Sad Trombone: The New York Times Is Not Handling the Kamala Harris Plagiarism News Well at All

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

As we reported earlier, Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign has been rocked by allegations that Harris plagiarized parts of her book, "Smart on Crime," which she co-wrote in 2009 with author Joan O'C. Hamilton.


The claims were made by leading Critical Race Theory critic Christopher Rufo in a detailed Twitter/X thread and Substack piece, both of which were published Monday morning.

According to Rufo, the Democrat presidential nominee "plagiarized at least a dozen sections of her criminal-justice book," as discovered by Austrian "plagiarism hunter" Dr. Stefan Weber, who Rufo says "has taken down politicians in the German-speaking world."

READ MORE: Chris Rufo Drops 'Receipts' on Kamala's Alleged 'Plagiarism Problem,' and JD Vance Has Thoughts

I wondered at the time how - or even if - the mainstream media would react/report on this story. As it turns out, they are, but some of the outlets, the New York Times in particular, are not taking it well at all.

First up was the predictable "pouncing and seizing" word games, because the story is the conservative reaction to it  - not the actual story itself:

Then there was the so-called "plagiarism expert" the Times was able to immediately get comment from, who assured us everything was okay, move along, nothing to see here:


And perhaps the least shocking part about the Times piece was how they fell back on "some academics" (unnamed) to portray Rufo and his work exposing plagiarists as "racist" because of course:

Strangely, when you click on the link to read the piece, not a single academic is cited, nor is a quote provided.

As RedState readers will remember, Rufo revealed in December 2023 that then-Harvard president Claudine Gay "plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis." Gay resigned just a few weeks later after coming under fire over the plagiarism scandal and over how she responded to antisemitism on the Harvard campus after the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.


Relatedly, Kamala Harris has previously been accused of plagiarizing Martin Luther King Jr.

In any event, the Trump campaign has rendered a final verdict on the Times' reaction to Rufo's documentation:


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