Results for: democrats should replace

Eric Cantor and John Boehner Don't Really Want to Repeal Obamacare
– and replace with lame legislation” effort. … It muddies the water and gives Democrats an escape from being forced to take action. … And should the GOP take back Congress in November, we should remember this betrayal and the lies that go with it.…
Democrats Struggle to Cope as Senate GOP Throws Wrench in Feinstein 'Replacement' Plan…nate-gop-throws-wrench-in-feinstein-replacement-plan-n732951
– As a result, three things have happened: Feinstein has faced growing calls from some of her fellow California Democrats including some … “I will vote against any attempt by Senate Democrats to temporarily replace Sen. … , conveniently, being the only committee they seek to replace her on.…
Team Biden Responds to Calls for Biden to Step Down After Abysmal Debate Performance…biden-to-step-down-after-abysmal-debate-performance-n2176142
– of whether he should be replaced atop the ticket. … might replace him. … to continuing with Biden or seeking to replace him.…
McConnell Differs from Trump & Pence on Next Steps to Address Health Care
– The Majority Leader also spoke of the repeal and replace effort. … We were not elected to save Obamacare — we were elected to repeal and replace it.” … For now, Obamacare is still the law of the land, and there is no repeal/replace effort in sight.…
Then, Not And: Here's How You Drain The Obamacare Swamp
– Process matters, and here’s why “repeal, then replace” is the right process for all of us hurt by Obamacare. … Democrats routinely get what they want despite having fewer than 60 votes. … If Trump fights for “repeal, then replace,” he’s going to make me eat some words.…
DNC Chair Says 'Republicans Don't Give a Sh** About People,' RNC Chair Slams Him in Her Response
– “I think the Democrats should be denouncing his behavior this weekend,” she said. … “To say Republicans don’t give a blank about people – that should not be rhetoric the head of the Democratic Party should be using, … It’s nice to have Republicans firing back and calling out the divisive rhetoric from Democrats.…
Amy Barrett Is Under Consideration for the Supreme Court and the Anti-Catholic Bigotry Is Starting
– Does anyone remember when Democrats said Barack Obama should choose someone like Scalia to replace Scalia? … But those requirements don’t exist for Democrats. … If Democrats wanted the court to represent a leftist utopia, then they should not have nominated a candidate who somehow found a way…
LA Times Columnist Plays Unlikely but Interesting Game of Democrat Party 'What If'
– But Democrats have some serious problems. … 🚨The LA TIMES on who should replace Dianne Feinstein as a Senator: Kamala Harris."Biden’s problem is Harris. … Gavin Newsom could appoint Harris to replace her.…
A Successful Recall of California Gov. Newsom Could Portend a Disaster for Democrats in 2022…newsom-would-tee-up-a-disaster-for-democrats-in-2022-n310408
– The second question is who should replace the recalled official — a choice of a replacement Governor If the official subject to the … enter the second contest to replace him.  … creates a blueprint for running against all Democrats in 2022.…
We Must Apologize to the Democratic Party
– “You have no plan to replace it, to reform the system, to fix the mess” they cried. … You see, the Democrats were right all along. We, very clearly, had no plan. … You ran on repeal and replace, and you should repeal and replace. But, the Democrats were right all along.…
Nancy Pelosi Just Bombed Democrat's Chances in 2018 With One Line
– While answering questions at a Culver City town hall event, the House Minority Leader essentially admitted that should Democrats win … Pelosi’s comments Wednesday comes after she said in February that Democrats would have to “replace and repeal” the GOP tax bill once … “It may have to be a ‘replace and repeal’ — replace them and repeal the bill,” Pelosi said.…
Hypocrisy Alert: Leaked Podesta Emails Show Democrats Were Considering Scalia's Replacement Just Hours After His Death…ering-scalias-replacement-just-hours-after-his-death-n254938
– Justice Ginsburg body is not even cold yet, and @senatemajldr has already insisted that the Senate will vote to replace her. … Maybe Democrats have a point in the “timing” of this, right? Wrong. … Should Republicans fill the Ginsburg seat?…
Unnamed Democrats Question Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Ability to Lead Judiciary Committee Fight Over Court Nominee…judiciary-committee-fight-over-supreme-court-nominee-n260319
– Trump nominates to replace Justice Ginsburg. … This senator is worried that potential missteps by Feinstein could cost Democrats seats. … can’t replace a female senator for hearings on an expected female nominee to replace a deceased female Supreme Court justice.…
POLL: 54% of Dems Would Be A-OK With Biden Being Jettisoned From Presidential Ticket…ith-biden-being-jettisoned-from-presidential-ticket-n2174788
– it is acceptable for another candidate to replace Biden as the Democratic nominee. … Just under half of all likely voters, 49 percent, say that they approve of the Democrats swapping Biden out for another candidate, … replace him on the ticket.…
Could Cackling Kamala Be Replaced on the 2024 Democrat Ticket?
