Results for: the big guy

Shocker: When It Was a Democrat Roughing Up a Reporter, Rush Limbaugh Didn't Think It Was So Funny
The story is he grabbed his neck and threw the guy to the ground because the journalist was being insolent and disrespectful and whiny … And the manly, studly Republican simply didn’t realize that on the big stage you can’t do this kind of stuff and kicked the guy’s ass … It doesn’t matter who the reprobates are. They’re all out there circling the wagons around this guy.…
UGH: Rush Limbaugh Praises Gianforte's "Manly and Brutish" Qualities
The story is he grabbed his neck and threw the guy to the ground because the journalist was being insolent and disrespectful and whiny … And the manly, studly Republican simply didn’t realize that on the big stage you can’t do this kind of stuff and kicked the guy’s ass … I wonder how many people in Montana are now gonna vote for the guy, though?…
Ben Carson Talks About Poverty and the Left Has an Aneurysm
the bottom,” Carson said … … Carson said during the interview that “the wrong mindset” is the product of negative parenting habits and exposure. … of the same coin.…
Donald Trump Made a Spectacle of His Narcissism and It Was Nauseating
– — and the assembled news cameras — “We thank you for the opportunity and the blessing to serve your agenda.” … equivalent of love-struck teenagers at a boy band concert while the president sat there with a big dopey grin on his face. … Trump wants the adoration above all else. “We thank you for the opportunity and the blessing to serve your agenda.” …
RedState's WaterCooler! Friday, 6/9/2017 - Open Thread - CNN Retracts Stupid News and Trump is not Ignorant…er-friday-692017-open-thread-cnn-retracts-stupid-news-n72996
– Will the mind-bending coddling ever stop? Remember this guy? “And when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump says. … Nearly five months ago this guy was sworn into arguably the most powerful office on earth. … But instead of that being the story, and a big one, this is already met with a yawn by a public and even press that already knows he…
Comey Is Just Like That Weird Girl "Donna The Buster"
– Murryhill made us watch some of the hearings with that really tall FBI guy, Comey. I saw Mr. … The funny thing is, from what I saw of the hearings, I couldn’t help but think that that FBI Comey guy was just like Donna Bustomonte … to this Comey guy—just like Donna The Buster was doing to our class.…
The Trump Investigation Mutates. Old and Busted: "Collusion." New Hotness: "Obstruction."
– If you followed the Senate hearing featuring James Comey at all the one thing that was obvious was that the original reason for the … Alan Dershowitz: Anderson Cooper Well, first of all, let’s look at the big constitutional picture. … So let’s get out of the weeds, and let’s look at the big constitutional picture.…
6th Grader, Harold Phillip Stemp Reporting
– There was this man selling stuff on the sidewalk near the museum and his mom, the kookie lady was talking to the man.  … The guy was selling Essential Oils and Anti-Trump T-shirts. … in space and in the air is because we were “free to dream big and reach for the sky.”…
Sources Say President Trump Is P.O.ed at Jeff Sessions
– “What he’s saying is, ‘I’m the president, I’m the tough guy, I wanted a very tough travel ban and the damn lawyers are weakening it … “I’m sure he was convinced to try the second version, and the second iteration did not do better than the first iteration, so the lawyers … attempt to rough up a guy who was known by everyone on both sides of the aisle to be a man of unimpeachable integrity.…
New Report: Multiple Top Law Firms Rejected Requests to Represent Trump in Russia Investigation…ejected-requests-represent-trump-russia-investigation-n72845
– But a consistent theme, the sources said, was the concern about whether the president would accept the advice of his lawyers and refrain … “The concerns were, ‘The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen,’” said one lawyer close to the White House who is familiar with some of … the discussions between the firms and the administration, as well as deliberations within the firms themselves.…
FBI Closing In? Bernie Sanders' Wife Gets A Lawyer
– Sanders who was in trouble, but there is an allegation that the Senator’s office applied pressure to the bank to accept the loan, which … The Burlington allegations didn’t really generate much buzz on the trail. … After all, here was a guy who wasn’t supposed to do much of anything in the 2016 election, but instead rode a wave of populist support…
Trump Flip-Flopping on Prescription Drugs Like a Fish out of Water
– A popular narrative regarding President Trump is that the guy is incapable of holding a consistent position on anything for more than … Trump is the guy who accused pharmaceutical companies of “getting away with murder,” wanted Medicare to directly negotiate drug prices … lobbyist who now works at the Office of Management and Budget, but also that policy is being directly cribbed from actual Big Pharma…
OMG LOL - Al Sharpton's Father's Day Selfie Triggers Hilarity
