arama

Among the worst of the comments in response to the dress code change has been Fetterman's unbridled vile remarks directed at Republicans. Those comments involved accusing the Republicans of "grabbing the hog," "humping" a leg, and being "jagoffs." 

But some Republicans suggested that the appropriate response might be for Republicans to show the Democrats where they've taken this by showing up in all kinds of attire to mock the change. 

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) joked that she was considering wearing a bikini while slamming the change. “I plan to wear a bikini tomorrow to the Senate floor and Chris Coons is gonna wear shorts because there’s no dress code anymore,” she said. 

If you leave no standard in place, can you be far from political statements on T-shirts? How about "Let's go, Brandon" on the floor of the Senate? You can do that now, and that was sort of Collins' point.


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