Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – ‘The Nation Can’t Stand’: John Durham’s Response to Harriet Hageman’s One and Only Question Portends a Chilling Truth — by Susie Moore
Now at the end of her allotted time, Hageman asked her one and only question of Durham — though Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) did his level best to cut her off:
Mr. Durham, here is my question: How long do you think that this country will survive with a two-tiered justice system that seeks to persecute people based on their political beliefs?
Whatever one’s takeaway of Durham’s report and his testimony might be, it would be difficult to doubt the sincerity (or the foreboding accuracy) of his response:
I don’t think that things can go too much further with the view that law enforcement, particularly the FBI or Department of Justice, runs a two-tiered system of justice. The nation can’t stand under those circumstances.

#2 – WATCH: Empty Stadium as LA Dodgers Honor Anti-Catholic Group ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ Amid Protests — by Brittany Sheehan
Opposition is in full swing to the Los Angeles Dodgers’ on-field ceremony honoring the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an organization of “drag nuns” that the Catholic League calls an anti-Catholic hate group. Thousands of Catholics, other Christians, and even some people of the Jewish faith gathered in a parking lot near the Dodgers’ stadium on Friday afternoon to pray ahead of the game. Later, the religious groups marched to Dodger Stadium, shutting down one entryway on Vin Scully Avenue.
Weeks of momentous opposition led to the drag nuns being announced on-field to a mostly empty stadium, while receiving some boos from baseball fans in attendance.

#3 – Biden Bizarrely Touches Someone Again, Then He and Jill May Have Been Trolled by Audience Members — by Nick Arama
It used to be that he might do or say one crazy thing a day. Now he has a whole raft of things, and if he goes to more than one place … watch out. He’s likely going to say/do a lot of weird things. We noted some of the weirdness earlier on Saturday in his meeting with Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA). Fetterman added to that, wearing a hoodie and shorts when he met with Biden. But Biden also made a weird comment when he was asked if he thought the 2024 campaign was going to be a nasty one. As I noted, there’s a reason that most Americans have doubts about his fitness for office.
Biden continued with the strangeness at his stop at a union event in Pennsylvania. We’ve seen his sniffing and behavior with women and girls. Some wondered about how he touched Eva Longoria on Thursday and made a weird remark about her being 17 when they met. But he even has odd behavior with men, too. He’s obsessed with men’s biceps. He’s made comments before about guys and their muscles. He did it again here, even feeling up the worker’s arm.

#4 – Durham’s Hilarious Takedown of Adam Schiff Is Solid Gold, as Hank Johnson Has No Idea What’s Going On — by Bonchie
Ho-lee cow, what an absolute take-down, and all it took was a one-sentence response. For the uninitiated, what Durham is alluding to is the fact that Schiff himself received a call from Russian comedians back in 2018 offering dirt on Donald Trump. The callers alleged that they could provide nude pictures of the former president. Schiff quickly took the bait.
In other words, he got caught trying to accept dirt from Russia on who was then the current president in a way that Donald Trump, Jr. never actually did. It was an incredible turn of events at the time and solidified just how absurd the entire Trump-Russian collusion narrative was.

#5 – Tucker Biographer: Fox Staffers Jumping Ship to Work with Carlson — by Bob Hoge
The headlines for Fox News just keep getting worse in the wake of Tucker Carlson’s firing. Not only have the network’s ratings fallen off a cliff, but Tucker’s new Twitter show is receiving massive numbers of viewers. I reported recently that their internal employee portal was riddled with LGBTQ Pride propaganda. And last week, a loyal 10-year vet of the channel was forced to resign after he approved an on-air chyron saying, “Wannabe dictator speaks at White House after having his political rival arrested.”
He didn’t even get a warning? Morale must be pretty low these days at 1211 Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan—Fox headquarters.
Carlson biographer Chadwick Moore thinks things are about to get even worse for the former number-one cable news network, which was recently leapfrogged by MSNBC. He says that at least nine staffers have exited—and are joining Carlson’s team instead:
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