WATCH: Florida Congressman Shuts Down CNN Anchor's Spin on Atlantic Hit Piece, Accusations of 'Fascism'

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

If ever there was a time for moral clarity, it is at this moment, two weeks before Election Day when making poor decisions at the ballot box will have severe ramifications for decades to come, with future generations paying the price literally and figuratively for the choices made by voters in 2024.


As was the case in 2016 and 2020, the mainstream media has once again positioned themselves as central players in helping craft and/or amplify (false) narratives that make GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and other Republicans look evil, as though they will bring about the rollback of all the rights Americans hold dear while persecuting their political enemies with wild abandon.

"Fascism" is what they're alleging will take place, an interesting choice of words indeed considering how it was Democrats (and their media apologists) who were the devout champions of authoritarian COVID lockdowns, not to mention the outright lawfare we've seen used at the highest levels of government against Trump (and his supporters) going back to before he was elected in 2016.

READ MORE: The ‘Fascist Trump’ Narrative Is Historically Ignorant—Here’s Why It Won’t Stick

Not surprisingly, that was the exact bogus narrative pushed during a CNN segment Wednesday featuring anchor Brianna Keilar and Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL).

During their back-and-forth exchange, Keilar referenced the Atlantic hit piece against Trump as well as recent remarks from Trump calling Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff (D-CA) "enemies from within" as indicators that Trump would rule with an iron fist.

Waltz was having absolutely none of it, and - after some crosstalk - left Keilar speechless with his response, which was to note not only the suspicious timing, but also the questionable credibility of the players involved in the hit piece. 


Further, Waltz correctly pointed out related to Schiff and other Democrats that rhetoric over actions matters and that some of the things Schiff and his allies did to this country was to directly undermine it for political gain by repeatedly pushing for Trump's impeachment under false pretenses:

WALTZ: Perhaps. I don't know John Kelly. I don't think I've ever even met him. He clearly has a deep disdain for Donald Trump and was fired by him. You also have the owner of The Atlantic magazine is a huge donor for Kamala Harris and a close personal friend, so I find that incredibly interesting.

And on this kind of enemies within, what President Trump actually said was if we have national unrest, if we have riots, if we have people, law and order is broken down, then it is completely appropriate to use the military. The National Guard has been used throughout our history.

KEILAR: Congressman, he's talked about -- he has named the Pelosi's -- Congressman, he has named your colleague Adam Schiff.

WALTZ: You had Adam Schiff on this network and many others lying to the American people, opening a hearing lying to the American people --

KEILAR: Whatever --

WALTZ: -- he's saying that he had seen, but you raised [them]. And saying he had seen --


WALTZ: -- saying he had seen evidence of Russian collusion that proved to be false. And our country was in total chaos for two years on a hoax --

KEILAR: Whatever -- Congressman --

WALTZ: -- which also affected our relationship with Russia. So that is an enemy within. And I don't think that he said that he's going to use the military to target him. He said in one part of the conversation, we have to quell riots and keep law and order, and if the military needs to support law enforcement, fine. And on the other hand, he said we have people that are misleading the American public, that's causing chaos.

KEILAR: I just want to be clear, he's talked about the National Guard, and then he talked about the military.

WALTZ: But let's go back to -- let's go back to this notion of fascism and centralized control, because we have an allegation of rhetoric, we have, you know, he said versus he said. And then what I'm seeing are actual actions by the progressive left. I mean, fascism really is about no checks and balances, no controls.

They want to stack the Supreme Court, I've seen that legislation. They want to eliminate the filibuster, our last kind of harbinger of bipartisanship. They want to eliminate the Electoral College, which would have just a couple of cities determining our next president.Those are critical checks and balances that will check power for anyone, and the left is actually moving to eliminate them because they don't like him.

So what I think voters are going to have to decide in these next couple of weeks is we have allegations of rhetoric from a conversation four years ago, or actions that they are seeing right now from the left or the lack of action in terms of making their lives better in the economy and crime and the border and in global chaos. And I think it's those actions that they're going to be voting on or the lack thereof.


That is how it's done, folks.


If you know anyone on the fence about this election, show them that video and/or transcript of Waltz laying out the choices voters face in two weeks: The guy who calls out lawfare and political persecution for what it is (because he's been a victim of it) or the woman who endorses it (and has participated in it) depending on the political beliefs of the target?

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