Results for: Bernie Sanders
Think Progress Shuts Down After Failing to Secure a New Investor
Another indicator of the deepening problems was this spring when Bernie Sanders erupted in direct conflict with the CAP over the editorial … Making this all the more intriguing — Sanders’ campaign manager is a former editor-in-chief of Think Progress.…
Ted Cruz Busts Bernie's Bizarre Population Control Position, Suggests He's Picked Thanos as Running Mate…rol-position-suggests-hes-picked-thanos-running-mate-n114678…rol-position-suggests-hes-picked-thanos-running-mate-n114678
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) “reached a new level of depravity” at the CNN climate change town hall Wednesday with his endorsement of third-world … “Well, Martha, the answer is yes,” Sanders said. … Bernie: I agree. We need to fund abortions to poor, third world countries.…
Bernie Sanders Reaches a New Level of Depravity
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during the first of two Democratic presidential primary debates hosted by CNN Tuesday, July 30, 2019, … Bernie Sanders wants to take taxpayer money and use it to fund abortions in "poor countries" to fight climate change … Of course Bernie agrees with it.…
Kira Davis: Abortion Is Not a "Gift" To The Black Community
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during the first of two Democratic presidential primary debates hosted by CNN Tuesday, July 30, 2019, … The audience was there for Bernie and Warren and they were only there for Bernie and Warren. … It was the usual climate talk, but what struck me the most was when Bernie Sanders responded to a question about population control…
What Will The Democratic Primaries Produce?
However, Elizabeth Warren is on the rise, Bernie Sanders remains at the top, and the loudest voices are trying to out-progressive each … Likewise, his “I’m Not Elizabeth Warren/Bernie Sanders” trait will keep him afloat against one of those two superprogressives.…
The Democrat Establishment Fears Bernie Sanders and Unleashes the Washington Post Fact Checker On Him
Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks at rally in Fort Worth, Texas, Thursday, April 25, 2019. … With that in mind, it is obvious that the Bernie Sanders candidacy is not highly favored by the Democrat powers-that-be because, perhaps … The takeaway from this is that Bernie is scaring the right people.…
Bernie Sanders Got Me A Job (Part Two)
Bernie Sanders Got Me a Job (Part One)…
Beware the Bern...Bernie Sanders Wants to Tax Your Meat
Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks at rally in Fort Worth, Texas, Thursday, April 25, 2019. … (AP Photo/Michael Ainsworth)
Perpetual presidential candidate Bernie Sanders continues his “Gimme” tour with more and more promises … You may be completely shocked to learn that Bernie Sanders responded by affirming that indeed, America needs to be more like the nation…
The "Existential" Reelection of President Trump
This is the attitude of hardcore socialists like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris. … Harris, Warren, and Sanders have the Senate, but what does Biden have to return to other than the lecture circuit? …
Republicans Shouldn’t be in the Business of Regulating Ridesharing
The call for higher pay and more benefits for drivers is a regular refrain of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, even while their…
Alyssa Milano Has a Plan to Save America - Featuring Attorney General Cory Booker…might-expect-featuring-attorney-general-cory-booker-n114171…might-expect-featuring-attorney-general-cory-booker-n114171
Which is what the Kremlin did during the Sanders-Clinton primary, to devastating effect. … Bernie Sanders playing the role, as Secretary of Health and Human Services would ensure every person in America could access health…
Always The Bridesmaid, Never The Bride
Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks at rally in Fort Worth, Texas, Thursday, April 25, 2019. … Sanders can’t. … And, let’s be clear: Sanders and Warren have the same base.…
Kamala Harris Nears Cancellation
The Democratic primary is essentially a three horse race right now and Bernie Sanders is mostly a mirage. … What’s most likely to happen is that Sanders and Warren continue to split the crazy vote while Biden coasts down the middle.…
Bloodshed in Houston: The Winners and Losers of the Democratic Debate
A debate featuring Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren front and center, surrounded by Andrew Yang, Pete Buttigieg, Amy … The Winners: Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders
It should come as little surprise that the highest-polling candidates are … Essentially, Warren and Sanders are the same, and they showed it in the way they responded to questions.…
Joy Behar Hopes Elizabeth Warren Puts Bernie in a Headlock During the Debate, and We May All Be Deported…beth-warren-puts-bernie-headlock-debate-may-deported-n115131…beth-warren-puts-bernie-headlock-debate-may-deported-n115131
Amid discussion on The View, the outspoken lady made quite a statement involving everyone’s favorite rich uncle, Bernie Sanders, who … I would like to see Elizabeth Warren put Bernie [Sanders] in a headlock. I really would enjoy that.”…
Marianne Williamson Heard Praising Conservatives Over Leftists for Civility During Hot Mic Moment…ising-conservatives-leftists-civility-hot-mic-moment-n115093…ising-conservatives-leftists-civility-hot-mic-moment-n115093
ready and willing to work for a specific candidate as evidenced by the way they were found to have been actively working against Bernie … Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 elections.…
“Medicare for All” Model Set Back Kidney Care by Stifling Innovation and Access…odel-set-back-kidney-care-stifling-innovation-access-n115025…odel-set-back-kidney-care-stifling-innovation-access-n115025
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) says, “We should be spending money on doctors, nurses, mental health specialists, dentist and other professionals…
That Democratic Party Favorability Advantage Just Went Poof
If the nominee ends up being an Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, Trump will immediately have the foil he needs to propel himself…
It's Not a Right, Democrats
Bernie Sanders by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original
Americans have God-given rights that are outlined conveniently … Bernie Sanders alone seems to come up with a new right every day and throws them around like Oprah giving out free cars. … In fact, it’s a common thing among Democrats be it Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders.…
Report: DNC Is Feverishly, Confidently Stockpiling Op Research Against Trump; But These Two Words Might Just Blow Up Their World…ly-stockpiling-op-research-trump-ahead-2020-election-n114830…ly-stockpiling-op-research-trump-ahead-2020-election-n114830
And Bernie Sanders is just a bridge too far to win a general election, especially after his call for U.S. taxpayers to pay for abortions…
The Democrats Can Make Tulsi Gabbard Its Saving Grace or Its Worst Nightmare
by resigning from her post as vice-chair when it was discovered that the DNC had rigged 2016 for Hillary Clinton, and endorsed Bernie … Sanders as a result.…
Mark Sanford Is Probably Not The Right Guy To Challenge Trump
trying to decide if they can go with Biden or side with Trump if an absolute trainwreck of a socialist (see: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie … Sanders) gets nominated.…
The More the Democrats Talk, the More Likely They Are to Lose
Mrs Warren’s commitment to Governor Jay Inslee’s (D-WA) proposals has not been included on her campaign website as of yet.
² – Bernie … Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Pete Buttigieg, and Julian Castro have also expressed similar sentiments.…
Just Say "No!" to the United Nations
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has promised to “execute and enforce desegregation orders” but has not said how.…
Iowa Family Donates $10 Elizabeth Warren Spent at Their Lemonade Stand to Pro-Life Movement…zabeth-warren-spent-lemonade-stand-pro-life-movement-n115921…zabeth-warren-spent-lemonade-stand-pro-life-movement-n115921
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) August 8, 2019
Elizabeth Warren is trying to loosen Bernie Sanders'…