Results for: gain-of-function

Fauci Snarls Back at Former CDC Director Redfield, 'Unequivocally Incorrect' That He Was Sidelined…dfield-unequivocally-incorrect-that-he-was-sidelined-n714453
– Redfield had more bombshell revelations, including that gain-of-function research may be responsible for the pandemic: Rep. … Brad Wenstrup: “Has gain-of-function stopped a pandemic in your opinion?” Dr. … In other words, RedState was one of the first outlets to expose the story of how gain-of-function research might be behind the pandemic…
Oversight Subcommittee Hearing on COVID Origins Reaffirms Lab Leak Theory and Media Malfeasance…gins-reaffirms-lab-leak-theory-and-media-malfeasance-n713674
– His conclusion is based on the biology of the virus itself and unusual actions in and around Wuhan in 2019, including gain-of-function … Regarding Gain of Function Research Being Conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Funding of Same Subcommittee Chairman … Wenstrup: “In your expert opinion was the Wuhan Institute conducting gain-of-function research on a batch of coronaviruses?”…
2021 Lancet Letter: 'There's No Scientifically Validated Evidence That Directly Supports a Natural Origin' of COVID-19…res-no-direct-evidence-covid-19-originated-naturally-n712961
– In addition, he played a significant role in funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. … of the virus. … Laboratory research also includes more targeted approaches such as gain-of-function experiments relying on chimeric viruses to test…
House GOP Drop Bombshell Emails Exposing Fauci Involvement in Study to Disprove Lab Leak…sing-fauci-involvement-in-study-to-disprove-lab-leak-n712161
– “I think it’s because they were doing gain-of-function research there,” Jordan said, and Fauci didn’t want that to get out. … So much of what they told us wasn’t true, Jordan said, including the gain of function question which we have been reporting on for … We’ve reported how Fauci has not been straight about gain of function research in the past.…
WATCH: Fauci Get Rejected by Americans When He Pushes Vaccine, Makes Bad Comment About GOP…s-when-he-pushes-vaccine-makes-bad-comment-about-gop-n719168
– The video was taken in June 2021 as part of a PBS documentary featuring Fauci as part of its “American Masters” series to help viewers … of function. … As we can know, many people were vaccine-hesitant, for a variety of reasons, many of whom were not Republicans.…
Rand Paul Storms out of Committee Meeting After Dems Play Dirty With Firefighters' Jobs…meeting-after-dems-play-dirty-with-firefighters-jobs-n717195
– Paul also introduced a bill to prevent funding the NIH for “gain of function” research on the coronavirus in Wuhan, China, and other … Naturally, Paul was attempting to stop the madness of vaccine mandates, which should be stopped as the forced injection of a vaccine … imitate Paul’s views about methods of Democrat shenanigans.…
More Wuhan Insanity: Report Claims U.S. May Have Been Double Billed Tens of Millions of Dollars…have-been-double-billed-tens-of-millions-of-dollars-n715956
– So not only did American taxpayer dollars fund gain of function research in Wuhan, China, but we may have paid for this research twice … All of this keeps getting worse. … As the various investigations into the pandemic heat up, we can hope they finally unearth where the virus came from—and whether gain-of-function
Embattled Fauci Insists COVID Could Be 'Natural Occurrence,' Offers Ridiculous Explanation…be-natural-occurrence-offers-ridiculous-explanation-n715457
– Fauci “forgot” four critical and very germane words: gain-of-function research.  … Rand Paul (R-Ky.) during testimony about the U.S. government’s involvement in gain-of-function research in Wuhan — as well as Fauci … told Acosta that it’s possible a lab leak occurred after someone took the virus from the environment and “manipulated it” (see: gain-of-function
10 Facts About the Origin of SARS-CoV-2 Everyone Needs to Know
– More recently, Ebright was part of a panel testifying before Congress in August 2022 about gain of function research and (lack of) … Institute of Virology constructed a series of novel chimeric SARS-like coronaviruses that combined the spike gene of one bat SARS-like … In other words, in the years before the start of the pandemic, the Wuhan Institute of Virology had taken most of the steps needed to…
REPORT: Dr. Anthony Fauci and Spouse Dr. Christine Grady Used Their NIH Platforms to Prey on the American People…d-their-nhi-platforms-to-prey-on-the-american-people-n720299
– This first installment of their “House of Fauci” expose will make you want to chew nails. … So, a lot of the things that I do with regard to the development of vaccines, the development of therapies, being involved with outbreaks … As we have learned from Fauci’s relationship with Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance and their gain-of-function research, not to mention…
Let's Hope the Senate Oversight Committee Wipes the Smile off Anthony Fauci's Face…ht-committee-wipes-the-smile-off-anthony-faucis-face-n719739
– How, in the midst of what was supposed to be the worst pandemic of our lifetimes, Fauci appeared more interested in polishing his legacy … In Senate Oversight hearing after Oversight hearing, Fauci vociferously denied that he was involved in gain of function research. … his standing as head of the NIH.…
BREAKING: Former DNI Ratcliffe Testifies That Wuhan Lab Is Responsible for Spawning a Global Pandemic…an-lab-is-responsible-for-spawning-a-global-pandemic-n733070
– the release of the report. … And: The report determined that the U.S. government was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. … That’s why we’ve been calling for a halt in all viral gain-of-function research until we get the guardrails around it.”…
NEW: Major Senate Report Finds Two Lab Leaks Caused the COVID Pandemic, Cites Far Earlier Timeline…caused-the-covid-pandemic-cites-far-earlier-timeline-n732938
