Results for: idiots

Columbia University: Portrait of a Useful Idiot
– campuses are overrun with them; if nothing else has become apparent over the last few days, the explosion of numbers of useful idiots … Communist Parties abroad, with groups sympathetic to Soviet goals, with do-gooders of the type that Lenin once described as "useful idiots
It's Getting Real: Guns Confiscated From at Least Two College Protests
– In our current round of useful idiots shouting on our nation's campuses, there have not — yet — been any weapons brought to bear by…
Iranian Prof. Says US College Protesters Are 'Our People,' Would 'Take to the Streets to Support Iran'
– are backing the protests] are funded by George Soros and other organizations that help fund these academics and turn these useful idiots
WATCH: Lawrence Jones Corners Columbia Protester With Great Questions, Shows They Can't Handle the Truth
– One of the problems with the campus radicals and useful idiots is that they don't really live in reality. … There is a genocide being attempted by Hamas against Israel, but the radicals and idiots seem to refuse delivery on that reality.…
The Primary Driving Force of These Anti-Israel Protests on Campus Is Childish Ignorance…nti-israel-protests-on-campus-is-childish-ignorance-n2173541
– These are the useful idiots you've always heard about who are cast aside and forgotten about once they've fulfilled their purpose. …  These riots (because that's what they actually are) will continue and worsen until November, and all the useful idiots will raise … With a good, well-spread narrative, you can herd the population like chickens, and I don't just mean the idiots.…
'Stupid': Woke 'Professor' Hears About It After Declaring Columbia Situation As 'WORSE Than Tiananmen'…eclaring-columbia-situation-as-worse-than-tiananmen-n2173592
– world at that time would touch China and bring freedom.That's a stark contrast to the pro-Hamas losers and other assorted Useful Idiots
No More Euphemisms. These Aren't Protests—They're Riots.
– If these useful pro-Hamas idiots were standing on the sidewalk waving flags, they would be well within their rights under the First…
Videographer Physically Body-Checked, Blocked From Recording Pro-Hamas Protesters at UCLA…rom-ucla-campus-as-pro-palestinian-protests-rage-on-n2173405
–— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) April 27, 2024The footage prompts a few questions.First: Why are these useful idiots … I'll give the hippies credit for one thing; most of them were committed enough to show their faces.Second: Why are these useful idiots … with an 11-foot bohunk, which is what one uses when a 10-foot pole is too short.Did I mention that these kids are useful idiots?…
WASTE: $7 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Went to Ivy League Universities with Anti-Israel Protests…o-ivy-league-universities-with-anti-isreal-protests-n2173486
– Look, the fact that these campuses are currently beset with anti-Israel protests, with protestors who are, by and large, useful idiots
When a City Becomes Too Soft on Crime, the Gun Laws Won't Matter
– Hell, a 10-year-old can wrap his head around that concept, yet it's not something that useful idiots on the left have figured out.…
Democrats Fear Their 2024 National Convention May See Repeat of Violence in 1968…ational-convention-may-see-repeat-of-1968s-violence-n2173449
– argue involved no compelling U.S. interest, was a (slightly) more legitimate basis for protest than that adopted by today's useful idiots
Student Activists Postpone U of Washington Protest - Protesters 'Too White'…stpone-u-of-washington-protest-protesters-too-white-n2173374
– get enough POC (Protestors of Color) to attend and who check off the right ethno-religious check boxes.To call these kids useful idiots … does a grave disservice to useful idiots throughout history.The Anti-Defamation League was quick to reply.The Anti-Defamation League…
Hamas Releases Sick 'Proof-of-Life' Video of American Hostage Keith Siegel, Grandfather of Five…f-american-hostage-keith-siegel-grandfather-of-five-n2173418
– The idiots trashing universities and celebrating murderers seem to have no compassion for the horrors so many Israelis experienced…
Woke Emory Prof Claims Professorial Privilege at Pro-Hamas Protest, Police Have Other Ideas…at-pro-hamas-protest-state-patrol-have-other-ideas-n2173385
– protests taking place on college campuses across the country, the one at Emory University has also seen its fair share of Useful Idiots
Cry Harder: Woke NYU Student Did Not Get the Sympathy She Sought After Twitter Rant on Protest Arrest…thy-she-sought-after-twitter-rant-on-protest-arrest-n2173286
– like the pro-Hamas protests and encampments at Columbia University, New York University (NYU) has also seen its share of Useful Idiots … You're nothing but a bunch of violent, uneducated, anti-Semitic useful idiots," wrote one."You were arrested.…
Force Against the 'Pro-Palestinian' Protesters at Universities Is Entirely Justified…an-protesters-at-universities-is-entirely-justified-n2173288
– (READ: War Is Hell...So Don't Start One)But here in the States, useful idiots are ready to believe that Israel is the bad guy and the…
People Caught Abusing Bear Cubs in North Carolina Somehow Avoid Karma
– cub having to spend time in rehab, being cared for by humans, makes its odds even poorer if it is released.And all because some idiots
Pro-Hamas Protesters Return to Columbia University, Vow to 'Hold This Line'…return-to-columbia-university-vow-to-hold-this-line-n2173032
– HearingThe great irony of all this is the fact that in Gaza - or Lebanon, or Iran, or any of the other Islamist-run nations these useful idiots
The Value and Necessity of Truth Continues to Be Ignored by the Left…essity-of-truth-continues-to-be-ignored-by-the-left-n2172897
– "Their truth" has made the largest information distribution tool in the entirety of human existence a way to birth forth useful idiots
Alaska Man Monday - Laundromats and Princesses
– Demerits for the crooks being idiots, but I’ll give them some points back for giving us a chuckle.Now, onto an Alaskan figure who was…
Monday Mid-Morning Minute
– Arrested After Pro-Hamas Sit-In Has Ties to the White House, Muslim Brotherhood-Linked OrgAre students like Petocz just useful idiots
Joe Biden Suffers a Total Eclipse of His Shame As He Bumbles and Fibs in Wisconsin…e-brain-as-joe-biden-stumbles-and-lies-in-wisconsin-n2172475
– writing.Government-mandated DEI is now causing chip manufactures to cancel American projects and build overseas because we are ruled by idiots
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