Results for: democrats should replace

Feminism Has Succeeded in Accomplishing Its Goal: The Destruction of Women…d-in-accomplishing-its-goal-the-destruction-of-women-n459399
– She also brought up the ACLU’s butchering of a 1980 Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote to replace the word “woman” with “person.” … The only wrong women can do is disagree with whatever Democrats are ruling is “feminism” at the moment. … So it should surprise no one that we’re here today with women being completely erased and made irrelevant.…
In the Seattle Mayor's Race, the People Chose 'More Police' Over 'More Woke'…ors-race-the-people-chose-more-police-over-more-woke-n470077
– Harrell will replace Mayor Jenny Durkan, who chose not to seek re-election, and serve a four-year term. … Harrell feels that the department should become more “responsive to community needs, protecting all people and neighborhoods without … bias,” but there should be no push to reduce their numbers or defund their work.…
A Delicious Swan Song Is Cueing up for ‘Defund the Police’ Radicals
– Three big rejections of DtP come to mind: 1) The trouncing of House Democrats in the 2020 election, where numerous candidates – some … bellwether city of Cleveland, Ohio who has called defund the police proponents “tragedy pimps” even as the Democrat who wants to replace … Conservatives are also winning the fight against implementing CRT, which is why Democrats like flailing Virginia Democrat gubernatorial…
Conservatives, Beware Turning Into the Left
– The battle over whether elements of Critical Race Theory should be taught in America’s classrooms has been raging full force over the … There is even a growing movement of parents running to replace school board members who subscribe to the hard leftist theory. … While this turned out to be a huge PR mistake for the Democrats, it does not mean they will not try something else.…
Sacramento's Fish Wrap of Record Goes After a Conservative Favorite, Showing Newsom Is Nervous About 2022…vative-favorite-showing-newsom-is-nervous-about-2022-n474460
– NO ONE should have to work 16 hour days. Or 7 day weeks. Or w/out AC in a heat wave. … Ohman doesn’t even have the insight to recognize that both Democrats are two sides of the same coin. Projection, much? … The title of this piece should have been, “Stupid Takes, by Jack Ohman.”…
The Left Is on a Quest to Destigmatize Horrific Behavior
– Even if you’re judging right by might, the loss of Virginia to Republicans should have been a wake-up call that this extremism isn’ … Antifa is a group known for violence, destruction, and murder, but Democrats are unphased by this. … should be no excuse to lessen the thought of the crime.…
Why Is a Fox News Reporter Being Told to Brush up on How Congress Replaces the VP?…ing-told-to-brush-up-on-how-congress-replaces-the-vp-n477191
– When he says that he was tipped off a couple of weeks ago that he should brush up on how the House and the Senate replace a Vice President … This, to a certain degree, is always the case for any V.P. but in the Presidency of Joe “Corn Pop Was a Bad Dude” Biden, you should … aloud that he was given a heads up to start looking into how Congress replaces an elected Vice President of the United States, that should
White Progressive Accidentally Admits He Supports Black Genocide
Democrats have been running mostly black and brown cities for decade after decade after decade. … At this point, it becomes nearly impossible to attribute to ineptitude what should probably be attributed to malice. … To put it simply, the Democrats can’t possibly be this stupid.…
Politifact Awards the ‘Lie of the Year’ for 2021 and in the Process Lies Repeatedly…the-year-for-2021-and-in-the-process-lies-repeatedly-n492236
– As we are approaching the time to replace the desk blotter calendar, most outlets are busy with their annual summations. … results by using sliding scale measurements or applying their interpretations or context, and target Republicans and critics of the Democrats … I do not know of anyone suggesting it should be forgotten, but this choice of words is telling.…
Trump's New Coup: Democrats Float Bizarre Conspiracy Theory to Explain the Beating They Are Going to Take in 2024…o-explain-the-beating-they-are-going-to-take-in-2024-n491872
– Who, you are rightly asking yourself, is Barton Gellman when he’s up and has his trousers on, and why should anyone care what The Atlantic … Answering why you should care about Barton Gellman is a lot more complicated. … First, there is an admission by the Democrat intelligentsia, such as it is, that the Democrats’ goose is cooked in 2022.…
Who Will One Day Take Nancy Pelosi's Place?
