Results for: the big guy

Bill Maher Becomes Christianity's Unlikely Defender
– “The guy was British-born. His name was Adrian before his converted. … He’s the go-to reference point whenever someone needs to talk about the violence of Christianity – that, and the Crusades. … “The IRA that blew up London for 15 years!” Hayes exclaimed. “Yes. But that’s the past! We’re living in the now.…
We Should Be Cheering Trump's Flip Flops, Not Criticizing Them
– I’d spent 6 years at the pointy end of the stick in troop leadership positions at the platoon level. … In the big scheme of things, I think this is inspired realpolitik. … As the guy making the final call, I suspect that Trump has discovered that NATO, particularly when facing Putin’s Russia, is a good…
The Anne Frank Center's Fake Outrage Is Forcing Me To Defend Sean Spicer
– He left out the really big issue of those gas chambers used by the Nazi army to kill millions of Jews and Poles. … The Anne Frank Center jumped all over this. … Right up front, the statement from the Anne Frank Center is disingenuous, at best.…
Why Are American Farmers Turning to Ukrainian Computer Hackers To Fix Their Tractors?
– No one else embodies the self-sufficient, do-it-yourself mindset quite like the American farmer. … This is because the software running on the complicated electronics that control the machine prevents him from being able to attempt … “I’m not a big business or anything, but let’s say you’ve got a guy here who has a tractor and something goes wrong with it—the nearest…
Watercooler 4/5 Open Thread: The Contract Reassessed, April '17 Edition
– Today, we’ve got… The Contract Assessed, April 2017 Edition Another month passed, another evaluation of the Contract With The American … Thanks to fellow WC’er Joliphant for the table coding and list. … (Yes, I’ve been playing with the crayons this month. 🙂 ) Item: Accomplished/Fail Six measures to clean up the corruption and…
Mark Halperin Stumbles Across Joy on an Airplane and Immediately Hates It
The dog looks excited to be on the plane, and is dressed to the nines in a pink bow tie. … Charlie (the dog), and his owner (not a dog), seem to disagree with Halperin on the matter. … So it was the 10:45 red eye on delta. in first class the seating arrangement was A-BC-D seating.…
Is Trump's 180 on China Part of a Larger Strategy or Cause for Concern?
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 5, 2015 As China and the rest of the World continue to rip off the U.S. economically, they laugh … Perhaps Trump is convinced that the Norks are that big of a threat that it requires him to kiss a little butt. … During the campaign you would often hear criticism of Trump taking on the opinions of the last person to whom he spoke.…
How Will the #AHCA Vote Affect 2018 Prospects for the GOP?
– Will the website crash? (Oh wait, that was the other guy.) Will Trumpcare be seen as a positive? … You see, it’s not actually all about the emotion of the moment the way activists want you to think it is. … What has hurt the GOP more than anything in recent years? What allowed the Trump takeover and the rise of populism?…
Bill Nye Isn't Really a Science Guy But He'll Play One on TV to Push His Leftist Agenda
The “Bill Nye the Science Guy” character began—or at least appeared regularly—on Almost Live. … Years later, after the Bill Nye the Science Guy television show had become a nationwide hit I was at a symposium on space exploration … The guy who invented the character is just another political talking head with an agenda.…
Did James Comey Deliberately Throw the Hillary Clinton Investigation?
The reasoning given by this Steinbach guy is also interesting. … Comey wanted the public to accept the whitewashing of the Clinton email scandal rather than insulate and protect the FBI from allegations … the headlines and footlights.…
Watercooler 5/8/2017 Open Thread: Dog Days and other Randomness
The Post said the program, “Doggy Days at Interior,” will launch with test runs at the department’s Washington, D.C. headquarters on … The Texas CofS vote is a big deal; the call for a CofS is gaining traction and the Washington elites don’t seem to get it yet…we are … Since I put my WC together, the UCalSC administration has apparently acceded to the demands of the occupiers, and the “students” will…
Stan Lee Theory Grabs Hype From ‘Guardians of the Galaxy: 2’
– In the audience is Lee, who spies the arrival and says, “Hey I think I know that guy!” That is NOT a very Watcher thing to say. … Grade: P   BIG HERO 6 – This surprises some people that the Disney animated feature originated in Marvel, though not technically … apart from the reality displayed in the films.…
Watercooler 5/24 Open Thread: The Lunch-Hour Lower: Lessons Learned
– As noted below, this is the one big thing I’d change about the EP Armory jig I used–but if you have a friend who owns a metalworking … while the big one is for cutting the main fire-control pocket. … Reese (the peanut-butter cup guy), 1879; musician Bob Dylan, 1941 Holidays Around the World: Canada celebrates Victoria Day, Eritrea…
VIDEO: More Airline Drama as Unruly Trump Supporter Gets Kicked off Plane in Shanghai…unruly-trump-supporter-gets-kicked-off-plane-shanghai-n72231
– An old guy wearing a red “Make America Great Again” cap made a big scene on a United Airlines plane in Shanghai, China bound for Newark … Apparently the guy thought he deserved an upgrade and was trying to forcibly take one by not letting anyone sit in the same row. … The crowd of people inconvenienced by the man started chanting “Lock him up” as police took him away—an obvious dig inspired by the
Watercooler 5/22/2017 Open Thread: Not Enough Words...
