Results for: the big guy

Moore to the Point - Not Our Best, Not Our Brightest
The stated purpose of Thursday’s hearing was to set forth the basis for proceeding with the inquiry. … That didn’t stop the Dems, of course, from conflating the investigation with the trial and squawking endlessly about there being NO … off to the fact that The Big Guy was on the take, do you?…
Ron DeSantis' Throws Down the Gauntlet, Challenges Trump to One-on-One Debate: 'I'm Ready for It'…allenges-trump-to-one-on-one-debate-im-ready-for-it-n2164419
– Ron DeSantis has set his eyes on the other “big guy” former President Donald Trump. … The question is: Will Trump accept the challenge? … Instead, the former president gave a speech to United Auto Workers held at the same time as the event.…
The RedState Interview: Lindell Explains How Amex Cut His Credit Limit
– "This guy, he's been my rep, I guess, for a long time. I don't know if I've ever talked to him, but I was on the phone for this. … Lindell and his company have taken hits from the big box retailers, as Bed, Bath and Beyond and Walmart stopped selling his MyPillow … “If that’s my intention, I got to be the dumbest guy in history.”…
The Failing American Dream and the Fading Middle Class
– For the younger generations coming of age and entering the workforce (the older members of the Gen Z cohort), the prospects are dire … A big part of the problem is supply. But a greater part of the problem is Washington. … by having politicians wield power to their benefit in return for "10% for the Big Guy," and the moochers, who think they stand to gain…
Watch: Jake Sullivan Squirms as He's Nailed on NBC for Horrendous Comment on Middle East…his-prior-horrendously-wrong-comment-on-middle-east-n2165101
– We've seen the Biden team have to play catch-up when it comes to the question of the Hamas attack on Israel. … So that raised the big question -- how was it missed by intelligence agencies? … Sullivan doesn't seem to know the concept of the "quiet before the storm."…
Hamas Posts Fake Video of a Dead Palestinian Child Supposedly Killed by Israel Airstrikes…tinian-child-supposedly-killed-by-israel-airstrikes-n2165047
– on the Jewish state. … the Gaza Strip, the territory that Hamas controls. … It wishes to paint Israel as the big bad guy oppressing the Palestinians.…
Fireworks at the WH Press Briefing: Reporter Tells KJP She Should Be 'Ashamed' for Ducking Questions…ells-kjp-she-should-be-ashamed-at-ducking-questions-n2164964
– FBI informant file refer to you as the Big Buy?”  … But Jean-Pierre is in a class by herself and treats reporters with as much or even more contempt than the Big Guy does. … office of the press secretary was created to make the president more transparent and accountable to the public and to answer the questions…
Sen. Tommy Tuberville's Official Statement on Ret. Gen. Hayden's X Post: 'He Shouldn't Drink Everyday'…ment-on-gen-hayden-tweet-he-shouldnt-drink-everyday-n2164909
– Hayden wrote, "How about the human race?"   How about the human race? … is using big words now. … Tuberville finally called for the lies and the propaganda to stop and for the reckless statements, like the ones issued by Hayden,…
Anti-Israel Protesters Have No Moral Ground to Claim Now
– You lose all sense of reality and believe yourself to be the good guy–when you’ve actually become the very evil you believe yourself … positions from the bottom to the top. … Not only do they have the big stages, but they often utilize organizations to censor and silence websites like ours from disassembling…
Biden Tries Phony 'Man of the People' Act in Speech Defending Tax Hikes, It Goes Over Like a Lead Balloon…defending-tax-hikes-it-goes-over-like-a-lead-balloon-n357077
– So, he’s going to help the little guy by … hiking the corporate tax rate, much of which he knows will, of course, be passed on down … to the consumer in some way — and in the middle of a pandemic when so many are still struggling? … So the 40% of my paycheck I currently donate to the government doesn’t cover infrastructure?…
SEIU Now Faces Five Forgery Lawsuits, RICO Violations in Oregon…aces-five-forgery-lawsuits-rico-violations-in-oregon-n356628
– Labor bosses and their cronies in government have spent decades promoting an outward image as champions for the little guy. … But the experiences of people like Staci Trees expose the unions’ dark underside. Big labor does not care about the little guy. … They care about what they can take from the little guy.…
United Airlines Flies Headfirst Into Trouble, Embracing Dem Talking Points on Georgia Election Law…embracing-dem-talking-points-on-georgia-election-law-n355641
– We saw Delta, Coke, and Major League Baseball all go over the slide on the new Georgia election law. … facts and reality of the situation. … over 70% of the USA who support voter ID.…
That Crazy Admission That Hunter Biden Made on CBS
– They want to do away with laws at the border, rules in the Senate, pack the Supreme Court, eliminate state control of elections, just … Trump’s kids are just pikers compared to this guy. … have compromised him and the big guy.…
Hunter Biden Finally Weighs in on the Laptop With a Ridiculous Answer…the-laptop-with-a-ridiculous-answer-that-says-it-all-n354354
