Results for: critical race theory

Holy Cow, Terry McAuliffe Might Have Just Lost the CNN Vote
– Virginia voters on the issue of parental input in their children’s education as well as on the controversial topic of implementing CriticalRace Theory in public school classrooms, suggesting parents were racist and that their input on the education system should be confined … To see all polling data to date for this race, click here and here.…
Associated Press Fact-Check on DOJ Targeting School Parents Is Not Just Wrong but Insidious…eting-school-parents-is-not-just-wrong-but-insidious-n455219
Race Theory curriculum, and now they want the actions of parents of students to be deemed acts of domestic terrorism. … salute in protest to masking requirements, and another individual prompted the board to call a recess because of opposition to criticalrace theory.…
WATCH: McAuliffe Calls Parents 'Racist' and CRT 'Made-up,' but Refuses to Define It…ents-racist-and-crt-made-up-but-refuses-to-define-it-n454767
– WATCH: Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe falsely claims Critical Race Theory is “made up." — RNC Research … We don’t teach critical race theory.” … Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe suggests parents concerned about Critical Race Theory are racist, then refuses to define CRT.…
Josh Hawley Nails Biden's Disastrous Jobs Report in One Devastating Sentence…s-disastrous-jobs-report-in-one-devastating-sentence-n454420
– Mark “Critical Race Theory” Milley, et al. — and Biden’s Afghanistan debacle, about which China’s Xi Jinping and Russian strongman … As Nick noted, in part, just 32 percent of independents — a critical demographic for both parties — approve of how Biden is handling…
Three Questions California Parents Want Gavin Newsom and the 'First Partner' to Answer…ts-want-gavin-newsom-and-the-first-partner-to-answer-n454405
– Given the novelty of the latter (and absence of long-term studies), the decision is a critical one for parents of children possibly … QUESTION TWO for the Newsom parents: How will you protect your children from the devastating psychological effects of Critical RaceTheory education?…
Noted Climatologist Sundar Pichai's Google to 'Crack Down' on 'False Climate Change Claims'…google-to-crack-down-on-false-climate-change-claims-n454168
– From climate change to COVID and vaccinations to Black Lives Matter, systemic racism, critical race theory, and more. … Genocide’: Trump, Ben Shapiro and ‘All Lives Matter’ Bill Maher Slams ‘Outrageous’ Facebook and Google for Suppressing Lab Leak Theory
California Schools Go Woke, but Is It Something More?
– So is A.B. 101 an open door for the full-blown teaching of Critical Race Theory and its derivatives?…
Joe Biden Told a Big Whopper About the Vaccine This Week — so, Where Are the ‘Fact Checkers’?…the-vaccine-this-week-so-where-are-the-fact-checkers-n454053
– DOJ, the FBI, and the DHS to look into alleged threats that were made against them by parents opposed to the implementation of CriticalRace Theory in public school classrooms – even though the letter specifically mentioned the words “domestic terrorism” twice in reference…
Terry McAuliffe Deliciously Walks Right Into Trap of His Own Making Over the 'Big Lie'…s-right-into-trap-of-his-own-making-over-the-big-lie-n453742
– own making over stolen election claims when WAVY reporter Anita Blanton, who also embarrassed him during a heated exchange over CriticalRace Theory, asked him about his past comments on the 2000 and 2004 elections being “stolen.”…
Reporter Just Embarrasses Terry McAuliffe During Heated Exchange on Critical Race Theory…liffe-during-heated-exchange-on-critical-race-theory-n453565
– to be a heated exchange between himself and a local reporter during a roundtable discussion Thursday night on the question of CriticalRace Theory being taught in public schools: When [reporter Anita] Blanton questioned McAuliffe about CRT, he called it a “dog whistle … Race Theory are racist, then refuses to define CRT. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 8, 2021…
DeSantis Blasts Republican 'Boneless Wonders,' Totally Destroys 'Fake News' Media…an-boneless-wonders-totally-destroys-fake-news-media-n464675
– “You’ve got a press that for over two years created a fake conspiracy theory involving Russian collusion. … They created and manufactured a conspiracy theory to try to drive him out office and to kneecap him and his presidency and we know … Race Theory, systemic racism, and ridiculousness about so-called “insurrectionists,” than maintaining U.S. strategic superiority over…
Ted Cruz Nails Garland on the Questions He Needs to Answer Now
– Many critics believe this is an effort to demonize parents and chill their rights to object to things like Critical Race Theory and … of interest that Garland may have because of the company run by his son-in-law which Cruz said was connected to the teaching of CriticalRace Theory.…
State Department Issues First Passport With Ridiculous Gender Identity Option…irst-passport-with-ridiculous-gender-identity-option-n464322
– Mark Milley more concerned with Critical Race Theory, systemic racism, and “insurrectionists,” to Attorney General Merrick Garland’…
Joe Biden Is Trying to Ignore the BLM Movement, But Will It Work?