The final performance of “the greatest show on earth” took place on Sunday at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island, … the animals that were part of the “greatest show on earth.” … For me as a kid, the animals under the big top were certainly the most engaging part of the show, but the adult part of me now feels…
Why Is Any Republican Spreading the Conspiracy Theory About Slain DNC Staffer Seth Rich?
– New legal commentator, Rod Wheeler — for a “big break in the investigation.” … “But they didn’t take the wallet, they didn’t take the necklace, they didn’t take the phone, and they didn’t take the watch? … It was this young guy who, I suspect, was disgusted by the corruption of the Democratic National Committee.…
Minor League Baseball Is Enjoying A Boost, Thanks To Tim Tebow
– Tebow is the Heisman Trophy winner who was shunned by the National Football League because his “taking a knee” on the sidelines – not … He’s also the guy who didn’t let being shut out of the NFL end his dreams. … He was too big, too bulky, and wouldn’t be able to make the transition.…
A Picture Says More Than a Thousand Words About CA Politician's Hypocrisy [VIDEO]
– This guy – California Assemblymember Evan Low. Noted Second Amendment…uh, supporter. … It’s a shame the gun range owner didn’t turn you away. … You are one of the leading voices in the effort to make California a “sanctuary state.”…
The Real Trump Doctrine: "I Did It, I'm Glad, Screw You."
– falsehood on the part of the WaPo, and the answer would be “no.” … This one is from the New York Times and it’s about a supposed memo they had read to them over the phone by some guy. … Trump hasn’t changed from last year when you were saying you would “hold your nose” and vote for him He’s the same guy.…
Report: Unarmed London Police Officers Ran Away from Scene of Terror Attack…police-officers-ran-away-from-scene-of-terror-attack-n72762
– London Bridge and Borough Market areas of the city. … A chef from the nearby Fish restaurant said: “I saw two guys with big knives downstairs outside Roast. They were stabbing people. … “The guy with the knife was killing two people. We were shouting ‘stop, stop’ and people threw chairs at them.…
Former Acting CIA Director Mike Morrell Makes a Lot of Sense for Once
– This is the type who gave official sanction to the former head of the CIA’s failed Bin Laden unit, a guy named Michael Scheuer, to … Why the request for the use of the Russian Embassy’s secure communications? … I see it everyday when I read the papers and see how things are being reported. And, I think this is a big deal.…
6th-Grader 'Harold Phillip Stemp' Reporting:
– My dad voted for Trump the president, but my mom didn’t. They had a big fight about it and mom kept yelling at my dad. … Murryhill’s car at the school drop-off, but I don’t think my dad  is the one that tore the bumper sticker off. … Provost is a really big guy and he wears a red “Make America Great Again” hat to school everyday.…
Trump Should Resume the Airline Price Transparency Request
– Donald Trump should order the re-opening of the airline price transparency request for information. … So what did the airlines do, as the free flow of information cut into their market segmentation? … The Trump administration on this should look out for the little guy who needs to shop for air fares on sites like Kayak.…
Homeland Security Secretary Speaks Out on the Kushner "Backchannel" and the Culture of Leaks (VIDEO)…retary-speaks-kushner-backchannel-culture-leaks-video-n72445
– He’s a great guy, decent guy. … And, to the extent that the Manchester leaks have changed that conversation, the leakers of the Manchester information have actually … It was disappointing to hear a guy like Kelly sling around the word “treason.”…
McMaster Talks About the Alleged Jared Kushner Backchannel
The big news emanating out of DC late yesterday was that allegedly President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, spoke to the Russian … By the time this alleged conversation took place, the CIA was claiming that Russia had intervened in the US election with the intent … and b) the leak would play into the whole collusion melodrama.…
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