Results for: the big guy

NBC Sportscaster Steps in It With 'Cringe-Worthy' Harvey Weinstein Joke
The comment came in the third quarter as the Giants led the Broncos 17-3, just two weeks after the New York Times published a report … is probably the best play-by-play guy in history. … But boy… that was a big, big lapse in judgment.…
Jimmy Kimmel Does Not Want to Talk to You
– Now, Kimmel is just another annoying Hollywood guy — worse, a manchild who cries at the drop of a hat. … If I can get serious for a second: this is a big part of the problem with our country. … I expect better from a guy who co-hosted “The Man Show.”…
Trump: I Met with the President of the U.S. Virgin Islands
– Trump is the President of the U.S. Virgin Islands. He apparently met with the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands. … Namely, the way that: 1) Certain elements of the left (hi, Big Media!) … Bring on the diatribes about how I lack respect for the man and the office.…
Hollywood Thanked Harvey as Much as They Thanked God
– What’s more, he and the Big Guy come in second overall, ranking only behind venerated director Steven Spielberg in sincere, hearty … And while his secret was still safely nothing more than the elephant in the living room, the glitterati had no problem thanking him … the worst type of misogyny, for decades.…
Here's the One #VPDebate Takeaway No One Is Talking About
– One of the big negatives on Pence’s performance, however, is that he didn’t defend Donald Trump once. … The very first question of the night was to Kaine. “Why don’t the American people trust Hillary Clinton?” … The cycle has to focus on Trump. That’s where the viewership (and, therefore, the money) is.…
Did Hillary Clinton Suggest a Drone Strike to Stop WikiLeaks Founder, Julian Assange?…st-drone-strike-stop-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange-n62304
– So was this the security concern that caused Julian Assange to cancel his plans for a big balcony announcement about the latest WikiLeaks … State Department, sent an email on the same day in 2010 on the subject of possible “nonlegal strategies” for dealing with WikiLeaks … The agency generates 302 reports detailing information gathered over the course of criminal investigations.…
You Know Why Trump Won't Attack Clinton Harder In Next Debate? He Can't.…ump-wont-attack-clinton-harder-in-next-debate-he-cant-n62285
– Preparation on the Trump side of the aisle for the first debate was minimal at best, as The Washington Times reported: Republican … presidential nominee Donald Trump didn’t need mock debates or other traditional prepping for the big debate Monday because he was … The guy who cannot be tamed by advisors, media, or flesh and blood insists the next debate, scheduled for Sunday, October 9 will be…
Trump Prevented HIS OWN CAMPAIGN from Vetting Him
– on the Republican billionaire. … It’s not that I think the crowd he surrounds himself with would be great at research — or, well, at anything. … And as we always knew, that group includes Hillary Clinton, and Big Media. Big Media in the general election only, of course.…
Trump to Blame Groping Scandal on . . . Mexican Billionaire
– of the GropeGate stories: Donald Trump will broaden his attack against the media to hit globalism and the Clinton Foundation by … It’s an open secret in the newsroom that Carlos Slim is the guy that’s going to bail out the Times,” Bannon said, noting that some … Certainly a very rich Mexican owns a big chunk of the paper and has a lot of power over the paper.”…
Donald Trump Embarks On His Apology Tour Before He's Even Elected
– “The bombing of Serbs, who were our allies in both world wars, was a big mistake,” Trump told the Serbian weekly magazine Nedeljnik … a peculiar state of mind to see the Serbs as the victims in the Balkan “war” carried out under Bill Clinton. … If there was actually a “bad guy” in the Balkans the Serbs have to be in contention for that honor.…
Newt Gingrich Thinks Trump Is "Frankly Pathetic"
– In front of just about the largest audience for a second night debate in the history of the country. … There’s a big Trump and a little Trump. The little Trump is frankly pathetic. I mean, he’s mad over not getting a phone call? … Gingrich is a fairly astute guy… okay, he’s brilliant… you have to know that he picked up on this Trumpian trait far sooner than the
Watercooler 10/13/16; The Left Methods And Tactics; Hillary’s Tax Plan Will Kill 697,000 Jobs;NY Pharmacy Decides Sex Discrimination Is Ok…697000-jobsny-pharmacy-decides-sex-discrimination-ok-n62628
– How The Left Operates Remember these are the people that complain about the hate in our hearts. … “We thought it’d be a great idea with all the political things going on—with Clinton being such a woman and the other guy and his womanizing … We truly have the freedom of the anthill.…
Fired Trump Campaign Manager goes on CNN; lies about Paul Ryan; looks like an idiot
– who doesn’t do anything for the Party, whereas Trump is a selfless martyr who is responsible for everything good the GOP is experiencing … million into the NRCC this cycle; Ryan also regularly does events for House candidates; one source put the amount raised since the … next month to campaign events and fundraising, so these numbers are the “floor,” not the ceiling.…
New York’s Chief Partisan Persecutor: Democrat Attorney General Eric Schneiderman…ersecutor-democrat-attorney-general-eric-schneiderman-n62567
– ain’t your guy. … What’s the Trump Foundation’s big scandal? … So AG Schneiderman gave the Trump Foundation the pass it gave the Clintons, right? Of course not.…
Morning Joe Guest Defends Trump Comments in the Most Ridiculous Way Possible
– No one wants to hear that the guy they support has had such a low view of women. … of nuclear warfare in the hands of a guy who apparently didn’t crack through the ceiling of adolescence until he was older than the … It is almost as exhausting covering the ridiculousness of Trump’s defenders as it is covering the man himself.…
Video Emerges of Donald Trump Talking About Grabbing Women "By the P***y"
– “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.” … At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap-opera … difference in the general.…
Was Newt Right When He Told Megyn Kelly Republicans Are Doing Well in Early Voting? Umm...
