Results for: gain-of-function

Ron DeSantis Just Savages Fauci and Demands Accountability
– I think now with Fauci’s emails … it’s pretty clear that a lot of this stuff was fly by the seat of your pants guidance. … He then went after the question of gain of function research. “I’m sorry,” he railed. … When he testified many years ago that doing gain of function research, the risk of having a pandemic is worth doing the research, I…
Fauci Claims Attacks on Him Are 'Attacks on Science'
– She did all kinds of spinning for him, claiming that he’d passed “the test” of looking good after his emails came out. … How full of yourself are you that you think any questioning of your actions is an “attack on science.” … of function research, NIH funding, and why he previously discounted the lab leak theory.…
A Real-Life Bond Villain? Coronavirus Researcher Peter Daszak Is the Golden Thread Weaving Through Lab Leak Theory Dismissals…thread-that-ties-the-whole-lab-leak-theory-together-n391793
– Peter Daszak funneled tens of millions of dollars in grants from the US government – including the Department of Defense – to the Wuhan … Daszak performed gain-of-function research on SARS coronaviruses at WIV with Dr. … and how those funds were later used to allegedly pay for gain-of-function (GoF) studies at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). …
As Pandemic Exploded, Wuhan's Bat Lady Asked Scientists to Change the Name Of The Virus Because It May Offend China…scientists-to-change-the-name-for-the-chinese-people-n391202
– Shi Zhengli, one of the directors of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, sent an email to Dr. … Ralph Baric, the scientist at the University of North Carolina widely regarded as the godfather of gain-of-function research (or, research … SARS-CoV-2 Naming – 4 US scientists connected to Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, who famously funded and conducted gain-of-function
Peter Doocy Gets Jen Psaki to Make Claim About Fauci That Could Ultimately Haunt Biden…claim-about-fauci-that-could-ultimately-haunt-biden-n391267
– characters need to be conducted ASAP to learn more about their conversations about the Wuhan lab leak theory and U.S. gain of research … But after Psaki bobbed and weaved on his “gain of function research” question, Doocy’s last question was a simple one, and Psaki’s … And when Doocy asked about gain of function research, Psaki refused to answer — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck…
Biden Himself Weighs in on Fauci, but His Response Is Completely Unacceptable…on-fauci-but-his-response-is-completely-unacceptable-n391234
– The emails have raised a lot of questions including about the Wuhan lab, NIH funding, and gain of function research as well as why … Fauci’s claim last year that there was a pattern of mutations that indicated natural development of the virus was “completely false … “There was no pattern of mutations,” Giroir said.…
Pompeo Drops Troubling Info on Efforts to Suppress Investigation Into Virus Origins…efforts-to-suppress-investigation-into-virus-origins-n391091
– Could that be because of the gain of function questions? … covering up aspects of what had occurred. … lab getting sick in the fall of 2019.…
TDS, Not Science, Made Your Government Shut Down Inquiries Into the Laboratory Origins of COVID-19…wn-inquiries-into-the-laboratory-origins-of-covid-19-n390725
– Rather, it details the scramble inside of the State Department and other federal agencies to effectively shut down any discussion of … The group had recently acquired classified intelligence suggesting that three WIV researchers conducting gain-of-function experiments … would point to the U.S. government’s own role in gain-of-function research, according to documentation of the meeting obtained by…
INCREDIBLE: Lancet Launches COVID-19 Origin Commission - Headed by Peter Daszak…es-covid-19-origin-commission-headed-by-peter-daszak-n390786
– In the ongoing drama of the origins of SARS-CoV-2, we’ve covered that Fauci lied about funding research at the Wuhan Institute of … The same Peter Daszak whose EcoHealth Alliance has funded and conducted gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology … Every single member of this committee which is supposed to analyze “data on all of the theories put forward on the origins of COVID…
Admiral Giroir Explains Why We Can't Rule out That Bioweapon Theory on the Virus…we-cant-rule-out-that-bioweapon-theory-on-the-virus-n390829
– But now there’s another “conspiracy theory” that may get further look, too, with the comments of former Assistant Secretary of Health … But on the other side of it, the evidence about a lab leak was “becoming compelling,” he said including the nexus of the lab doing … Giroir continued, “I think the most likely explanation is it was gain of function mutation work it leaked out.…
Jen Psaki's Answer to Fauci Emails Question Shows Why Hearings Should Be Conducted ASAP…question-shows-why-hearings-should-be-conducted-asap-n390859
– Though the contents of the emails were blacked out, the subject of the email read “conspiracy gains momentum” and contained a link … behind what he said, and just how much U.S. funding for gain-of-function research, which he is on record as supporting, played a role … in his downplaying of the Wuhan lab leak theory.…
Rand Paul Rips Fauci to Shreds During Interview and Drops All the Facts…i-to-shreds-during-interview-and-drops-all-the-facts-n390749
– Fauci, from the very beginning, worrying that he had been funding gain-of-function research,” Paul told Laura Ingraham. … were performed before the gain of function pause but have since been reviewed and approved by NIH.” … Paul pointed out how just two weeks ago, Fauci denied any funding for gain of function research.…