– The Biden campaign does not care about the critical race theory-intersectional left that has taken over places like the New York Times … But two, and perhaps more importantly, does he actually shun critical race theory intersectionalism?…
No Matter How Badly They Want to, Marxists Can't Change the Definition of Racism
– According to the SJWs who adhere to critical race theory, what we call racism is now racial prejudice plus power. … As I discussed, this absolute display of mental gymnastics is critical race theory, a branch of critical theory. … (See: Know Your History: Critical Race Theory Is an Old Marxist Plot) Since today’s Marxists fully believe that White people are…
Know Your History: Critical Race Theory Is an Old Marxist Plot
– The idea of critical race theory is just a branch of critical theory, and recently National Review authors Lindsey Burke and Mike Gonzalez … All critical theory roads lead to Marxist systems, including critical race theory. … For this election, critical theory, specifically critical race theory, has taken center stage.…
US Naval Academy’s Cancel Culture Targeted the Son of Two LA Police Dept Officers for Expulsion…the-son-of-two-la-police-dept-officers-for-expulsion-n261391
– They are also hard at work institutionalizing the implementation of Marxist “critical race theory” training in all federal agencies … Of particular personal interest to me has been learning about and exposing efforts at the US Naval Academy to implement “critical racerace theory training.…
Watch: Chris Wallace Digs Deeper Hole in Post-Debate Interview, Tells Massive Whoppers About Biden's Answers…nterview-tells-massive-whoppers-about-bidens-answers-n261151
– That is definitively false, just like his comments about Critical Race Theory and about Kenosha.…
Watch: Damning Thread Illustrates Chris Wallace's Worst Debate Moments
– both sides in Charlottesville. — Greg Price (@greg_price11) September 30, 2020 The question on CriticalRace Theory was absolute abhorrent.…
L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey Actually Supports Police, and That's Gained Her a Soros-Backed Opponent…police-and-thats-gained-her-a-soros-backed-opponent-n261076
– Voters should know that the Crimes Against Peace Officers division would likely be shuttered and replaced with some type of CriticalRace Theory-inspired division bent on “transforming” the justice system.…
Chris Wallace's Debate Performance Was Absolutely Disgraceful
– JesseKellyDC) September 30, 2020 One of the worst moments of the night was Chris Wallace pretending as if he doesn’t know what CriticalRace Theory is and trying to needle Trump for opposing it. … Chris Wallace calling critical race theory “racial sensitivity training” is totally ignorant of what’s being taught.…
In Shocking Discovery Politico Reporter Discovers ACB Is Catholic
– ’s Pathetic Hysterical Progressives Beclown Themselves by Using Their Favorite TV Series To Smear Amy Coney Barrett Peddler of CriticalRace Theory Training Hints That SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett Has a ‘Colonizer’ Mentality NEW LOW: Democrat Operative Suggests … Amy Coney Barrett Is Involved in Human Trafficking Democrats Push Disgustingly Insane Amy Coney Barrett Conspiracy Theory, Attack Her…
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