Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Brian Kemp Goes for the Jugular as Stacey Abrams’ Campaign Continues Its Freefall — by Sister Toldjah
All of this leads to questions about just what Stacey Abrams’ priorities are: Georgia voters, or the rich out-of-state Democrats including those in Hollywood who have helped fund her campaign to the tune of millions of dollars?
In a new ad titled “Celebrity Stacey,” Kemp’s campaign hammers the point home about how Abrams seems more comfortable in the national spotlight clinking glasses with “liberal elites” and pushing their far-left agenda while contemplating higher offices rather than working on behalf of her fellow Georgians in her own backyard:
Stacey Abrams would be a great governor for the liberal elites in New York and California who are funding her campaign.
I’ll always put hardworking Georgians first. pic.twitter.com/T1dsOXRzGb
— Brian Kemp (@BrianKempGA) September 26, 2022

#2 – Report: White House in Disarray as They Eye a Major Shake-Up — by Nick Arama
A statement from Anita Dunn is intriguing, “While we are prudently planning for potential transitions post-midterm, neither Secretary Yellen or Brian Deese are part of those plans.” So not part of our plans because they’re out? Or not part of our plans because they’re not out? That comment is typical Biden confusion, it could be read two ways.
But both Deese and Yellen have been horrible in their respective positions, giving all kinds of ridiculous wrong takes on inflation over the past year. They kept trying to avoid saying it was happening or insisting it was “transitory.” When they can’t even honestly accept what is right in front of them, how can you expect that they would do anything competently about it?

#3 – Kari Lake Drops the Hammer on Liz Cheney After Pathetic Attack — by Bonchie
Cheney appears to still be living in a fantasyland where she’s influential and has a say in what “our party” does or doesn’t do. I have news for her, though. She is not a Republican any longer. You don’t get to join arms with Nancy Pelosi, Jamie Raskin, and Adam Schiff and still claim to have the best interests of the GOP in mind. Cheney is a Democrat who wants to run a scam presidential campaign in 2024. That’s the only reason she hasn’t made it official yet.
Attacking Youngkin fully exposes that. He’s a mainstream Republican in just about every phase. It is part of his job to support his fellow Republicans in gubernatorial races. It’s to his credit that he’s mature enough to brush aside whatever disagreements may exist to help Lake in her pursuit of victory. Cheney, on the other hand, is a pathetic, petty person who would rather see Americans suffer (as they are doing now under Democrat rule) than let go of her vendetta.

#4 – Jill Biden’s Latest Fashion Disaster Has People Talking, but It Shows a Deeper Issue — by Nick Arama
People had thoughts. Some compared it to a Hefty bag, some to something Alice Cooper might wear. My SO thinks that she must have been trying to imitate Cat Woman and the leather outfit, because that was what was considered “hot” when Jill Biden was young. Whatever was going on in her mind, it was completely inappropriate, probably for anyone — let alone a 71-year-old woman — because it was skin tight and showed every lump and curve. It looked even worse closer up.
— Dr. Nickarama (@nickaramaOG) September 24, 2022
Some thought it made Jill look trashy, and they didn’t just mean the Hefty bag. She needs some help when it comes to the dressing department. She vacillates between the odd floral outfits that look like old couches, but at least with them, she isn’t trying to look like she’s 25 years old. Not a good look–when you’re 71 and trying to pull off baby doll dresses or a fishnet stocking/short skirt look.

#5 – Democrats See Red After Latest Major Poll Flips the Narrative — by Bonchie
That sound you hear is the shrieking from the left as they realize the polls they’ve fallen in love with are going to do what they always do in the weeks before an election. Namely, tighten towards the party that is out of power as likely voter screens become more prevalent. They can’t say I didn’t warn them, though.
I’ve got more bad news, though. In a first-term mid-term with a president who has collapsed, there isn’t much question about which way undecided voters are going to break. All those polls showing 7-10 percent undecided? Short of a history-defying miracle, something I maintain won’t happen, a majority of those people will be pulling the lever for the GOP in November. In other words, it’s all downhill from here for Democrats.
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