Results for: Sen. John Kennedy

Senator John Kennedy Said GOP Senators Couldn't Get Their Heads Far Enough up Their Butts to See the Stimulus Bill Pelosi's Way
– FILE – In this June 18, 2018, file photo, Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., listens during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. … Louisiana Senator John Kennedy serves on the Senate Judiciary, Budget, and Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs committees. … Senator Kennedy, it’s great to see you this morning. Thanks very much for joining us. SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): You bet.…
Sen. John Kennedy in Light of the Border Ban: The Dems' Stance on Immigration is 'On-The-Pipe Crazy'
Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., left, joined at center by Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., and Sen. … John Kennedy has strong words for congressional Dems following staffers being banned from the border. … John thinks Democrats have.…
Trump Gets to the Heart of Why Dems Continue to Target Kavanaugh, Urges the SCOTUS Justice to Sue for Libel…inue-target-kavanaugh-urges-scotus-justice-sue-libel-n115364
– on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018, for the third day of his confirmation to replace retired Justice Anthony Kennedy … Back in May, Sen. … that their loudly-voiced hypocritical complaints about the politicization of the Supreme Court have likely influenced Chief Justice John
Congressional Democrat's Wife Goes on Rant Because Her Marriage Counseling Isn't 100% Covered by Taxpayers…rant-marriage-counseling-isnt-100-covered-taxpayers-n114997
– -ALEX   See 3 more pieces from me: Sen. … John Kennedy In Light Of The Border Ban: The Dems’ Stance On Immigration Is ‘On-The-Pipe Crazy’ Long Time Coming: Marvel Gives The…
Border Agents Have Begun Vetting the One-Million-Plus Migrants Claiming Asylum. What's Next?…one-million-plus-migrants-claiming-asylum-whats-next-n115731
– -ALEX   See 3 more pieces from me: Sen. … John Kennedy In Light Of The Border Ban: The Dems’ Stance On Immigration Is ‘On-The-Pipe Crazy’ Georgetown Students Recoil At Trump…
Republican Senator Praises Beto's Honesty, Compares Anti-Confiscation Dems to Bigfoot…etos-honesty-compares-anti-confiscation-dems-bigfoot-n115602
–     On Thursday, Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy had kind words for own-worst-enemy candidate Beto O’Rourke. … John believes the 2020 hopeful must’ve lost a page or two, but he ain’t the only one: “Beto’s copy of the Bill of Rights goes from … Sen. John had this to say: “I wouldn’t bet my house on it, and if I were betting your house, I’d probably say maybe.…
WH Explanation for Putting Marines at Biden's Political Speech Is Shameful…tting-marines-at-bidens-political-speech-is-shameful-n621970
– spot to talk to the American people, he didn’t talk about the concerns that are affecting the American people like inflation, as SenJohn Kennedy (R-LA) observed.…
John Kennedy Delivers Brilliant Response to Biden in Defense of Defamed Americans…nt-response-to-biden-in-defense-of-defamed-americans-n621823
Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) delivered a great response, as only he can, noting what a failure this was in a primetime address to use it to … Kennedy said that it sounded a lot like Hillary Clinton’s “deplorable” comment.…
Media Are Designing New Ways to Stoke Dem Hopes, GOP Fears for the Midterms…w-ways-to-stoke-dem-hopes-gop-fears-for-the-midterms-n625598
– Bush in 1992, Al Gore 2000, John McCain 2008, Mitt Romney 2012, Hillary Clinton 2016, Trump 2020. … John F. Kennedy announced his 1960 candidacy 10 months before Election Day. Bill Clinton was 13 months before in 1991, George W. … Same for Abbott, Noem, and Sen. Tim Scott (56) of South Carolina.…
Amy Klobuchar Pulls a Vote on Bipartisan Tech Legislation, Then Blames Ted Cruz…on-bipartisan-tech-legislation-then-blames-ted-cruz-n624674
– According to The Hill, Sen. … aimed at giving news outlets the ability to negotiate collectively with tech platforms after she said an adopted amendment offered by Sen … Klobuchar attempted to plea to Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), as Kennedy is a bill sponsor. She stated: “Sen.…
Moore to the Point - The Devil's Lettuce Is in the Details
