Journalist Gets His A** Handed to Him After Tweeting That Clinton's Impeachment Was Based on "Second-Hand Info"

If Adam Schiff’s outrageous “parody” stunt last week on the July call between Trump and Zelensky wasn’t proof enough that Democrats are simply not interested in conducting an honest and fair impeachment inquiry, we now have so-called “journalists” tweeting out erroneous information about President Clinton’s impeachment in order to justify one against Trump.


It all started after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) complained on Twitter Saturday about the fact that the whistleblower’s complaint was based on second and thirdhand information. Here’s what Graham tweeted:

Liberal journalist Garrett Graff, a former editor for Politico Magazine, responded by (falsely) claiming that “Graham and the GOP had little trouble impeaching Clinton on Linda Tripp’s second-hand info”:

Say what??

His assertion is so far off from the truth that it isn’t even funny. Unfortunately, the tweet was so popular over the weekend that Linda Tripp’s name trended on Twitter for several hours Saturday as others piggy-backed on the tweet to make the same (false) claim. Graff’s tweet has nearly 8,400 retweets and 28,000 likes as of this writing.


Yours truly was one of many people who pushed back on Graff’s shameless attempt at revising Clinton’s impeachment history:


Facts first.

— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –


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