– Not the sharpest tool in the drawer. … Media tried to shut down the story before the election. … Reminder of how Big Media/Big Tech suppressed legit news about Biden family corruption as part of their rigging of the 2020 election…
AOC Trips All Over Herself, Forgets Who Built the Cages and Gets a Lesson on Language…ts-who-built-the-cages-and-gets-a-lesson-on-language-n354133
– AOC is trying to do the best she can to spin the situation to attack Republicans and give Democrats a break, despite the crisis being … Yes, the same guy who’s in there now. … AOC is guilty of straight-up raging hypocrisy, she supported the guy behind this and now is doing her best to spin.…
Joe Biden Throws Georgia Under the Bus in Lie-Filled 'Interview', and Georgia Voters Should Not Forget…illed-interview-and-georgia-voters-should-not-forget-n353906
– To top it off, the President of the United States has apparently been handed a set of bogus talking points about the law and continues … “The very people who are victimized the most are the people who are the leaders in these various sports. … didn’t do is being led by the same guy who promised “unity and healing” during his presidential campaign but who has now apparently…
CNN Ratings Serve Up a Little Mashed Tater for All to Enjoy
– to the reporter about it and called a staffer to remove the reporter. … The ratings are out and it looks like Brian’s show just got mashed up big time. … “MediaBuzz” also trounced Brian by 32 percent in the 25-54 demographic.…
Biden Will ‘Lower’ Internet Prices -- the Way Obama-Biden ‘Lowered’ Health Insurance Prices…the-way-obama-biden-lowered-health-insurance-prices-n364222
– blatant and so awful, even the guy who designed the awful thing had to admit it. … President Obama Apologizes for ObamaCare But no matter how awful the results, no one on the Left will ever give up the ghost. … Access to Quality, Affordable Health Care: Progress and Promise of the Affordable Care Act All the Democrat lies aside, We the People…
'Solid Approval Ratings' Really? Nonsense — Here's Why Americans Have Had Enough of Biden…onsense-heres-why-americans-have-had-enough-of-biden-n364200
The 2020 presidential election in the eyes of the left was never going to be about the Democrat nominee. … Trump’s presidency exacerbated the chasm; in the minds of the angry Left, who could never wrap their heads around the fact that the … That’s a key point: Where “lukewarm” worked for Biden in 2020 because he was the not-Trump candidate, big bad Orange Man will not…
Why We Need to Acknowledge Our Opponents' Point of View
The person who posted this was not a big account, was clearly just a teacher, and apparently didn’t expect much pushback because theThe point is to challenge using the facts and data that the other side would. … The risk that the tweets above run into is making the assumption that the opposite side is always a dishonest position that shouldn…
WaPo Reporter Erupts Over Criticism of Biden's 'Low Public Profile'
The month after Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, the Washington Post made a big production of … at the time that it was not done in response to Trump’s frequent criticisms of the media while on the campaign trail, but they made … It was a blatant media attempt at making excuses for why the same guy who for months promised to restore “respect and trust” between…
CNN's Fact-Checker Embarrasses Himself While Trying to Nail Andy Ngo Over BLM Protest…dy-ngo-over-blm-protest-ends-up-embarrassing-himself-n358903
The way the mainstream media treat certain kinds of protests compared to those they view as “right-wing” has always been the subject … the ground. … Of course, you’ll be less than shocked to learn that it is the CNN fact-checker guy who doesn’t have all the facts.…
One Person on Biden's Supreme Court 'Reform' Commission Confirms It's a Complete Joke…court-reform-commission-confirms-its-a-complete-joke-n358794
– Pulls the Trigger on the Supreme Court With New Executive Order). … Democrats love the guy because he’s always there to say exactly what they want to hear with a false air of authority due to his credentials … The House can't make rules for the Senate. The Senate can change its rules with 51 votes.…
MI Rep. Who Invoked Whitmer's Name During Arrest Resists Mug Shot, It Backfires…ers-name-during-arrest-resists-mug-shot-it-backfires-n371883
– He demanded that they show him the law. But, the police weren’t buying that argument and wouldn’t play. … "Big Gretch is the homie. … So perhaps the better part of valor would have been not to be arrested for allegedly driving under the influence and resisting arrest…
Trump Jr. Blasts 'Republican Warmonger' Liz Cheney Over Biden, She Promptly Fires Back…monger-liz-cheney-over-biden-she-promptly-fires-back-n371638
– “This warmongering fool wants to stay in the Middle East and Afghanistan for another 19 years, but doesn’t consider the big picture … Cheney laid responsibility for the Capitol riot at the feet of Trump, saying: “The President of the United States summoned this mob … , assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack.”…
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