– The resulting battle royale among San Francisco Democrats to replace her in 2024 will make a fully loaded UFC card look like tea and … However, should he lose, would he view a House seat as a proper returning point to higher political ambitions, or would he hold out…
The Real Reason Behind Breyer's Retirement Is Ominous for Democrats
– At 83, Breyer’s also certainly a lot sharper than some 79-year-olds we know in Washington who should retire. … But the view should always be long-term. … Democrats fighting over how many trillions more to spend on prized pet projects.…
It's Official: Biden Announces Breyer's Retirement, Promises to Replace Him With a Black Woman…etirement-promises-to-replace-him-with-a-black-woman-n513305
– Thursday, President Joe Biden officially announced the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and vowed to swiftly replace … CNBC reported that, at this time, Jackson has support from all 50 Democrats and three Republicans, those being Sens. … As RedState reported on Thursday, Mazie Hirono told MSNBC that the concern should be based on people and “not making decisions just…
High Drama on Capitol Hill as Justice Breyer Reportedly 'Surprised' at Retirement News Leak…breyer-reportedly-surprised-at-retirement-news-leak-n512968
– Breyer at the end of the current SCOTUS term comes the frenzied speculation as to who President Biden will pick as his nominee to replace … to make sure Biden could squeeze a nominee in before the upcoming midterms – which have been predicted to be catastrophic for Democrats … No matter what one thinks of Breyer’s judicial philosophy, he should have been given the respect due to make his announcement when…
Identity Politics Fail: Biden's 'Black Woman Only' SCOTUS Nominee Criteria Blows up in His Face…an-only-scotus-nominee-criteria-blows-up-in-his-face-n518449
– Americans – including a majority of Democrats – believe Biden should consider all nominees. … But that’s not what Democrats do. … Being the consummate Democrat Joe is, he wanted and needed to first make a political point, and Democrats being Democrats, he sent…
Mitch McConnell Schools ‘Woke’ Reporter After Gotcha Question About Black Female Staffers…er-after-gotcha-question-about-black-female-staffers-n515824
– With President Joe Biden vowing Thursday to pick a black woman as his nominee to replace the retiring Justice Stephen Breyer on the … Perhaps even more insulting is the fact that Democrats and obviously members of the mainstream press believe that having a “certain … A person’s skin color and/or gender should be an incidental factor when it comes to being selected for a job, no matter whether it’…
Burgess Owens Skewers the WaPo for Use of 'on Brand... Racist Stereotype' on Clarence Thomas…use-of-on-brand-racist-stereotype-on-clarence-thomas-n523809
– whether they be a politician or an outspoken CEO of a large corporation, members of the judiciary all the way up to the Supreme Court should … political nature of elections and nominations of judges to the various courts in this country, their judicial philosophy can and should … Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) and how he has become President Biden’s go-to voice on possible Supreme Court nominees to replace retiring Justice…
'Shockingly,' Multimillionaire Pelosi Backpedals on Ban of Stock Trades by Lawmakers' Spouses…ckpedals-on-ban-of-stock-trades-by-lawmakers-spouses-n522491
– As the majority caucus, House Democrats continue to debate among themselves whether to extend the Act to family members. … Pelosi was asked straight-up if the Stock Trading Ban should include Congressional spouses. … These people — Democrats — will never change.…
CPAC 2022: Kristi Noem Rips Biden for Projecting ‘Weakness’ on Ukraine
– including the COVID-19 pandemic, special counsel John Durham’s recent bombshell revelations about the 2016 Clinton campaign, and the Democrats … Noem then declared that “if Joe Biden can’t or he won’t do these things, then he should resign. … He should resign before his weak leadership and poor decision-making drag America back into another dangerous war.”…
Democrat Congressional Candidate Gets Drunk at Daughter's Sleepover, Curses Kids, and Throws up on Their Shoes; This Could Be a Metaphor for 2022…up-on-their-shoes-this-could-be-a-metaphor-for-2022-n524400
– There has been a lot of talk about the growing number of incumbent Democrats deciding to retire; see Another House Dem Bows out, as … All of that begs the question of the caliber of candidate the Democrats are turning to in their struggle to defend their House majority … 16, 2022 surely you can afford to replace her shoes!…
NYT Editorial Board Says It: Time for Dianne Feinstein to Exit Stage Left…says-it-time-for-dianne-feinstein-to-exit-stage-left-n741514
– Dianne Feinstein Sparks Concern After Alarming Moment Outside Senate Chamber Senator Dianne Feinstein Hospitalized Democrats Try … Dianne Feinstein out the Door as a More Troubling Situation Develops Ted Cruz Spills the Tea on Backroom Democrat Campaign to Replace … Schumer, the majority leader, and other Democratic senators should make it clear to her and the public how important it is that she…
Cruz, Hawley Cut Dems Down to Size on SCOTUS Security Funding Threats in Must-Watch Moments…cotus-security-funding-threats-in-must-watch-moments-n741101
– Ever since the Capitol riot, Republicans have been subjected to non-stop pious lectures from Democrats, their allies in the mainstream … Judiciary Chairman Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats on the committee at the time. Watch: Sen. … Related –>> Ted Cruz Spills the Tea on Backroom Democrat Campaign to Replace Dianne Feinstein…
'Kangaroo Circus': Ted Cruz Lights Into Senate Dems, Upends Their Arguments During SCOTUS Ethics Hearing…upends-their-arguments-during-scotus-ethics-hearing-n740171
– Payne also frequently retweets the “arguments” made by serial hypocritical Judiciary Committee Democrats like Sen. … condemned, and how such institutions were sacrosanct and should be respected and protected at all costs. … Related –>> Ted Cruz Spills the Tea on Backroom Democrat Campaign to Replace Dianne Feinstein…
Feinstein Sparks More Concerns After She Appears to Deny Reality About Absence From Senate…he-appears-to-deny-reality-about-absence-from-senate-n747087
– “You should follow the — I haven’t been gone. I’ve been working.” … But all the Democrats care about is how they can hold onto power. … Unfortunately, the Democrats running so far to replace her are both worse than her, if that’s possible — Rep.…
Feinstein’s Confusion Even Worse Than Previously Thought, According to New Reports…rse-than-previously-thought-according-to-new-reports-n753052
– “You should follow the — I haven’t been gone. I’ve been working.” … Because that gets right into the middle of the battle to replace her. Leftists want Feinstein gone. Reps. … That’s Hillary — but that’s the other Democrats involved in this mess as well.…
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