Results for: elites

DC Outsider Ep. 6: The Elites Don't Care About Your Freedom, Don't Listen to Them…tes-dont-care-about-your-freedom-dont-listen-to-them-n424594
– It’s the unnamed business the elites in America run to keep you scared and through that fear, they keep you obedient. Dr.…
The Elite Do What They Tell You Not to in Full View Because They Can…t-they-tell-you-not-to-in-full-view-because-they-can-n423622
– That’s not to say that America will take the same bloody path the French did when they got fed up with their elites living large while…
NYT Reporter's Comment About Low Virus Risk of 'Sophisticated' Obama Party Sparks Outrage…rus-risk-of-sophisticated-obama-party-sparks-outrage-n423390
– it’s like there’s a circle of elites making all the decisions and then the rest of us — Siraj Hashmi (@SirajAHashmi…
News Summary from the Week that Was (6 – 12 October)
– Others ossify into an oligarchy of government officials and elites who call all the shots. Read the rest here.…
Republicans Should Stop Talking out of Both Sides of Their Mouths on China
– — Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) October 8, 2019 American elites
Populism and the Elites: Why the Freedom of Speech Must Be Curtailed
– all is the conviction that the voters should decide the direction of the government, which is something absolutely fine with the elites
You Think CNN is Bad? CNN-International Might be Worse!
– and Al Jazeera VERY effective in influencing foreign public opinion – and also reinforcing the opinions and policies of foreign elites
Bill Maher Offers Trump a Bribe to Resign
– It goes without saying that the average American doesn’t have that same view as the coastal elites.…
What If the Deep State Isn't Seditious but Just a Bunch of Angry Grifters
– State advisedly because I am more of the view that rather than a Turkish style Deep State, we have a network of self-perceived elites
Could Trump Derangement Syndrome Be a Good Thing?
– And real America- not the Beltway elites and experts or talking head pundits in the media- are all those drivers freed of the obstruction…
Politico Is Really Concerned About Democrat 'Party Unity' and Kyrsten Sinema Is the Problem
– The inability for any nuance to exist along with the woke, socialism or bust mindset of our media elites is exactly why Donald Trump…
News Summary from the Week that Was (10 – 16 November)
– He has shown his true colors and the agenda of the self-appointed elites who think they run this country.…
The Deep State Does Exist and Vindman Is Proof
– He has shown his true colors and the agenda of the self-appointed elites who think they run this country.…
Kentucky’s Bellwether Election Reveals the Fickleness of GOP Elites
– But it’s more than disconcerting that some other Trump-friendly Republican elites are going along with the rest of the script: the … But instead of noting the difficulty of what Bevin faced and rallying behind him, Republican elites apparently found it easier to blame … My advice: be prepared to have GOP elites leave you out in the cold when the going gets tough.…
Hillary Clinton Adds More Fuel to the Fire - Will She Run? 'Never Say Never'
– Clinton say she shares the same concerns other party elites have about the field — worried about Mr. Biden’s durability, Ms.…
Big Tech Data Monsters Seek Data Collection Cronyism from Government
– From lobbyists to academics, plenty of elites have spent the last ten years producing endless arguments that these firms’ dominance…
Russian Hysteria Reaches the Shores of the UK
– British are smart, they’ll see this for what it is and reject the attempting influencing of their elections by political and media elites
News Summary From the Week That Was (3 – 9 November)
– Our Elites Don’t See What’s Coming [Hell is coming for them, and it will be glorious to watch!]…
Howls of Laughter Erupt After Jen Rubin Declares She Will 'Never Vote' for an Anti-Impeachment Republican…declares-will-never-vote-anti-impeachment-republican-n121038
– conservative” columnist and MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin, who has found fortune and fame, and plenty of praise from Beltway elites
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