Results for: john podesta

Scott Jennings Torches CNN's Neera Tanden on Conflating Tesla Terrorism With J6…neera-tanden-on-conflating-tesla-terrorism-with-j6-n2186857
– around every Democrat administration since Bill Clinton, and is currently the president and CEO of Center for American Progress, the JohnPodesta-founded, left-wing think tank money-laundering organization.…
Biden Delivers His 'Legacy' Remarks, but Scott Jennings Has the Perfect Response
– Joe Biden spoke from the Rose Garden on Thursday morning with an audience of staffers, including folks like Senior Adviser John Podesta
WATCH: Kamala's Poor Response to Loss - Supporters' Faces Tell the Tale
–  Then Cedric Richmond did a John Podesta 2.0 in almost the exact words he said when Hillary Clinton didn't want to talk to her …— James Rosen (@JamesRosenTV) November 6, 2024Throwback to 2016: Cedric Richmond sounded very similar to JohnPodesta when Hillary lost in 2016...— Adam Sabes (@asabes10) November 6, 2024Now, that's really cowardly…
Activist Climate Group Has Harris' Number, Says It Can 'Pressure and Move' Her to Its Agenda…ber-says-it-can-pressure-and-move-her-to-its-agenda-n2179820
– Weeks earlier, the group's leaders were granted a private meeting with White House clean energy czar John Podesta, whom they urged…
It Sure Looks Like John Podesta Is Selling Access to Joe Biden and Selling You Out in the Process…ess-to-joe-biden-and-selling-you-out-in-the-process-n2172225
– Washington has long been the most incestuous place on earth, and John Podesta perfectly embodies the rampant corruption in the nation's … Podesta recently met with the head of an environmentalist group bankrolled by a foreign billionaire whose foundation paid Podesta … As it turns out, the billionaire has paid Podesta tens of thousands of dollars over the years.…
John Podesta Lets the Cat out of the Bag on the Inflation Reduction Act…e-cat-out-of-the-bag-on-the-inflation-reduction-act-n2162713
– Top Biden advisor John Podesta: "We have to cut the carbon pollution that's driving the climate crisis and that's what the 'Inflation … Top Biden advisor John Podesta has no good answer on the "safeguards" in place to "ensure that there won't be another Solyndra [or] … John Podesta and Neera Tanden — Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 16, 2023…
Biden's Trip to Lake Tahoe for Another Vacation Shows His True Priorities
– Biden staying with Steyer, given Biden's passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which is all about climate change as Biden official JohnPodesta admitted. …
Water Cooler 4/14/16 IRS Encourages SSN Theft; Hillary "Truth about UFOS"; Trump Screws More People
John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary’s election campaign says  when asked about Hillary’s commitment to the truth about UFOs “I…
Follow the Money: Center for American Progress
– While soon leaving to join Hillary Clinton’s team, John Podesta, the founder of CAP, has relied on the organization while serving as … compiled a report on other significant CAP donors who are some of Clinton’s top funders and recent reports have speculated that Podesta
REPORT: Russia Setting Up A Psychological Dossier On Trump
– Russia attempted to sway the election by hacking into emails of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton’s campaign chairman, JohnPodesta.…
John McCain Is Still Bat-Crap Crazy And Francisco Franco Is Still Dead
John McCain, everyone’s go-to Republican if you’re looking for smack-talk about another Republican, was at it again in New York Magazine … No one knew it at the time, but this congenial lunch was perhaps John McCain’s last sanguine moment about the Trump administration. … The hack of the DNC and of John Podesta were of great amusement to those of us who followed politics but those leaks played zero role…
Former Attorney General Says Trump Was Right About Surveillance (VIDEO)
– They hacked John Podesta, and they tried to hack the Republican National Committee. That’s the only crime that I’m aware of. … Ditto, I believe, and I’ve posted on this several times, that Russian meddling was aimed at the DNC and Podesta because they thought…
Why Did the New York Times Deliberately Misquote Donald Trump's CPAC Speech?
