Results for: the big guy
RINO Jay Dardenne to Endorse Democrat John Bel Edwards for #LAGov
Via Scott McKay at The Hayride:
The problem for Vitter isn’t the votes Dardenne brings. … ad about Edwards letting crooks out of jail is a lie and that Edwards is a big public safety guy (who promised to have 5,500 less … , the guy who implements the governor’s agenda – and Vitter gave him a hearty “Nope.”…
The Election of Erdogan Makes the Fight Against ISIS More Difficult
The most significant development in the fight against ISIS over the last week went largely unreported on by the American media. … and even Gallup blew it big time in the 2012 Presidential elections. … That having been said, this isn’t America or Canada or Great Britain, and the guy who lost power doesn’t really have democratic ideals…
RedState scoops the Wall Street Journal over young people evading Obamacare.
So, there’s an op-ed at the Wall Street Journal that takes the time to explain the really big problem (well, one of the really big … I should know, because I was the one who wrote the warnings. … I’m not really yelling at the Wall Street Journal, mind you: after all, Andy Puzder (the guy who wrote the op-ed) is probably fully…
Hillary Clinton is "too big to jail"
James Covey has been engaged in a rather public spat with the White House over the Black Lives Matter bunch, and the impact of police … The White House declined to describe the conversation.
… The legacy of the Obama administration will be the end of the very idea that that is the case anymore.…
Dear Jeb Bush, It Is Time To Take Your Campaign Out Back And Shoot It
Marco Rubio (R-FL)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’R000595′ ] as the Republicans’ Barack Obama.
The confrontation was predictable. … It was obvious given the drumbeat of the campaign. The Bush campaign so openly telegraphed it that it gave [mc_name name=’Sen. … He failed to shine the rest of the debate except in a question about fantasy football, then had Chris Christie denounce the question…
Obama and Kerry accelerate the collapse of American power in the Middle East
The Russian air force has focused its bombing on the U.S. … But I must also consider that he is the head of a state, and that state is a big state, and he feels that state should have a decision-making … In his words, “In strategy the longest way round is often the shortest way there; a direct approach to the object exhausts the attacker…
Breaking: Rosie O'Donnell Has Apparently Been Given Authority by God to Condemn People to Hell, Starts With Paul Ryan
Waiting for us is that sense of wonder the shepherds felt when the angels appeared in the night sky to herald the birth of a Savior … She called him a “fake alter boy” and even compared him to Judas, the guy who betrayed Jesus. … Or perhaps Rosie has a direct line to God, and knows for certain that Ryan is condemned to burn forever because she and the big guy…
Golden Globes 2018: The Sound of Silence
Still, the guy definitely has a penchant for much, much, much younger girls, including leaving Farrow to marry another one of her daughters … broke the Weinstein story in The New Yorker. … The Golden Globes nominees are selected, and the eventual winners voted, by the members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association,…
You Can Call Him "President Christie" - Almost
Said Christie:
“It’s incredibly frustrating to think to yourself, ‘Wow, if this guy were not in the race, we’d win this thing,'” … “What Bridgegate did was deprive me of the benefit of the doubt — that’s all,” he said. “That’s a big thing. … “They were the three guys in charge and they were the ones who ultimately made that recommendation to the president.…
Bannon Ouster Imminent?
One of the things I miss is how he would tell me ahead of time about big stories that he was about to break. … He would tell me about something like, say, the Anthony Weiner story, or a big ACORN expose, the day before it broke. … guy [Bannon].…
Former Sheriff David Clarke to Face Trial in Airport Bullying Case
Out of all the contemptible characters to spring out of the Trump clown car, through the 2016 presidential race, former Milwaukee County … Clarke likes to roll big and bad, as if that will take away from the fact that he’ll never be more than a bit player in the scene he … Let’s hope the jury does the right thing.