– The report determined that the U.S. government was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. … That’s why we’ve been calling for a halt in all viral gain-of-function research until we get the guardrails around it.” … Fauci continues to publicly mislead on the matter, insisting that gain-of-function research isn’t actually gain-of-function research…
As Parents' Rights Becomes a Hot Issue the Groomer Community Goes Nuts Fighting to Control Your Kids…er-community-goes-nuts-fighting-to-control-your-kids-n729981
of what was being taught to their children. … Instead, they are focused on making it easier for kids to gain the socialization they need to be valuable members of society instead … The language of parental rights can become a license to torture, as it did in the case of 13-year-old Hana Grace-Rose Williams.…
Scalise Promises Investigation into COVID Origin, Taxpayer Funding of Virus Weaponization Research…ding-of-virus-weaponization-research-in-new-congress-n662348
– funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through EcoHealth Alliance. … Various Senate committees have looked into US funding of gain-of-function research at Wuhan, and in October the Senate Health, Education … we’ve talked about a lot, and looking into whether or not taxpayer money was used by companies like EcoHealth Alliance to promote gain-of-function
Scientist Who Worked at Wuhan: COVID Man-Made, Cover-Up 'Biggest US Intelligence Failure Since 9/11'…cover-up-biggest-us-intelligence-failure-since-9-11-n668485
– RedState was one of the first publications to discover and spotlight EHA’s gain-of-function research at Wuhan, using NIH funds, back … Rand Paul’s charges that he approved funding for “gain-of-function” research. The Truth about Wuhan also shows how and why Dr. … Fauci's past testimony over gain-of-function research. — CNN (@CNN) July 20, 2021…
Fauci Runs Cover for CCP, Blames Trump for Their Secretiveness Over COVID Origins…mes-trump-for-their-secretiveness-over-covid-origins-n665022
– ANTHONY FAUCI: Oh, of course. I mean, I – I’m very much in favor ofof legitimate oversight. Absolutely. … Of course. … deserves the presumption of accuracy,” and which outlined gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology, funded by NIH…
Another Shameful Attack on Elon for Daring to Criticize the Left's 'COVID' Saint Fauci…for-daring-to-criticize-the-lefts-covid-saint-fauci-n672407
– They’re afraid of what else Elon Musk might drop about the cabal. … As my colleague Jennifer Van Laar reported, there’s a lot of there when it comes to legitimate questions and criticism of Dr. … Van Laar and my colleague Scott Hounsell wrote innumerable pieces about gain-of-function research even in the face of the powers that…
Elon Musk Flat-Out Says Fauci Lied to Congress and Gain-of-Function Research Killed People…congress-and-gain-of-function-research-killed-people-n672436
– As for Fauci, he lied to Congress and funded gain-of-function research that killed millions of people. Not awesome imo. … As for Fauci, he lied to Congress and funded gain-of-function research that killed millions of people. Not awesome imo. … demonetized, and even a domain-level strike against it at places like Facebook and Google, for posting anything suggesting that gain-of-function
While the House GOP Dithers, Their Ambitious Oversight and Accountability Agenda Withers…mbitious-oversight-and-accountability-agenda-withers-n683854
– Among the priorities: • Rescind “tens of billions of dollars allocated to the IRS for 87,000 new IRS agents in the Inflation Reduction … It’s a long list of oversight priorities, but one that instills glee in the hearts of conservatives and other Americans concerned by … taxpayers have funded gain of function research in China • The collusion within NIH to discredit the “lab leak” theory and push natural…
Elon Spills on When to Expect the 'Fauci Files'
of function research. … Musk also pointed out that Fauci restarted gain-of-function research and our Managing Editor, Jennifer Van Laar, pointed out how Fauci … NY Times softball article noted, he faces questioning by Congress in the future over his COVID actions and what he did regarding gain-of-function
Elon Points a Finger at 'Creepy' Detail About Fauci in NYT Farewell Article…at-creepy-detail-about-fauci-in-nyt-farewell-article-n680758
– The first part of the article captured the attention of many because it said so much about Fauci, as well as the cult of Fauci. … Musk also called him out on his actions regarding gain-of-function research. … Of course, the softball article didn’t ask him any tough questions or even touch on gain-of-function.…
Elon Exposes Twitter Channel About Fauci and Other Concerning Questions…r-channel-about-fauci-and-other-concerning-questions-n680390
– Musk also noted the problem with gain-of-function research and that Fauci restarted it. … “Gain-of-function” in this context is just another way of saying “bioweapon”. Some good nuggets in article. … Important to note that Fauci authored 2012 paper arguing for gain-of-function research!…
Pfizer Finally Responds to Bombshell Project Veritas Sting Gone Bad
– In the ongoing development of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer has not conducted gain of function or directed evolution … In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered … While Pfizer insists it performs no gain-of-function research, it goes on to admit that in a “limited number of cases,” the company…
Project Veritas: Pfizer Director Claims the Company Is Mutating COVID-19 to Create New Vaccines…company-is-mutating-covid-19-to-create-new-vaccines-n694006
– Some pushing of the envelope may be necessary, but when you start getting into things that sound an awful lot like gain of function … What’s the point of developing future vaccines for strains of COVID-19 that don’t actually exist if that pursuit causes a pandemic … That it has made a ton of money over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, mostly receiving it by force from taxpayers, only further…
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