– was the debate they had early on about early voting. … And in Ohio, which does not have party registration, the main danger sign for Democrats is lagging early voting in the big urban centers … He’s not a dumb guy, though, and he has to know the reality — and it had to be frustrating him as he was talking to Megyn Kelly.…
Presidential Also-Ran Al Gore: Yet Another Non-Scientist Lecturing Us About Science…l-gore-yet-another-non-scientist-lecturing-us-science-n63003
– And as the evidence against The Big Lie continues to roll in and pile up – the pro-Lie scientists recede further into the background … The reason The Big Liars no longer call The Big Lie “global warming” – is because the globe all-but-stopped warming in 1998. … Bill Nye – “The Science Guy” – is a Big Lie proponent. But – what is his scientific discipline? Mechanical engineering.…
Dirty Democrat Tricksters Exposed by James O'Keefe May Be Tied to . . . Donald Trump's Campaign…ters-exposed-james-okeefe-tied-donald-trumps-campaign-n62948
– Matt Boyle was able to be the guy who identified the “attacker”! How did he get that information? … The answer is related to the fact like Boyle was also able to exclusively identify Robot Guy . . . as Aaron Black: Hurst, wearing … Black is the guy in the robot suit with the light gray head covering.…
Daily Beast Claim: Trump Had Parties with Cocaine and Models As Young as 15
– I’ll be bleeping out the words the Beast didn’t: But both men also put Donald Trump in the room with cocaine, very young women and … There are times I wonder whether the Big Guy in the Sky concocted the Donald Trump candidacy as a sort of practical joke, where he … he chooses to criticize a story based on the reputation of the outlet that published it.…
Whoa: Clinton Crony Funded Political Campaign of Wife of FBI Official Who Oversaw Email Investigation…itical-campaign-wife-fbi-official-email-investigation-n62906
– (Indeed, the eyes-glazed-over effect of accurate headlines such as the one above in the area of political corruption will be the topic … How utterly convenient it is that ol’ Terry McAuliffe would be the guy greasing the palms of the (wives of the) folks who later gave … The fact that he apparently doesn’t see the problem — well, that’s a big part of the problem.…
The Al Sharpton of Power Companies Set to Get a New York State Bailout
The one that pertains to our conversation here is the 2014 New York Times report that he was at that time $4.5 million short on his … As with all things government, the big corporation gets a check – and we little people pick up the tab. … The bailout will add $2.3 billion to the energy bills of New York residents – many of whom are Exelon customers. Get that?…
Dear Media: You Owe Us The Respect Of A Believable Lie
– I’m just a donut in the on-deck circle. Wait until the real guy gets here. Wait until that big guy comes back. … by members of the media. … He does not inhabit the same universe as the toads in her press office.…
Convicted Felon And Instigator Of Violence At Trump Rallies Has Close Ties To the Clinton Campaign…or-violence-trump-rallies-close-ties-clinton-campaign-n63223
– But, thanks to Wikileaks and the great advice the Clinton IT guy gave to John Podesta we now know Robby Mook is a big fat liar. … for the DNC” as of December 2015. … From instigating violence to accepting illegal contribution to the influence of foreign money on the the campaign to garden variety…
Evan McMullin's Response to an Attack by Trump is Perfect
– Donald Trump is counting on the news of the FBI reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails to be his saving grace moment … The guy takes votes away from me. You know, we’re going to win Utah,” Trump said, according to multiple reports. … House the opportunity to right the horrible wrong forced on our nation by the Idiocracy.…
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