BREAKING: Peter Daszak and Wuhan-Connected Scientists Were Behind 'Lancet' Letter Dismissing Lab Leak Theory…ak-emails-actions-show-concerted-effort-for-cover-up-n390201
– Shi on gain-of-function research studies that created mutated coronavirus versions and then tested those viral strains on animal and … Christian Drosten and Stanley Pearlman edited Daszak and Shi’s paper on gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology … The two godfathers of gain-of-function research, Dr. Ralph Baric and Dr.…
Fauci Emails: Immunology Expert Warned in January 2020 That SARS-CoV-2 Virus 'Potentially Looks Engineered'…0-that-sars-cov-2-virus-potentially-looks-engineered-n390150
– Anthony Fauci, yet another piece of incriminating evidence was extracted from the trove of emails uploaded to the internet by Buzzfeed … The emails, which were obtained through a FOIA request, contain details of Fauci’s associations during the initial outbreak of the … If we can say they were definitely conducting gain-of-function research on these new viruses, why is it so hard that they may have…
Rand Paul Responds to the Bombshell Fauci Emails
– Recently, Fauci has admitted that he lied to Rand Paul about masks and gain-of-function funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. … Namely, he’s a dishonest hack of a bureaucrat who pushed for the destruction of businesses and countless lives to enrich himself with … Peter Daszak, a funder of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, thanked Fauci for doing his dirty work and downplaying the lab leak theory…
"Too Long to Read": Fauci Dismissed Scientist's Warning That China Was Lying About COVID-19 Deaths…s-warning-that-china-was-lying-about-covid-19-deaths-n390071
– This all comes on the back of new evidence that suggests Fauci’s NIH was involved with gain-of-function research at China’s Wuhan Institute … But now the questions are piling up and Fauci appears to be at the center of many of them. … However, I don’t think this is true, even after spraying ~billions of gallon of “Clorox” all the country.…
I Do Not Come to Praise Fauci, but to Bury Him
– Post as part of a Freedom of Information Act request. … Peter Daszak the president of the EcoHealth Alliance, whose hands are deeply stained with the gain-of-function research from the Wuhan … As more and more evidence is discovered, it looks as though Fauci was not only involved in the gain-of-function research that led to…
Wuhan Lab Funder Daszak Served as Facebook Fact-Checker and on WHO Investigation Team
gain-of-function research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  … Shi Zhengli of the WIV, some of which is categorically and indisputably gain-of-function.  … Paul didn’t understand and that the NIH “does not fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”…
BREAKING: Wuhan Lab Funder Daszak Emailed Fauci, Thanking Him for Dismissing Lab Leak Theory…thanks-fauci-for-running-defense-on-lab-leak-theory-n389836
– Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China.  … of the lab-leak theory. … -2 and again, his having funded undisputed gain-of-function research at the WIV. …
Here Is Who Should be Held Accountable for the Virus Deaths (for Starters)…e-held-accountable-for-the-virus-deaths-for-starters-n389418
– Institute of Virology (WIV) in the fall of 2019, just before the first cases of a new type of pneumonia were being reported in Wuhan … Fauci continued with RedState’s Scott Hounsell reporting that he stated in 2012 that “gain of function” research into bat viruses was … Fauci’s involvement in gain-of-function research are exposing his direct responsibility for the virus.…
America Is at a Crossroads on This Memorial Day
– millions of users. … Check out one of his series of articles here. … We Likely Paid the Ultimate Price for Fauci’s Gain-of-Function Research, but Saw None of the Alleged Benefits I won’t go into the…
GOP Senators to HHS, NIH: Turn Over ALL Records Related To Wuhan Lab And Gain-Of-Function Research…s-related-to-wuhan-lab-and-gain-of-function-research-n397316
– he insisted his agency had never funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab — five GOP Senators have written a letter to the … Fauci also seems to have had some familiarity with gain-of-function research conducted by scientists associated with the Wuhan lab. … Auchincloss replied to Fauci, saying, “The paper you sent me says the experiments were performed before the gain of function pause…
Wuhan's 'Bat Woman' Straight-Up Lied to the New York Times About Her Research…ght-up-lied-to-the-new-york-times-about-her-research-n396608
– Shi’s lab has never conducted gain-of-function experiments Dr. … How can she possibly say she didn’t do gain-of-function research? By changing the definition, obviously. Dr. … Shi told the Times that: “…[H]er experiments differed from gain-of-function work because she did not set out to make a virus more…
Here is How to Validate the Lab-Leak Theory For Sure
– correct.Fauci was also warned early on by US scientists that the virus may have been engineered.Fauci knew about but downplayed NIH funding gain-of-function … scientists suggested that the CGG-CGG amino acid sequence found in the ChiCom virus is manmade and can only have been inserted through gain-of-function … China Daily minces no words on the lab-leak theory: “Experts with the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences…
EXCLUSIVE: Defector Provides Evidence That the Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 and Lab Leak…y-orchestrated-the-creation-of-covid-19-and-lab-leak-n395384
– (EDITOR’S NOTE: Six days after the original publication of this piece, the name of the defector was confirmed as Dong Jingwei, ofof Virology. … “CGG-CGG” in SARS-CoV-2 genome is part of smoking-gun evidence to prove Gain-of-Function done by CCP.I have presented analysis with…
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