Results for: merrick garland

Ben Sasse Votes Against Merrick Garland AG Nom, His BFFs on the Left Lose Their Minds…garland-ag-nom-his-bffs-on-the-left-lose-their-minds-n335326
– Attorney General, Merrick Garland, to the full Senate, as Manu Raju of CNN reported via Twitter: Merrick Garland’s nomination approved … And as we also wrote, the Democrats had to wrangle with Committee Chair Lindsey Graham to even get confirmation hearings for GarlandGarland is peak Ben Sasse "I like to talk as if I have principles, but don't actually." — Elie Mystal (@…
Reality Hits Mitch McConnell, Now He Flips Again on Trump
– Meanwhile, if he votes for extremely flawed Biden candidates like Merrick Garland, as he has indicated he would, that’s not helping…
Some Tough Questions for the Political Class
– He has subsequently stated that he will vote for Biden’s attorney general nominee, Merrick Garland, despite Garland’s anti-gun and … (2) Why are you voting for Garland against the wishes of your own constituents who are pro-2A and pro-law-and-order?…
Swalwell Sticks His Foot in It Talking About 'Little Girls of South Asian Descent' In Effort to Save Neera Tanden's Nomination…n-descent-in-effort-to-save-neera-tandens-nomination-n331903
Merrick Garland’s hearing was a festival of crazy, with him not even able to say if he thought illegal entry was a crime. … Garland also indicated that if a federal courthouse were attacked at night rather than during the day that it might not qualify as…
Does Merrick Garland Even Know What Day It Is?
Merrick Garland had his confirmation hearing yesterday. … NEW – Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says #Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened … The myth of Merrick Garland ended yesterday. He’s not a moderate. He’s not smart.…
Garland Refuses to Say If Illegal Entry Should Remain a Crime; Makes Strange, Confused Comment About What Happened on Jan. 6…trange-confused-comment-about-what-happened-on-jan-6-n331398
Merrick Garland was just a horrible witness on his own behalf today. … From Daily Wire: Well, this is again, a question of allocation of resources,” Garland responded. … Merrick Garland: "I think the first thing I should do as part of my briefings on the Capitol Bombing are briefings with Director Wray…
NBC Hack Tries to Go After Josh Hawley, Ends Up Looking Terribly Silly
– Josh Hawley’s questioning of Merrick Garland during his Senate hearing on his nomination for Attorney General. … As I reported, Garland said the strangest thing ever, claiming that an attack on a federal courthouse might not be “domestic terrorism … But apparently in the process of questioning Garland, Hawley made what appeared to be a pointing gesture. Beschloss just lost it.…
Wow: AG Nominee Merrick Garland Explains Why Antifa Attack on Fed Courthouse Might Not Be 'Domestic Terrorism'…on-a-fed-courthouse-might-not-be-domestic-terrorism-n331251
– In retrospect, Republicans made a mistake in not giving Merrick Garland a hearing for the Supreme Court position. … NEW – Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says #Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened … “Both are criminal, but one is a core attack on our Democratic institutions,” Garland said. This answer is absolutely bananas.…
BLM/Antifa Folks Storm Banks in Portland, Try To Break Into Federal Courthouse, It Doesn't Go Well…nks-in-portland-try-to-break-into-federal-courthouse-n341943
– It was almost as if they heard Merrick Garland during his confirmation hearing that if they attacked at night he wouldn’t consider … Paging Merrick Garland..does this qualify yet? Warning for loud graphic language and utter lunacy. “F— the United States!” … — Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) March 12, 2021 Dear President @JoeBiden, @AGOUSOA Merrick Garland, and @…
20 Republicans Vote to Confirm Merrick Garland Because the GOP Is Worthless…confirm-merrick-garland-because-the-gop-is-worthless-n341493
Merrick Garland, who first rose to prominent as a failed Supreme Court nominee under Barack Obama, is now the top law enforcement … As I wrote last month, I’m not even sure Merrick Garland can be counted on to know what day it is at this point. … NEW – Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says #Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened…
