Results for: Biden Family Business

Hunter Biden Took at Least 23 Flights Thru Joint Base Andrews, Home of Air Force One and Two…hru-joint-base-andrews-home-of-air-force-one-and-two-n385502
– Remember when Joe Biden claimed that he had never spoken to his son Hunter about his business dealings? … Period,” Biden told reporters at a campaign stop in South Carolina. [….] … That’s why I never talk with my son or my brother or anyone else in the distant family about their business interests, period.”…
Gretchen Whitmer Likes Private Jets, Even Flew on One to Biden Inauguration…private-jets-even-flew-on-one-to-biden-inauguration-n384741
– just wanted to make sure during the height of the “pandemic” that you lil people stayed home cowering, while she did the state’s business … Seems the 49th Governor of the State of Michigan took a private Jet to Washington, D.C., to watch Joe Biden take the oath of office … nearly $21,000 – labeled as a “gift” by the fund – to charter a plane for the governor to attend Biden’s inauguration with her family
Pulitzer Prize Parody Nominations: Avian Racism, Crotch Examinations, and More…ominations-avian-racism-crotch-examinations-and-more-n392548
– of keeping employment figures low — and what followed was a rush of people applying for jobs, ultimately to the benefit of his business … Well, we can happily display that same journalistic spirit endures during the Biden administration. … Last week the First Family took a brief vacation to celebrate Jill Biden turning 70, and during a bike jaunt, the press was on hand…
Legacy Media Insists Facebook Will Now Treat Politicians Like Everyone Else…cebook-will-now-treat-politicians-like-everyone-else-n391788
– “Facebook reverses policy protecting politicians from engaging in harmful speech” There’s also this from our friends at CNN Business … its controversial policy of exempting politicians from fact checking on its platform, a source familiar with the plan told CNN Business … fact-checking anything relating to the COVID-19, Chinese virus that concerned Americans wanted to share with their friends and family
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Bombshell Revelations Continue…
Biden, Ossoff, Warnock received 90% of the mail-in ballots in Fulton County. … This over-performance was the same in Biden-counties as Trump-counties whenever Dominion was used. … It’s also important to remember that the Biden-family is in business with Chinese-nationals with “deep connections” to the “Communist…
Who Would Have Guessed Hunter Biden Would Be Picky About His Women -- No "Yellow" Asian Girls for Him…picky-about-his-women-no-yellow-asian-girls-for-him-n397877
– , daughter of Hunter’s business-partner-in-crime — and Joe’s brother — Jim Biden. … of the Biden family. … Seriously, the fact that this extended family is this screwed up is a reflection on Joe and Jim Biden and the way they brought up their…
The Pulitzer Parody Nominations: What the White House Sips, the AP Pix, and the Prize Gets Picked…hite-house-sips-the-ap-pix-and-the-prize-gets-picked-n397723
– the “mostly peaceful” in describing their coverage of the “protests” from last year, all while displaying the image of a private business … On his first leg of the whirlwind international trip, Joe Biden met with Boris Johnson, and the two first families really appear to … Biden (@MartiniShark) June 11, 2021 Distinguished Explanatory Reporting Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post You had to know…
Gavin Newsom Reopens the State and Teases Vaccine Passports; He's Still Getting Recalled…teases-vaccine-passports-hes-still-getting-recalled-n397439
– PayThePending @GavinNewsom @AsmRichardBloom @tedlieu @AdamSchiff — Industry Monkey (@IndustryMonkey) June 11, 2021 I have a family … Another crook that leveled up in the Biden administration, former Attorney General Xavier Becerra, came up with the website in order … And finally, we can’t even do Cannabis Business Distribution correctly!…
NYT Story on DOJ Subpoenas for Records of Congress and Press Has All the Markings of "Fake News"…congress-and-press-has-all-the-markings-of-fake-news-n395955
– and Microsoft for account information on Democrat members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, staffers, and family … That’s not “metadata,” Zach; that’s commonly referred to in the vernacular as “subscriber information,” and is considered “business … There must be something about to break that is going to make Joe Biden and the Democrats look worse than they already do.…
Media Now Admits Trump Was Right About Pretty Much Everything in 2020
– Third on Trump’s list is the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. … This was a major story, implicating Joe Biden and possible Biden family corruption. Those who shared it were censored. … You would think the media would be scrambling to investigate illicit activity between Hunter Biden, his father, and overseas business
The Evil Party: Still Smarter than the Stupid Party
– Clinton’s likely 2016 primary foes were asked about Clinton’s judgment in using her personal email to conduct State Department business … left it to Republicans and the media to sort out the implications of a potential scandal that threatens to reinforce the Clinton family … Scott Conroy at RCP theorizes that the demurrals of Sanders, Jim Webb, Martin O’Malley, and Joe Biden in turn indicate that Clinton…
Hillary Clinton's Speech at the DNC, and Why It Was Great
– None of us can raise a family, build a business, heal a community or lift a country totally alone. … The family I’m from . . . well, no one had their name on big buildings. My family were builders of a different kind. … We’re going to help you balance family and work.…