– Could Joe Biden really decide to replace Kamala Harris in 2024? … It would be risky as hell, particularly if a black woman wasn’t chosen to replace Harris on the ticket. Still, cries of “Racism!” … Should be, for sure but will she be?…
The Conservatives
– We should see for ourselves.RedState’s rule is simple. … But I see no reason to advance on the Democrats with men and women little better than the Democrats they seek to replace. … We conservatives should relish the opportunity to become scalp collectors.…
Democrats Deploy Their Mississippi Strategy Against Jody Hice in Georgia
– Jody Hice, the undisputed conservative in the race to replace Congressman Paul Broun, is . . . well . . . a conservative. … In an organized effort, an outside group has begun mailing Democrats absentee ballot applications. … And they should win this district. But in an open runoff, Democrats are going to try to beat us.…
Ted Cruz Spearheads Another Obamacare Repeal And Replace Bill
– What is in place now is a three-piece plan, beginning with limited repeal and replace. … “Senate Democrats are listening to their radical left wing base of their party and so no health care reform legislation will garner … “The objective here, the test for success should be, are we reducing the cost of premiums?” Cruz said.…
Here's Why Biden Wouldn't Answer That Question About Packing The Supreme Court…answer-the-question-about-packing-the-supreme-court-n255118
– On Monday, Biden was asked several questions about his approach to the Supreme Court should he become president. … It’s obvious that if the Democrats held the White House and the Senate, they would not hesitate to replace Ginsburg.  … In the end, this is yet another battle that the Democrats are destined to lose.   …
Alarm Bells at the White House Over David Weprin's Race in NY-9
– The DCCC just dropped a half-million dollars into a district the Democrats should easily win.The House Majority PAC is suddenly dumping … They should. This was Chuck Schumer’s district and Anthony Weiner’s district and the race is extremely close. … warning sign for Democrats.…
Snatching Defeat From Jaws of Victory: GOP Is Losing The Obamacare Repeal Battle
– It should have been easy for the GOP to repeal it but they’re blowing it. … And now there’s little consensus on what Congress and the Trump administration should do next. … Meanwhile, Democrats are out there saying those mean Republicans are going to “take away your healthcare” to people.…
It's Official: Biden Announces Breyer's Retirement, Promises to Replace Him With a Black Woman…etirement-promises-to-replace-him-with-a-black-woman-n513305
– Thursday, President Joe Biden officially announced the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and vowed to swiftly replace … CNBC reported that, at this time, Jackson has support from all 50 Democrats and three Republicans, those being Sens. … As RedState reported on Thursday, Mazie Hirono told MSNBC that the concern should be based on people and “not making decisions just…
Please oh PLEASE, Democrats: Listen to Michael Moore.
– I get it, Democrats. You don’t like the choice of Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court. … You don’t want a conservative to replace the conservative Antonin Scalia. … Michael Moore believes you should. Lest he and others work to replace you.…
AOC Issues Laughable Threat To Trump And Barr Over Supreme Court
– a new Supreme Court Justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. … On Sunday, he indicated that he would be nominating a woman to replace Ginsburg. … If he wins re-election, the Democrats aren’t going to stop trying to remove him from office. …
Dems Calling to Burn Everything Down or Court Pack After RBG May Want to Listen to What She Had to Say…d-court-packing-after-rbgs-death-dishonor-her-memory-n254865
– If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire fucking thing down. … Should you transfer to a different class? … — Ed Markey (@EdMarkey) September 19, 2020 In other words, Democrats once again being Democrats.…