We’ve written about a number of warning signs for Democrats on the issue of impeachment here at Red State, and the results of a trend map from Google Trends this week is yet another indicator their PR troubles are only increasing.
Twitter user Elliott Schwartz posted a screen grab on Twitter Wednesday that showed the search term “impeachment” competed with “Peloton” for attention among Google users over the last week, including on the first day of Chairman Jerry Nadler’s impeachment inquiry hearings Wednesday:
This week there have been more US Google searches for Peloton than impeachment. pic.twitter.com/Jo0YR4UsMs
— Elliott Schwartz (@elliosch) December 4, 2019
A closer look shows that “Peloton” and “impeachment” have been neck and neck for the past two days, outside of a spike for “impeachment” yesterday in the middle of the hearings (not shown) and a spike on Thursday morning (shown):
Source: Google Trends.
Peloton has come under heavy criticism in recent days over what the outrage mob described as a “sexist” ad featuring a physically fit woman who received a Peloton machine as a gift from her husband. The blowback from it was intense, so naturally a lot of people were online searching for the ad to watch and comment on it.
That more people were searching for information on a piece of exercise equipment than on the very important matter of impeachment in the days leading up to the start of Phase 2 of Impeachmentpalooza is sure increase the concerns of vulnerable Democrats who are worried about how the impeachment process is playing out with voters back home.
And now that Pelosi has called for the articles of impeachment to be drafted, look for the panicking among those same Democrats to escalate.
Because, ya know, their case against Trump is badly out of shape.
Ok, I know – bad joke. But you get the picture. 😉
(Hat tip: DC Examiner)
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 16+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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