Results for: democrats should replace

Ted Strickland (D) launches his futile bid for Ohio-SEN today.
– The Democrats would get a max of two terms out of him, tops, and I’m being kind in pretending that they’d even have the chance. … And he should have shown up for it; the fact that he didn’t pretty much confirms the conventional wisdom that Ohio is better off under … He certainly won’t be allowed to be a ‘centrist,’ even by the Democrats’ flexible definition of the term; and it was Democratic extremism…
Obama's wasted opportunity to counter "violent extremism."
– Rather than quoting him we should be considering giving him a very long prison sentence. Nonsense recommendations. … As my colleague Leon Wolf noted yesterday, Obama has succeeded in turning liberal Democrats into neocons. … Unless Obama plans to go full metal Ann Coulter and uproot what currently passes for governance in the Islamic world, replace it with…
#ILTurnaround: Gov. Rauner is Trying to Bring Fiscal Sanity to Illinois
– But I should also note what he’s already done: One of his first moves upon taking office was to issue an executive order blocking … In the words of Chicago’s ABC 7, he wants “to junk the state pension system and replace it with a 401k-style system that he says could … With Democrats holding majorities in both houses of the Illinois legislature, it’ll be interesting to see just how much of his budget…
Sen. Dan Coats (R, Indiana) to retire at end of term.
– The good news about this race is that there’s a good talent pool on the GOP side to replace Dan Coats*: the Democrats have precisely … It should be a hoot to watch. Moe Lane (crosspost) *Because there is no such thing as a meaningless election.…
Why Does the House Continue to Act Like They Don't Have the Majority?
– I’m not even talking about Obamacare, where arguably the most conservative repeal-and-replace plan—that offered by Rand Paul—can’t … have stated views on health care, but to be honest, his true opinions are basically incompatible with anything the GOP or many Democrats … /from Mar-A-Lago harder and b) we have a much more conservative government in place than when this plan, designed to appeal to Democrats
BREAKING: Trump's 'Repeal and Replace' Pick Dr. Tom Price CONFIRMED as HHS Secretary
– Price’s nomination, saying that his experience in healthcare should “horrify” you and that he wants to “destroy fundamental protections … Price has stated his support for protections for preexisting conditions, saying no one should be denied coverage on that basis. … But the tl;dr is this: He’s the new HHS Secretary, he supports repeal and replace, and Democrats despise him.…
Snatching Defeat From Jaws of Victory: GOP Is Losing The Obamacare Repeal Battle
– It should have been easy for the GOP to repeal it but they’re blowing it. … And now there’s little consensus on what Congress and the Trump administration should do next. … Meanwhile, Democrats are out there saying those mean Republicans are going to “take away your healthcare” to people.…
This Is How You Got TrumpCare: Republicans Don't Know What They Believe Any More
– Republicans ran on a very simple promise: repeal and replace ObamaCare. … Imagine a world in which the Democrats managed to enact a policy of communism. … They believe in the same welfare-state principles as the Democrats, just on a slightly smaller scale.…
Judge Gorsuch Is Good, But So What?
– Candidate Trump pledged to repeal and replace Obamacare. He, and the GOP leadership, failed miserably. … That can and should be noted. … However, it should not give rise to a lax attitude toward other things which flow from this administration.…
Who Deserves the Blame for the AHCA Failure?