Essential Republicans and Conservatives: This Isn’t an Ideological Debate - This Is a Political War…s-isnt-an-ideological-debate-this-is-a-political-war-n339341
– Conservatives Urge Senate Republicans to Oppose Merrick Garland Confirmation If you want to stop Net Neutrality – you must stop any-and-all…
The 'Boof Truther' Is Trying to Go After Kavanaugh Again
– So, fast forward to today, and Merrick Garland has been approved for Attorney General, despite saying ridiculous things like he couldn … Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is now asking Garland, in a letter, to examine the FBI’s “fake” investigation into sexual assault allegations…
Mother of God: Tom Cotton Absolutely Takes Biden Nominee Apart During Hearing…absolutely-takes-biden-nominee-apart-during-hearing-n342780
– While Merrick Garland stumbles around the DOJ, unable to ascertain what day it is, this hardcore radical will be running the show.…
Trump Exercises His Classic, Acerbic Wit to Ask a Great Question About the Durham Investigation…ask-a-great-question-about-the-durham-investigation-n351144
– According to the Washington Examiner, during questioning of the new Attorney General, Merrick Garland, Garland declined to promise…
Department of Justice Is Investigating the Lead Prosecutor for the Capitol Riots and the Fix Is In…d-prosecutor-for-the-capitol-riots-and-the-fix-is-in-n350268
– More likely than not, Sherwin would not sit for a 60 Minutes interview without clearance from the office of Attorney General MerrickGarland.…
Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth -- Voting Against All Biden Nominees Based Only on Their Race…against-all-biden-nominees-based-only-on-their-race-n349094
– as to not show any bias or preference): White Guys: 8 — Ron Klain, Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Pete Buttigieg, John Kerry, MerrickGarland, Marty Walsh, and Dennis McDonough White Gals: 3 — Janet Yellen, Jennifer Granholm, Avril Haines Black Gals: 3 — Marcia…
BREAKING: Biden Names AG Pick, You May Remember Who This Is, Left Goes Crazy
– Biden is picking Merrick Garland, the man who Barack Obama nominated for the Supreme Court but who was not given a hearing by Senate … Merrick Garland being nominated to attorney general as Mitch McConnell, who stopped him from having a chance at being a Supreme Court … Merrick Garland is a pretty middling centrist.…
Graham Slaps Dems: Play 'Political' Games With Impeachment, You Don't Get What You Want on Merrick Garland
Garland. … wanted to do Garland all in one day on Feb. 8 and Graham said no. … He also said that they are missing important information and documents on Garland in order to proceed.…
McConnell Vows to Continue Confirming Judges: 'We're Going to Run Through the Tape'…confirming-judges-were-going-to-run-through-the-tape-n284516
– After referencing his 2016 decision not to proceed with Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to fill the seat left vacant by…
Could Joe Biden's Best Answer to His Attorney General "Problem" Be a Republican?…attorney-general-problem-be-to-nominate-a-republican-n293587
– Two new names mentioned in a Politico article on Saturday were Deval Patrick and Judge Merrick Garland.  … Judge Garland has been on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals for 23 years. … Of the two, if he is prepared to leave the DC Circuit, the better choice would be Garland.    …
Former Law Professor: Biden Should Appoint Obama as Attorney General — but It Gets Worse
– Circuit Court Judge Merrick Garland, or Deval Patrick, who was a Civil Rights Division chief and former Democrat governor of Massachusetts…
Larry Elder Op-Ed: Democrats Demand Trump Not Replace RBG: 'Cue the Laughter'…ocrats-demand-trump-not-replace-rbg-cue-the-laughter-n260523
– Elder included comments made by Joe Biden in 2016 when McConnell refused to hold hearings for Merrick Garland, nominated by Barack…
Sen. Barrasso Confirms What We Already Know About The Democrats And Supreme Court…e-already-know-about-the-democrats-and-supreme-court-n255122
– They claim that the Republicans are guilty of hypocrisy due to their refusal to consider Judge Merrick Garland, who was nominated by…
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