The Reverend Al is probably a lot healthier now that he has lost so much weight but his pre-workout selfie on Father’s Day prompted … one of the funniest tweets I’ve seen in quite some time. … remember this guy? — #KeepAmericaGreat! (@RightWingIsland) June 19, 2017…
One Cable TV Host Shows How We Can Engage With the Other Side
The tension simmering finally materialized at the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City at the end of Bush’s second term, but … But, through it all, the guy seems sincere and sincerity matters when Republican leaders are a target for assassination, simply for … Wolf pointed out two years ago that both sides of the ideological spectrum were talking past each other refusing to see the big picture…
Sgt. Pepper Saves The Day
The shooter was some crazy person that had worked for some guy named Bernie Sanders.  … Dad would raise his voice when that Sanders guy was on the TV and call him a “looney socialist”.   … I hope that Bernie Sanders guy isn’t going to be teaching the class, because that will really tick-off my dad.…
Ann Coulter Pens Scathing Anti-Goldman Sachs Blog, With Extra Burn of Sean Hannity…thing-anti-goldman-sachs-blog-extra-burn-sean-hannity-n73830
– blog was intended as much to take shots at Hannity as it was intended to condemn Trump’s involvement with the big bankers he and his … These are the people the media call the “grown-ups” in Trump’s administration.) … It was being trashy, so while I welcome her slow awakening to who Trump really is, she’s not the good guy in any of this.…
Sean Spicer Doubles Down On Trump's Claims That Tape Talk Was Meant To Bluff James Comey
– private meetings with the president. … The only ones in the hot seat were certain members of his campaign team. … I’m past the point of being surprised by the amateur hour that exists in the White House now.…
Sean Hannity Gets An Award For "Media Excellence" And The World Says "Wut?"
– like the MRC dipping into the shallow end of the pool to hand out accolades. … Stephens went on, noting that while the MRC award wasn’t one of thebig” awards, it still matters, at least as a means of foreshadowing … Ok, this guy is in competition with the guy from National Review Online, who referred to Hannity as “the self-abasing monkey butler…
CNN Guy Who Threatened To Dox Trump-CNN Meme Creator Is Getting A Lot Of Attention
The internet has basically been consumed today with the story of CNN running to earth the actual identification of the guy who created … The big brain behind the idea of tracking down the creator was a BuzzFeed alumnus, Andrew Kaczynski. … The online crown he runs with, reddit and 4Chan, aren’t big on nuance.…
Scaramucci Takes to TV to Give Public Apology for Calling Trump a Hack
– During the election season, he wasn’t a big fan of Donald Trump. … Turning to the cameras and addressing the president, he said, “I personally apologize for the 50th time.” … This guy has no spine.…
RNC to GOP Candidates: Fealty to Donald Trump or Else
– Voters walk into a booth, look at the party and vote for the Republican or the Democrat. … But those are issues between voters, not the party and the candidates running under the banner of that party. … Republican National Committee isn’t spending big for New Jersey gubernatorial candidate Kim Guadagno because the RNC doesn’t think…
What Are "Race Traders"? Ask Trump's USDA Pick
– Let’s put this guy in charge of something. … The Iowa native’s post read: “The current crop of candidates needs to get that titanium spine we keep hearing about and call out … the progressives in America that are the real racists,” he continued.…
As John Kelly Enters the Ninth Circle of Hell, What Does It Mean and What Happens Next?
– In a White House that loathed the press, the people who had worked at the RNC were the media’s only real contacts. 3. … I don’t know what his relationships are on the Hill with the GOP but he’s burned a lot of bridges with the Democrats. … The big question is can he manage Trump? If he can keep Trump on message and off Twitter he could be successful.…
Water Cooler 7/26/17: Open Thread;Democrats Shift Gears Russia Out Communism In ; Illegal Officers of the Court ?…s-shift-gears-russia-communism-illegal-officers-court-n74606
– Declaring “old-fashioned capitalism has broken down to the detriment of consumers” and “Adam Smith has lost his way amidst these big … But, forget about his votes, this is the guy who’s party thought it was alright to attack plumbers for making too much money and over … In so doing, they will grant the privilege of upholding the law and defending the U.S.…
Mike Pence Responds To NYT Claim He's Running In 2020
The story piqued the interest of a few folks in politics and soon enough, it became a big enough thing that Pence himself had to respond … Pence has not distanced himself from Trump in any way, but Trump has the potential to be a big drag on his future political career … Pence’s character does not strike me as the type to be trying to undercut the guy he works for.…
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