Results for: elites

Clintonista Neera Tanden Scolds Progressives Who Dare Bring Up Questions About Biden's Decline…olding-progressives-who-dare-bring-up-bidens-decline-n130487
– Here’s @mehdirhasan on how self-delusional and willfully blind Democratic Party elites are being when it comes the grim, ugly, uncomfortable…
Ana Navarro Attempts to Slam Jeff Sessions and Instead Exposes All the Flaws of Media Elitism…s-and-instead-exposes-all-the-flaws-of-media-elitism-n130469
– IGNORANCE – Recall, for just a flashing moment, the recent spate of these media elites who love to condemn voters on the right and…
Opinion: The Deep State Overturns the Rule of Law And Devalues the America Premium…rns-the-rule-of-law-and-devalues-the-america-premium-n130026
– …The rampant corruption in DC, in the justice system, and among our elites is another very real “cost” businesses flee from.…
Kira Davis: Trump Could Flip California...Here's How
– We are now faced with deciding how we want this nation to proceed – as a nanny state in which a few powerful elites hold our fates…
VDH Nails the Chinese and Their String-Pulling of Western Politicians and Media…heir-string-pulling-of-western-politicians-and-media-n131832
– VDH: And they salt money to the elites of all these westernized countries, and then they have a wonderful propaganda [strategy], and…
Foreign Chinese Wuhan Virus Shows a Lot of Reporters Don't Have a Clue About How Their Own Country Works…s-dont-have-a-clue-about-how-their-own-country-works-n131355
– shown time an again through the course of the Wuhan virus* is that is again reveals that a large number of reporters and Coastal elites
Here’s Why the Deep State and Wuhan Virus Are Like White on Rice…e-and-the-wuhan-virus-go-together-like-white-on-rice-n131303
– Establishment cronies, puppet media, self-serving elites, bent cops and the rancid opposition loathe his sole purpose–your freedoms…
The Economist: Almost All G20 Countries Move Into Recession [Take a Guess at Which Ones Aren't]
– It is what the global elites and Democrat Party are hoping for out of this pandemic, which is why their propaganda and hype are completely…
News Summary From the Week That Was (22 – 28 March) – Virus Edition
– The party is merely following the leftward slide of its electorate, led by disproportionately influential white elites.…
President Trump Reaches out to Sanders Supporters: 'This Ended Just Like the Democrats & the DNC Wanted'…rs-this-ended-just-like-the-democrats-the-dnc-wanted-n133820
– Parscale played up the DNC’s prior treatment of the Senator: “Democrat elites shoved Bernie Sanders to the side for a second time,…
We Have Sacrificed Our Constitutional Freedoms to Fight a Virus; Will We Ever Get Them Back?…freedoms-to-fight-a-virus-will-we-ever-get-them-back-n133540
– Now that government knows that it can do this and that our elites and our media will stand idly by…along with the great mass of the…
Ricky Gervais Slaps Hollywood Stars for Complaining They're Stuck in Their Mansions…ities-complaining-quarantine-mansions-swimming-pools-n134519
– In an interview with The Sun, the 58-year-old took aim at elites complaining about being quarantined — in their multimillion dollar…
CNN Guest Earns 5 Liberal Media Screams: 'You Stuck It to the Elites...Now Your Loved Ones Can Die'…u-stuck-it-to-the-elites-now-your-loved-ones-can-die-n134326
– You stuck it to the elites for three years. But now your loved ones can die. The game’s over. This isn’t reality TV anymore. … “You voted for him, you stuck it to the elites for three years, but now your loved ones can die, the game’s over.” … You stuck it to the elites for three years. But now, your loved ones can die. The game's over.…
Her Community Rallied to Find Her a Kidney Donor. Now This CA Mom Is Enjoying a New Life
– a community filled with people exuding the can-do community spirit one expects to find in small towns far away from the coastal elites
America's Technocratic Elite Are Covering For Their Virus Mistakes - But That's Not All They're Doing
– WHAT THE PROGRESSIVE ELITES HAVE LEARNED The denial campaign and narrative stubbornness unfolding among our technocratic elites goes … After all, to feel embarrassment, one must possess a sense of shame, a virtue that atrophied in America’s elites long ago. … No, the broadly ruinous outcome of the Wuhan virus response was for the progressive elites a great success.…
Fetchin' Gretchen ("Karen") Whitmer Channels Baghdad Bob
– …and it exists for political reasons, and for the projection of will-to-power by the governing elites.…
Chris Cuomo's Wife's 'Remedy' for COVID Will Blow Your Peasant Minds
– It is a glaring representation of the disconnect between elites and the rest of America. … It’s the absolute tone-deafness of elites in the media that enraged Americans enough to flip the script that fateful November.…
Murderous Mint Chocolate Chip: Meghan McCain Calls Trump's Pelosi Ad Exactly What It Is…ream-james-corden-trump-ad-antoinette-kill-shot-view-n135126
– April 21, 2020 There’s nothing quite like tough times to expose the ivory tower in which some detached, painfully clueless elites
Two Americas: George Stephanopoulos Takes a Walk in Public While Contagious With Wuhan Virus…itism-takes-a-walk-while-contagious-with-wuhan-virus-n135075
– // — BT (@back_ttys) April 21, 2020 It’s almost like there are two Americas were wealthy, media-connected elites
Communist China, ‘New Normal’ and ‘Managed Decline’: Let’s Stop Relying on Anyone but US…d-managed-decline-lets-stop-relying-on-anyone-but-us-n136309
– Was a Bad Deal for the Country Former Trump campaign manager and advisor Stephen Bannon summed up Trump’s trade policy: “The elites
Ordinary People Matter
– And the government has an obligation to hear their plight and make them as important as the elites they seem to be listening to far … That means more than just listening to elites. It means listening to ordinary people. *A note about “Ordinary People Matter”.…
My Exclusive Interview With Self Described 'Trumpicrat" Rod Blagojevich
– Instead of the people at the local level organically deciding what’s best for their communities, now suddenly you’ve got these elites
Open or Shelter? Difficult Choices for Los Angeles County's Recovery from COVID-19
– In the first months of 2020, the top elites among the medical research community, the immunology and vaccine scientists, were worried … Even now, we are hearing the medical elites showing signs they may not be so sure any one of those candidate vaccines will make it…
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