Results for: gain-of-function

Lauren Boebert Is in Trouble and Republicans Better Play Hardball
– With the 2020 census in the books, all eyes are now on the redistricting that’s going on in various states in regards to the House of … How the lines will now be drawn has been placed in the hands of a “non-partisan” commission, something that never exists in function … It’s the first test of the commission model approved by voters in 2018.…
List Service With Kira Davis: The 'Do Not Ignore These Things' List
– Welcome to List Service with Kira Davis, the weekly podcast for VIP subscribers that runs down the most interesting stories of the … Pledged to the Chinese to Commit Treason in Order to Undermine Donald Trump Scott Hounsell – REVEALED: Fauci Ignored Obama’s Ban on Gain-of-Function
An Open Letter to the President of George Washington University; We Shouldn't Be Awarding Fauci…washington-university-we-shouldnt-be-awarding-fauci-n444391
– a pause in funding for gain-of-function research.  … Gain of Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS Viruses (, and … Anthony Fauci, the Director of the NIAID who touted the benefits of gain-of-function research for the better part of the last decade…
CODE RED: The Manchurian Twins, Mark Milley and Tony Fauci
– Plenty has been written and will be written about Fauci’s connection to the Wuhan Lab and his continuing denials of gain of function … Read Scott Hounsell’s excellent takedown of America’s own little Napoléon. … If Milley dereliction of duty is true, or even close to accurate (based on what we previously learned about Milley’s hatred of Trump…
REVEALED: Fauci Ignored Obama's Ban on Gain-of-Function Research, Ordered Coronavirus Studies to Continue…ion-research-ordered-coronavirus-studies-to-continue-n442198
– ’s Department of Health and Human Services issued a moratorium on US funding of gain-of-function research, which took effect in 2014 … Below is a copy of the letter sent to UNC: Of the 14 gain-of-function studies that were occurring at the time of the issued pause … In summary: The Obama Administration ordered a pause in gain-of-function research.…
Tom Cotton Has Best Response After Fauci Confirms What Psaki Wouldn’t on Possible Travel Restrictions…s-what-psaki-wouldnt-on-possible-travel-restrictions-n442663
– Rand Paul (R-KY) and others regarding, among other things, his repeated denials about U.S. grant funding of gain of function research … who lied to Congress about funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab? … Well, correct me if I’m wrong here, but I think lying about U.S. funding of gain of function research is a serious wrongdoing worthy…
Dr. Fauci Is Finally Asked About Natural Immunity and Now I Want to Punch a Wall…bout-natural-immunity-and-now-i-want-to-punch-a-wall-n441237
– The latest example comes courtesy of documents that prove Fauci lied about NIH funding going to gain-of-function research in Wuhan, … Of course not. … The head of NIAID and the face of the pandemic response has no idea whether natural immunity exists or is durable?…
Dr. Fauci Accidentally Reveals Who He Really Is When Asked About Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandates…ally-is-when-asked-about-joe-bidens-vaccine-mandates-n440994
– Rand Paul (R-KY) and others regarding, among other things, his repeated denials about U.S. grant funding of gain of function research … What Biden did yesterday was not “somewhat moderate” nor “somewhat of a compromise” by any stretch of the imagination, for reasons … But, in addition to his lies about funding for gain of function research, Fauci revealing to the American people that he would be even…
FACT CHECK: Jen Psaki Covers for Fauci, Lies About US Funding of Gain-of-Function Research…i-lies-about-us-funding-of-gain-of-function-research-n440633
– The NIH’s own website describes Gain of Function as follows (emphasis added): The term gain-of-function (GOF) research describes … Ralph Baric, one of the lead researchers at the University of North Carolina and the “godfather of gain-of-function research” placed … Is gain-of-function the process of making viruses more deadly?  Yes. Did the NIH fund this research through multiple channels? …
While You Are Worrying About Hostages and Terrorism the State Department Is Dealing With the Real Issue in Afghanistan…rtment-is-dealing-with-the-real-issue-in-afghanistan-n440100
– about illegally funding “gain of function” and may have significantly contributed to the current pandemic (The Intercept’s New COVID … Of course the intact one. … Not just one idiot like Blinken, but the spawn of generations of inbreeding, groupthink, and total lack of accountability.…
Modern Day Druids: Democrats and the Church of Climate Change
– We’re all going to die in a number of years. The Church of Climate Change has deemed it so. … As you see the floods of Ida, the storms of Ida in the South and in the Northeast, Mother Nature is not happy with us, in terms of … In 2019, I wrote an article about the Church of Climate Change from the perspective of a non-believer.…
Rand Paul on Fauci Lying to Congress: "It’s a Felony Punishable by Five Years in Jail"…ngress-its-a-felony-punishable-by-five-years-in-jail-n439921