– The confrontation between John Kelly and Steve Bannon. … That is the same Glenn Thrush who used to send advance copy of his stories to John Podesta for comment.…
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
– campaign against the U.S. presidential election, in part by delivering hacked documents from the DNC and former Clinton campaign chair JohnPodesta to WikiLeaks.…
Former Trump Adviser Casually Mentions His Contact With Russian Hacker Before Election
– adviser is casually boasting of his contact with Guccifer 2.0, the hacker said to be responsible for hacking into the emails of JohnPodesta and other Democrats during the election. … It was around that time that Stone randomly tweeted out something about John Podesta, that led many to believe he knew what was coming…
I'M SORRY: Internet Hoax Provocateur Forced To Publicly Apologize (VIDEO)
– If you’re one of the creepers I see literally every day on social media, pushing the hoax about Hillary Clinton’s emails, John Podesta
The Gorsuch Confirmation and Dark Money
– question: are ad buys in favor of or against political appointees more or less dark than the recent allegations that one of the Podesta … brothers (John was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager) was a registered agent for a Russian bank?…
Trump Goes on a Monday Morning Tweet Rampage
– Was the brother of John Podesta paid big money to get the sanctions on Russia lifted? Did Hillary know? — Donald J.…
Return to Sender: Daily Caller Receives Cease and Desist Letter From Clinton Lackey at Wrong Address…ives-cease-desist-letter-clinton-lackey-wrong-address-n69879
– Hillary Clinton‘s former campaign chairman, John Podesta, is demanding that the Daily Caller correct an article alleging wrongdoing … Podesta May Have Violated Federal Law By Not Disclosing 75,000 Stock Shares.” … Podesta reported more information on his financial disclosure forms than was required,” Elias writes in the letter.…
Water Cooler 03/30/17 Open Thread; Hawaii 7 Strike Again; John Podesta Keeps Digging; Robots Invade…aii-7-strike-john-podesta-keeps-digging-robots-invade-n69845
John Podesta Has Decided To Try Fight With Streisand Effect What’s 75,000 shares in a Russian energy company between friends ? … John Podesta slapped the Daily Caller with a cease-and-desist letter on Wednesday after the conservative news outlet published a story … The letter sent to publisher Neil Patel by Podesta’s counsel, Marc Elias, singles out a March 26 article titled, “EXCLUSIVE: John Podesta
Carly Fiorina Calls for Special Prosecutor on Trump-Russia Probe (AUDIO)
– Former GOP presidential contender Carly Fiorina was on a local Virginia talk show, the John Fredericks Show, today (full disclosure … ve got to have either a special prosecutor or an independent commission, and that’s still the right answer,” Fiorina said on the “John … There is no way the GOP agrees to a commission unless they can pull in John Podesta and Hillary Clinton on their own Russia connections…
Podesta Allegedly Violated Federal Law by Failing to Reveal 75,000 Shares in Putin-Allied Corporation…ng-to-reveal-75000-shares-in-putin-allied-corporation-n69681
John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman, may have violated federal law by failing to fully disclose details surrounding … Podesta received the shares in 2010 from Joule Unlimited Technologies while he was a board member. … “Podesta should certainly have been more upfront in filling this out.…
Here's a List of Everything Hillary Clinton Is Blaming for Her Election Loss…hing-hillary-clinton-is-blaming-for-her-election-loss-n70553
– Russia for “meddling” in the election when they allegedly hacked the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and her campaign chairman JohnPodesta in order to release damaging emails to the public. 3. … connection to Russia or Russian hackers, for their involvement in publishing thousands of emails from her personal accounts as well as John
From Shattered: Russia Hacking Story Was Created By Clinton Campaign As Damage Control
– Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely … We need to take notes from the John Brown Gun Club and get firearms and training.…