Watercooler 11/10/16; What A Week, Winners, Losers And Crazies Oh My
– At least that’s what those in the hyperbole business would have you believe. … LOSERS Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, And The Entire Clinton Crime Family:  What more to be said ? No third term for Bill. … They have no young up and comers, Biden ( Ok I am laughing), Warren (laughing harder), this would have been their last shot.…
Rudy Giuliani Reveals New Information in Interview with Dan Bongino; Regarding the Bidens: 'To me, it's a racketeering case, a RICO case'…th-dan-bongino-hes-not-nuts-hes-just-over-the-target-n124704
– He hires Biden, not Biden’s son. He hires Joe, to protect him. To protect his business. … In Ukraine, he can’t do a damn thing about corruption except contribute to it…But in each case, the Biden crime family made millions … Giuliani describes questionable business deals involving James Biden (Joe’s brother) that go back to 1973, shortly after Biden wins…
A Few Impressions From the Democrats's Watermelon Debate Last Night
– Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. … Biden Is Not a Viable Candidate No one has ever accused Biden of being smart but last night highlighted just how bad he is. … Also, Biden never mentioned his new grandchild.…
We're Gonna Need Shovels: Joe Biden Names His Dream VP, and It's Probably the Smartest Idea I've Heard From Him
– If so, Biden’s taking care of business. At least, he wants to. He’s got plans for the former First Family in general. … Joe Biden: "Yeah, I would, but I don’t think he’d do it. He'd be a great Supreme Court Justice." … In September of last year, Stephen Colbert asked Biden if he ever went to Michelle for advice.…
Can We Take a Sickle to the Unrelenting Dumbness of Comparing Trump to Hitler? Joe Biden Tells an Iowa Supporter It's 'Profound'…itler-joe-biden-tells-an-iowa-supporter-its-profound-n126757
– time_continue=61&v=sAPGZc3VuNk&feature=emb_logo]     On Monday, Joe Biden took a question from the crowd at an Iowa campaign … Settlement — combined with the actions of a Democratic Congress and a ruling by the left-wing 9th Circuit of Appeals — resulted in family … My dad would come home and then go back and close up the business he managed after dinner. We always ate dinner together.…
Hunter Biden's "Not Corruption" May Soon Blow Up in Arkansas
– Hunter Biden has just crossed into new territory. … If so, Hunter Biden finds himself in a rare pickle. … Hunter Biden sit in the corner … of a cell.…
Here's Why the Obama Administration Invited Ukrainian Officials to the White House in January 2016…rainian-officials-to-the-white-house-in-january-2016-n126465
– In a statement issued Thursday, Oct. 16, Biden doesn’t say why he was discharged. … Joe Biden then learned that his son was about to be questioned by the prosecutor general’s office and the pressure from Biden (and … The title of the article is, “Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch.”…
New Book Details the Stunning Corruption of the 'Biden 5': Hunter Was Not the Only Family Member to Cash In…n-5-hunter-was-not-the-only-family-member-to-cash-in-n126150
– The story begins with the adventures of the Biden family, but also covers corruption involving other government figures such as Bernie … Hunter Biden was not the only family member to reap financial rewards from his father’s lofty position. … Instead, it was a family affair, which is why Schweizer dubs them the “Biden 5.”…
Stock Up on the Popcorn: Republicans Just Requested Hunter Biden Travel Records From Secret Service…sted-hunter-biden-travel-records-from-secret-service-n127805
– In a statement issued Thursday, Oct. 16, Biden doesn’t say why he was discharged. … company co-founded by the younger Biden. … After the China trip, BHR’s business license was approved.…
Impeachment Trial: Proof That CNN’s Brian Stelter and Company Are Just as Crazy as You Imagined…telter-and-company-are-just-as-crazy-as-you-imagined-n127225
– Stelter continued: At the same time, they focused on Joe Biden – they focused on the Biden family. … That’s why on right-wing radio, you’ll hear all about the Biden crime family, and you will keep hearing it for as long as Biden is … His own network hasn’t even bothered to look into Biden corruption as detailed in the book.…
Peter Schweizer Details Biden Family Corruption for Mark Levin
– Much of the interview provided amazing details on Biden family corruption. … And when it comes to Biden, no touch. Schweizer: Yes. That ended the Q&A on Biden family corruption. … Chapter 3 of Schweizer’s book provides 45 pages on Biden family corruption, the center of which is Joe Biden.…
Michael Bloomberg Revealed to Be an Abusive and Sexist Boss but No One in the Democrat Party Is Going to Care…ss-but-no-one-in-the-democrat-party-is-going-to-care-n128692
– Much of it is banal business adages that boil down to the customer is dumb and buy-low-sell-high with a dash of high school locker … I guess that puts a lot of you girls out of business,” I know for a fact that any self-respecting woman who walks past a construction … “The Royal Family—what a bunch of misfits—a gay, an architect, that horsey faced lesbian, and a kid who gave up Koo Stark for some…
New Polls Shows Joe Biden's New Hampshire Campaign In a Death Spiral
– Joe Biden. … Klobuchar could pass Biden and/or Warren on Tuesday. … business deal to Hunter Biden and his brother, James, and not whatever nuttiness the Democrats want to talk about.…
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