– Louisiana Senator John Kennedy has affectionately been referred to at NewsTalkSTL as “a national treasure.” … ” — Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) on WH claims that the Build Back Better plan won't cost anything. — The Recount (@…
Jamie Dimon Reveals the Way Inflation Could Be Lowered, Apologizes to Elizabeth Warren…tion-could-be-lowered-apologizes-to-elizabeth-warren-n631389
Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) told the panelists: “I don’t want to brag about the expensive places I’ve been, but the night before last I went … Kennedy continued, asking Dimon if the government needs to get “off the back of the American people in terms of regulation,” and Dimon…
Tom Cotton Brings the 'Who's Tougher on Crime' Argument Democrats Don't Want to Have…ougher-on-crime-argument-democrats-dont-want-to-have-n403852
Sen. … they’ll find this debate revived all over again and on full blast heading into the 2022 midterms, where Republicans like Cotton, Sen … Related: Sen. John Kennedy Has an Inconvenient Reality Check for Joe Biden in Response to Gun Crime Speech…
Sen. John Kennedy Has an Inconvenient Reality Check for Joe Biden in Response to Gun Crime Speech…check-for-joe-biden-in-response-to-gun-crime-speech-n402302
John Kennedy (R-La.) shook his head as Biden suggested that supposed lax gun laws “in neighboring cities and states” were at least … “I don’t hate anyone,” Kennedy said during the interview. … Flashback: Sen. John Kennedy Has Absolutely Perfect Response to Democrat ‘Love Is the Answer’ Pablum…
The Real Solution to the Border Crisis
– continues unabated, with projections of 2 million illegals having entered the country this year by the end of December according to SenJohn Kennedy (R-LA). Arizona Gov.…
Trump Tells Packed House in CPAC Dallas Speech: "I Told You" So About Biden, Big Tech…pac-dallas-speech-i-told-you-so-about-biden-big-tech-n409470
– He derided GOP Sen. … In contrast, Trump had praise for Cassidy’s fellow Louisiana senator, a former Democrat and staunch Trump ally, John Kennedy.…
What’s Wrong With Kamala Harris?
Sen. Harris wasn’t picked as VP partner because Democrats desperately needed California’s huge pot of electoral votes. … John F. Kennedy wanted Texas so badly in 1960, he chose the crude Lyndon Johnson. An insecure Richard Nixon picked Spiro T. … John Nance Garner, who gave up House Speaker to become FDR’s No. 2, said the VP job wasn’t worth a warm bucket of spit.…
From JFK to AOC: How the Democrat Party Turned Into a 'Neo-Maoist Movement' — Victor Davis Hanson…urned-into-a-neo-maoist-movement-victor-davis-hanson-n415718
– The first quote above, of course, is from John F. … How did the Democrat Party of John F. … And this: “Politicians such as Sen.…
Sen. John Kennedy Rips Biden's "Defund the Police" Policies in His Signature John Kennedy Way…he-police-policies-in-his-signature-john-kennedy-way-n414901
– President Joe Biden is accusing Republicans of lying about his positions on defunding the police while discussing police reform during his recent town hall. When asked by Don Lemon to respond to Republicans who paint him and the Democrats as anti-police, he simply responded with “they’re lying,” to cheers...
Senate Passes the 1.2 Trillion 'Crap Sandwich' Infrastructure Bill
– Today’s passage of the 1.2 trillion Infrastructure bill is a win for Sen. … LA Sen. John Kennedy (R-Sagacious) went on Fox News’ the Ingraham Angle and called it a bill “chock full of stupid stuff.”…
CNN's Jake Tapper Gets Fact-Checked On Air By John Kennedy
Sen. John Kennedy was on Tapper’s show yesterday and got a taste of his fairness. … “That is classified information,” Kennedy interrupted. “They are dealing with classified information.” … Eventually, Kennedy would set the record straight. “Almost all of it is,” said Kennedy.…
Trump All But Triple-Dog Dares Bidens to Testify in Impeachment Hearings
Kennedy and Sen. … … If Republicans moved to call the Bidens during impeachment, Chief Justice John G. … Attorney John Durham’s report on the how the Russia collusion probe began.…
Sen. John Kennedy Compares Jeffrey Epstein to Drywall and Christmas Ornaments: 'Things That Don't Hang Themselves'…epstein-drywall-christmas-ornaments-things-dont-hang-n120692
– On Tuesday, Republican Louisiana Sen. … John Kennedy sounded off on the alleged suicide of sexually conspicuous financier Jeffrey Epstein. … But John does.…
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