– Information about Fauci’s NIH and its connections to the gain-of-function research that happened at the virology lab in Wuhan, China … Toward the end of the interview, Hannity asked what would happen to him if he had ever lied to congress and what kind of penalty that … “We’ve referred it to the Department of Justice.…
Tom Cotton Blisters Tony Fauci for Lecturing America as He Hides His Involvement in COVID’s Creation…erica-as-he-hides-his-involvement-in-covids-creation-n439771
of our lives. … Hundreds of thousands of people are dead, many more have been seriously ill, kids have lost a year, now going on a second year of their … involvement in gain-of-function research funding, sparking heated moments between him and Fauci.…
Lancet COVID Origins Commission Disbanded; RedState's Reporting Vindicated Yet Again…s-disbanded-redstates-reporting-vindicated-yet-again-n448634
– First, it was The Intercept validating our reporting on gain-of-function research funding. … Of the remaining six, all of them are Daszak loyalists. … the conflict of other members of the commission, and fortunately, at least this portion of Dr.…
Marble Halls & Silver Screens With Sarah Lee Ep. 106: The 'Virus Funding, Courier, And Voluntary Vax Mandate' Edition…us-funding-courier-and-voluntary-vax-mandate-edition-n447643
– Anthony Fauci, patron saint of prolonging the pandemic, and anything related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. … million grant, $600,000 of which went to the WIV. … the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for the $14 million grant for bat research “over fears it could result in gain-of-function
New 'Lancet' Letter Says There's No Direct Evidence COVID-19 Originated Naturally…r-condemning-daszak-others-on-covid-origins-cover-up-n445734
– and on the World Health Organization’s team that investigated the origins; in addition, he played a significant role in funding gain-of-functionof the virus. … Laboratory research also includes more targeted approaches such as gain-of-function experiments relying on chimeric viruses to test…
Fauci's Gain-of-Function Co-Conspirator, NIH Director Francis Collins, to Step Down…onspirator-nih-director-francis-collins-to-step-down-n452117
of gain-of-function research on the Coronavirus. … As RedState previously covered, Collins had promoted gain-of-function research on the Coronavirus alongside Fauci. … Tom Collins pointed out that if the gain-of-function research into the coronavirus was true, then Collins and Fauci did so against…
Joe Rogan Interviews Sanjay Gupta and a Train Wreck Ensues
– ” amid other unfair, out-of-context claims. … Here’s one of them. … Later, Gupta and Rogan shared a discussion on gain-of-function research that went much smoother, with Gupta actually being upfront…
Cruz Rips Garland Apart and Mails the Pieces Back to Him in Blistering Exchange…mails-the-pieces-back-to-him-in-blistering-exchange-n464562
– It was definitely a barnburner of a list from the demonizing of parents to whether he’s investigating Dr. … Anthony Fauci for lying to Congress over the funding of gain-of-function research in relation to the Wuhan virus. … Fauci said, “The NIH has not ever and does not now, fund gain-of-function research.”…
Ted Cruz Nails Garland on the Questions He Needs to Answer Now
– Just as with his House testimony, one of the major targets of the questioning of Garland is his decision to order a federal effort … Anthony Fauci for lying to Congress about gain-of-function research on the Wuhan virus? … Fauci told Congress that the administration had not funded gain-of-function research, when in fact, as we have previously reported,…
Lawmakers Call For Investigation Into 'Secretive' NIH Payments To Wuhan Lab
– the lab suspected of being the source of the COVID outbreak. … “In 2017, NIH Director Francis Collins personally supported and celebrated the resumption of dangerous taxpayer-funded ‘gain-of-function … “[E]xperts now claim that WIV’s gain-of-function research could very well have engineered the novel coronavirus that caused the pandemic…
35 Questions for Dr. Fauci
– What was the purpose of National Institute of Health’s grant AI23946-08 to UNC-Chapel Hill as relates to synthetic alteration of Coronaviridae … What do you know about “gain of function” experimentation on the virus? Why would it be conducted and by whom? … What is the true/accurate number of Americans who have died from (i.e., because of) the virus?…
The Actions of the Establishment Interests in Washington Reflect Fear of the Political Coalition Formed By Donald Trump…reflect-fear-of-the-coalition-formed-by-donald-trump-n309286
– The Members of Congress present in the Capitol on January 6 were assembled to perform a function they were obligated to perform by … The identification and prosecution of those who did so — regardless of motive — is a non-ideological response, and the Department ofof the House. …
Opinion: These United States, a Tale of Two Cities
– Above Photo: Charles Dickens It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness … , it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the … spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.…
Bipartisan House Unanimously Votes to Declassify Intel Regarding COVID Origins
– “In January of 2020, Dr. … Fauci and his institution funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money to promote dangerous gain-of-function research … into the origins of the disease,” Himes said.…
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