Results for: trump

Trump, GOP Call for Action on Adam Schiff Fabricating Trump Quotes…tion-to-address-adam-schiff-fabricating-trump-quotes-n116405
– Adam Schiff (D-CA) fabricated Trump quotes. … There was classified information on the call since Trump was discussing other nations with the Ukrainian president. … President Trump also called on Schiff to resign.…
Trump the Traitor? Twitter Tempers Flare After Trump/Putin Press Conference
Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018 You’ve probably heard that President Trump met with Vladimir Putin and held a joint press … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018 The press conference only served to fluff even more fannies when Trump seemed to go too … Was this a case of Trump being Trump, Trump being clueless, or Trump being a traitor?…
Dan Crenshaw Weighs In On Trump/McCain Feud, Trump Fans Respond
– Dan Crenshaw (R) publicly reached out on Twitter and advised Trump to cease his attacks on McCain. “Mr. … “It’s bad for our military and veterans community and it’s bad for Donald Trump. This doesn’t help him. … Crenshaw isn’t the only GOP lawmaker criticizing Trump for attacking the late McCain, as Texas Rep.…
An Uproar Over Trump Branded Yarmulkes Proves Trump Derangement Ignores Facts
– supposed sacrilegious act is so utterly mockable, and the provably hollow examples show cheap and bitter attempts to slander President Trump … He exemplifies this knee-jerk outrage to attack Trump for the appearance of anyone wearing the kippah emblazoned with Trump iconography … But now when Trump supporters engage in the practice that has been commonplace for at least a decade prior it becomes a theistic crisis…
Kira Davis: 'Never Trump' Never Really Hated Trump...They Hated You
– In 2016 I was firmly in the anti-Trump camp as we rolled into election night. … The Republican voter base spoke and Trump was their pick. … No, it was never Donald Trump these people hated.…
Former Trump Aide Steve Bannon Calls Trump "Scumbag" In New Book.
– Bannon was quoted in F&F and has saved some of his material for this new tell-all book on Trump. … This is not the first time that Trump has been accused of not being as rich as he has claimed. … However, claiming that Trump is crooked and his finances would show that is quite the charge.…
How Will Non-Trump Republicans Navigate Around Their Very Trump Base?
– This would be Republican politicians like Josh Hawley (populist) and Matt Gaetz (Trump-like/Trump cult-like). … He is also far more prosecutorial and legislative in his approach than Trump was. Trump was a bomb-thrower. … There will be others stepping forward, whether Trump runs again or not.…
What on Earth Was Trump Thinking With 'Trump Digital Trading Cards'?
– Look, I don’t know what Donald Trump is trying to accomplish with his “Trump Digital Trading Cards,” but I do know P.T. … In an infomercial rivaling Mike Lindell’s “best” MyPillow product ads, Trump boasts: Hello everybody, this is Donald Trump. … Trump NFT Collection right here and right now.…
DeSantis Hits Trump Where He's Weakest - Without Mentioning Trump at All
– AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell It’s long been suspected that DeSantis was going to mount a 2024 presidential bid, Trump or no Trump. … Unlike the NeverTrump crowd – who are so anti-Trump that anything in the Republican Party that you can tie to Trump (even in the most … Trump has entered the conversation because DeSantis’ actions, not his words, put him up against Trump.…
The Amazing Shift of Never-Trump Stalwarts Into Trump Inc. Acolytes
– defenders of the conservative legacy: the loud cranks of the Never-Trump cult. … Hit pieces in the press are fed from the Trump camp. … Today, Chaz echos Trump by employing his daft nickname for DeSantis.…
Is Trump Losing the GOP? Or Is the GOP Losing Trump?
– It’s a public fight between someone who was running as very pro-Trump and Trump himself. … Now Trump is trying to create his own power structure. … At this moment, the Trump team needs to fire some people and restructure.…
Lest We Forget, Trump Reminds Us: "DONALD TRUMP MADE THIS HAPPEN!"
– A week ago, Trump used his Twitter platform to openly wonder if he would be thanked for their release. … Trump wanted to be acknowledged. He was. Finished. … Just replace that with, “DONALD TRUMP MADE THIS HAPPEN!” And Dear Leader wasn’t done.…
'Never Trump' National-Security People Being Blacklisted By Trump Transition Team?
– Their entreaties to Trump Tower in New York have mostly gone unanswered. … for Trump and calling his candidacy a danger to the nation. … I say this as somebody that is a Never Trump person. Get over it.…
Watch 2016 Donald Trump Call 2011 Donald Trump an Idiot (VIDEO)
– The idea that Donald Trump flip flops on everything is not news to anyone by this point. … The fact that he flip flopped on Libya within a five year period doesn’t even make the top 100 list of startling things Trump has done…
John Kasich Trolls Donald Trump With Trump-Putin 2016 Website [VIDEO]
– As you know, Donald Trump received the coveted Vladimir Putin endorsement earlier in the week. … Trump, either because he knew or because he didn”t know he was being trolled, jumped on it. … Now John Kasich has joined the fray with his Trump-Putin 2016 website.…
Maryanne Trump Barry, Older Sister of Donald Trump, Dead at 86
– Maryanne Trump Barry, older sister of former President Donald Trump, has died. … Trump, purportedly recorded her surreptitiously in 2018 and 2019.  … The Post's story about the recordings appeared one day after the White House hosted a private memorial service for Robert Trump, the…
Outside the Trump Trial in Manhattan: The Trump Vice Presidential Sweepstakes
– Tommy Tuberville, and his son Eric Trump. Eric Trump is also in court with his father again Tuesday. …  A Trump campaign official told Fox News Digital that the supporters all volunteered to join Trump in court to support their friend … large showing of Trump allies this week comes as Trump has played coy with the press as to who he will select as his veep, only telling…
Breaking Trump, Breaking America
– She asked me if they could actually harm Trump this time and if he was actually going to jail. … These legal attacks on Trump aren't rare. In fact, they've become something of an old Democrat pastime. … They're doing this because Trump is, as of this writing, Biden's chief political rival.…
Don't Stereotype Trump Supporters
– In recent discussions with attendees at Trump campaign events, Fiorina’s advice rings true. … You might disagree with Trump supporters’ candidate choice but don’t denigrate them for that. … Do as Fiorina does and challenge Trump the candidate and what he says and stands for.…
Want Sex? Dump Trump!
– donald-trump-caricature-flickr-cc.jpgJanuary 6, 2016 Chandler Smith is working to stop Donald Trump by getting women to wield their … influence by pledging that until Trump is defeated, they wont “date, sleep with, or canoodle with Trump supporters.” … I applaud these women for taking Trump to task for his ungentlemanly despicable conduct toward women.…
Donald Trump Solves Terrorism
Trump has a solution to terrorism. You can bet it’s the best solution to terrorism, ever. … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2016 He insults Hillary Clinton as a candidate, while promising something better, then fails … Given that those things Trump has revealed are largely incoherent and potentially disastrous, there may be a reason he’s refusing to…
Trump Protesters File Lawsuit
– In this litigious society, Trump, better than anyone, should know that the recklessness of his campaign, coupled with the insanity … Violence, vile talk, and otherwise boorish and uncivilized behavior isn’t an anomaly at Trump rallies. … The problem has gotten to the point that people are surprised when there isn’t bad behavior at a Trump rally.…
Floundering Trump Attempts Contrition
– Where is the Trump that said he could get away with shooting someone? … Now Trump is flip flopping like crazy and for the first time it seems to be causing him problems. … On Wednesday Trump said women who have “some form of punishment.”…
– #Breaking: CNN projects Donald Trump will win the Rhode Island Republican primary…
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