– I never said repeal & replace it within 64 days," Trump in Oval. … The fact is, Trump tweeted many times his desire to “immediately” repeal and replace Obamacare. … The leaders should lead.…
We Must Apologize to the Democratic Party
– “You have no plan to replace it, to reform the system, to fix the mess” they cried. … You see, the Democrats were right all along. We, very clearly, had no plan. … You ran on repeal and replace, and you should repeal and replace. But, the Democrats were right all along.…
DNC Chair Says 'Republicans Don't Give a Sh** About People,' RNC Chair Slams Him in Her Response
– “I think the Democrats should be denouncing his behavior this weekend,” she said. … “To say Republicans don’t give a blank about people – that should not be rhetoric the head of the Democratic Party should be using, … It’s nice to have Republicans firing back and calling out the divisive rhetoric from Democrats.…
Strangest Bedfellows: Major Trump Critic Joins The Donald In Attacking House Freedom Caucus…mp-critic-joins-donald-attacking-house-freedom-caucus-n69650
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2017 Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth … Trump included, to stick to their campaign promises for the last 7 years to REPEAL Obamacare, not take Obama’s name off of it and replace … on healthcare: I’m ready and willing to work with anyone, Republicans and/or Democrats, to fix our broken healthcare system and…
Democrats Fail to #FlipThe6th
– The big Georgia 6th District race to replace Tom Price went down on Tuesday, and the Democrats and their many, many Hollywood allies … First the Democrats: First, don’t believe the Democrat spin that “it should never have been this close.” … Until then, expect Democrats to keep dumping money in Georgia. The truth is, they need this win very badly.…
Top Trump Ally: Trump Should Make a Deal With Ruth Bader Ginsburg
– Ruddy’s logic is that if Trump replaces her with Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama’s choice to replace the late Justice Antonin … I said they should not have done it. I think that he still should pick Merrick Garland and do a deal. … Who is to say that Democrats still won’t continue to be obstructionists on everything going forward? Garland is 63 years old.…
Dear GOP: Why You Gotta Be So Hard On Yourself, Babe? (Or, Why AHCA Was So Hard To Pass)
– Speaker of the House Paul Ryan finally managed to do it: he got rid of that self-serving, “signature” legislation Democrats called … The Democrats were foaming at the mouth waiting for the GOP to fail to come together on their one unifying issue. … And he should. It was a contentious process that at times had him battling Democrats, the public, the press and his own party.…
Mike Lee's Idea for Merrick Garland to Head the FBI Isn't Crazy, But It Won't Happen
– is why people were puzzled as to why Senator Mike Lee tweeted the following: Instead of a special prosecutor, @realDonaldTrump should … nominate Merrick Garland to replace James Comey … Democrats wouldn’t be foolish enough to oppose Garland for obvious reasons. Still, it’s an idea that will not come to fruition.…
Ted Cruz Spearheads Another Obamacare Repeal And Replace Bill
– What is in place now is a three-piece plan, beginning with limited repeal and replace. … “Senate Democrats are listening to their radical left wing base of their party and so no health care reform legislation will garner … “The objective here, the test for success should be, are we reducing the cost of premiums?” Cruz said.…
The Five Smartest Reactions to the WaPo "Trump Leaked Classified Intel" Bomb
– The Washington Post is under scrutiny now, and should be. … This debate, which we assume to be inevitable, is a distraction and should be ignored. … And finally this excerpt: Eighth, this episode raises the stakes on the nomination of the FBI Director to replace Comey. …
Newspapers Pulling Support From Montana GOP Candidate After Assaulting Reporter
– Since Republicans took control of both elected branches of government in 2016 the Democrats have been searching for their toe-hold … his hands around the throat of a reporter asking him about his health care stance, threw him to the ground and punched him — he should … readers of the Missoulian know, Gianforte had repeatedly dodged questions about whether he would support the House plan to repeal and replace
Am I the Only One Who Is Losing Faith in...Well...Everything?
– The data shows the confidence that Republicans and Democrats have separately for national institutions, including churches/religious … proper obeisance to the right people, it’s at least nice to know you’re not entirely alone in feeling like things aren’t as they should … I can’t speak for him but I really don’t believe he meant to replace it with a “Republican-Media Complex” or  a “Populist-Media Complex…
The Myth That We Need New Republicans
– are ubiquitous once again as the GOP-led Congress continues to fail to repeal and replace Obamacare. … The answer to that is probably opposition to liberal Democrats more than anything. … Failure in that regard should not be excused. Nor should conservative constituents expect to elect yesmen.…
Then, Not And: Here's How You Drain The Obamacare Swamp
– Process matters, and here’s why “repeal, then replace” is the right process for all of us hurt by Obamacare. … Democrats routinely get what they want despite having fewer than 60 votes. … If Trump fights for “repeal, then replace,” he’s going to make me eat some words.…
President Donald Trump at Six Months: A Failure of Leadership
– With too many defectors among Republicans and zero support from Democrats, the effort is pretty much dead. … Now he’s blaming Democrats and some Republicans: We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans. … It went from, “Repeal Obamacare, and we’ll replace!” to “Let Obamacare die, and we’ll replace!” in less than 24 hours. …
Obamacare Repeal-Only Fails in the Senate, Seven Republicans Vote "No"
– The plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it later failed to get enough votes to pass because seven Republican Senators joined the Democrats … The “no” votes should come as no surprise to anyone. They were: Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.) … It would be a first step towards repeal and all Senators should support it.”…
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