David Clarke is a despicable guy.…
SHOTS FIRED! The White House Responds to Bannon Quotes From New Book
of the blame for) in the early days of the Trump White House? … With Steve Bannon being such a big part of the stories coming out of Wolff’s book today, it would seem the MAGA camp will be split. … Look, I’m a huge fan of Don Jr., I just feel bad for the guy because this is Jared’s game and he’s just caught up in this mess now.…
Steve Bannon: Yeah, Breitbart Is Not Really a Legitimate Organization
That may be true of the site under Steve Bannon. It wasn’t the case under Andrew Breitbart. … Here’s the relevant passage from the Guardian:
The meeting was revealed by the New York Times in July last year, prompting Trump … Andrew once wanted me to be the editor of one of the “Big” sites (Big Journalism) that preceded their consolidation into…
HOT: In Upcoming Book, Steve Bannon Blasts Trump Jr.'s White House Meeting with Russians as "Treasonous"…ts-trump-jr-s-white-house-meeting-russians-treasonous-n82263…ts-trump-jr-s-white-house-meeting-russians-treasonous-n82263
The Guardian has gotten a peek at a book called “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.” … Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state, is quoted as saying: “It is a war between the Jews and the non-Jews.” … Bannon worked hard to drive the populist message, while “Javanka” are big government liberals who have interests abroad.…
CLICK HERE To Increase the Size and Stamina of Your Nuclear Arsenal!
President Donald Trump explains to reporters just how big the button actually is. … That moment, when the future President of the United States of America defended the size of his penis, marked the exact moment that … I am not the most morally upright guy.…
Net Neutralized - by Government: Iran’s Mullahs Kill the Web
Governments the world over are big fans of shutting down the World Wide Web. … He’s the guy the mindless, screeching Left have very repeatedly – and again very recently – accused of wanting to kill the Internet … The kind of massive government on the Web that allows the government to kill the Internet – as we’re now seeing in Iran.…
Do We Really Have Any Idea About What Is Happening In Iran...And So What If We Don't?
I served under a guy who’d been a military adviser to the Iranian Army under the Shah. … Where the government has managed to very successfully revive oil production and exports to former big customers, like the EU, and rejuvenate … This reads a lot like the Romanian revolution in 1989 that led the Ceaucescus to the firing squad.…
17 Things That Need to Die With 2017
Save your outrage over the obnoxious tweets for the guy who actually tweeted them.
3. Useless hashtag activism. … According to Twitter, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai was changing the policy because he was the puppet of big internet companies who were going … AOL Instant Messenger is dead, but the rest of the internet still lives.
The hysteria was even worse over the tax bill.…
The Long Knives Come out for Devin Nunes
It seems that Nunes’ two big sins are believing that the Russia probe is a sham, p0litically motivated investigation and thinking that … the FBI and Justice are more a part of the problem than they are part of the solution. … Maybe he’s too deeply tied up in the Uranium One fiasco when he was the guy who decided no charges would be filed and who hit a key…
Morning Briefing for September 7, 2010
recent who was routinely compared by the left to HitlerBy the way, I think it is starting to dawn on the American public that the reason … The other guy in the race, whose name is not worth remembering, is on video saying he supported abortion rights because if he ever … Please click here for the rest of the post.
Morning Briefing for September 3, 2010
He’s a genuinely nice guy. I liked him immediately. But the Maes campaign is amateur hour. … We have a chance to shift that state back toward us.But Maes is not the guy to lead that shift. … His remaining at the top of the ballot jeopardizes the GOP down ballot.…
Morning Briefing for September 15, 2010
Don’t Repeat the Mistakes of the Past
2. Facts About the RedState Gathering
3. … The Senate GOP stood with Bob Bennett, then that other guy, while conservatives stood with Mike Lee. … click here for the rest of the post.
Dear Union Members: Will you follow your union bosses or the Founding Fathers on Nov. 2nd?…you-follow-your-union-bosses-or-the-founding-fathers-n36189…you-follow-your-union-bosses-or-the-founding-fathers-n36189
The problem is, the solution the snake oil salesmen sells usually comes at a cost. … or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. … Well, Dell’s a big guy, you might think, he’s rich, who cares? You might when it happens to you.…
What's At Stake In Delaware
Tomorrow, the voters in seven states and the District of Columbia go to the polls to conclude the primary election season. … This is an especially big problem when you’re dealing with the last vote in a majority. … Hogan adds detail to the behind-the-scenes dynamic of adding a guy to the caucus who is neither conservative nor trustworthy:
Where I Was On September 11
When I got above ground, there was a crowd gathering to see the horror above: a big hole somewhere in the top 15-20 stories of the … I thought of the guy who cleans the coffee machines, someone I barely speak to but see every day, who has to be in at that hour. … Aragorn responds that, to the contrary, it is the simpleness and even the pettiness of the hobbits that makes the task worthwhile,…