On Wednesday night, Sean Hannity conducted an interview with Horace Lorenzo Anderson, Sr., who is the father of 19-year-old CHOP murder victim Lorenzo Anderson in what turned out to be one of the most profound and heartbreaking segments in cable news history.
Anderson’s son was killed in the early morning hours of June 20th in the first of three shootings that took place in the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone in Seattle, otherwise known as “CHOP” or “CHAZ.” According to local news reports, medics and police officers couldn’t get to the scene to render aid and secure the scene because the “peaceful” inhabitants were violent. Anderson was reportedly taken to the hospital by “volunteer medics” in the encampment but unfortunately did not survive.
The full interview between Hannity, Anderson’s father, and local community activist and family rep Andre Taylor went on for 35 minutes. What was learned during the course of the interview further exposed a lot of bad actors and frauds throughout the time of CHOP’s existence. Other than interviews with local media outlets, this appears to be Anderson, Sr.’s first on national TV with a national news outlet.
Mr. Anderson told Hannity that since his son’s murder, no one – no one, including the Seattle PD, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan (D), Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee (D) – reached out to him prior to Wednesday to let him know what happened to his son. He said the only way he knew of his son’s death was through friends of his son’s who told him not long after it happened.
Anderson noted that it wasn’t until his scheduled appearance on Hannity that someone (he didn’t specify who) reached out to provide an update.
The father, who grieved throughout the interview in moments that can only be described as heartwrenching, also told Hannity that his son was born at 25 weeks, and as a result had special needs and “developmental delays.” He stated that his son was easily influenced and manipulated by others and would frequently go along with the crowd. According to local news reports, the 19-year-old victim’s mother said Lorenzo Anderson weighed less than a pound at birth.
Anderson had just graduated from an alternative school the day before he was killed.
Horace Anderson, Sr. and Andre Taylor both stated during the interview that CHOP should have been dismantled long ago before the violence started, and also thanked Hannity numerous times for reaching out and expressing his condolences, and for noting he, too, felt sorrow because he had children around Lorenzo Anderson’s age and that as a father it really hit him, too.
Both Anderson, Sr. and Taylor noted that Hannity was the first person – presumably they meant media figures – to express his sympathies, which means that no one from CNN nor MSNBC, who could not report on the alleged “festive” “summer of love” atmosphere of CHOP enough before the shootings started, could be bothered enough to reach out to the family of one of the murder victims to get his story. It’s as though CNN and MSNBC conveniently forgot about and moved on from the zone once things went south and they could no longer gaslight viewers about what was really happening.
This tweet is spot-on and speaks volumes about the whole situation:
To recap:@MayorJenny allowed a bunch of anarchists to take over her city for weeks.
She didn't stop it until they threatened her house.
A man lost his son in that CHOP and Sean Hannity reached out to him before she did.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 2, 2020
The city of Seattle, the state of Washington, and the national media figures who who promoted this dangerous, lawless zone in report after report for a month’s time, failed Anderson and his son in a major way, and failed all the other victims in CHAZ who wouldn’t have been victims of violence there had the zone not been allowed to be set up in the first place.
I was beyond heartbroken and disgusted after watching the interview, and midway through towards the end, you could tell Hannity was, too. At one point, Hannity put politics aside and talked father to father to Anderson and Taylor, about how our children are our treasure and how things like this should never happen to them in a just society.
Watch below – and keep a box of Kleenex close by:
Related –>> Godmother of Young Man Killed in CHOP Demands Accountability from Radicals for His Death
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