Results for: MAGA Republicans

Hillary Uses the Anniversary of 9/11 to Bash American ‘Extremists’
– He demonized huge swaths of Americans in an angry, shouting voice, exhorting: And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans … Instead of offering a unifying message, she has to slam what one can only assume are conservatives: Hillary Clinton on #CNNSOTU on MAGA … powerful, determined minority who are behind censorship, cancel culture and the grooming of kids, and it ain’t anyone sporting a MAGA
WH Spox Claims Biden Isn't Taking Record Number of Vacation Days, but More Than Half of Americans Know the Truth…days-but-more-than-half-of-americans-know-the-truth-n625397
– That is, of course, unless the Republicans manage to purposely snatch defeat from victory in the presidential election, which I’ve … Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel recognizes the opportunity, as well, telling the Post: Voters want Republicans … So, as Biden continues his ridiculous attack on Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans, while the Biden Border Crisis™ continues at a record…
Whoops: Manchin May Be Getting the Shaft on the Backend of His Deal
– “In the face of the existential threats like climate change and MAGA extremism, House and Senate leadership has a greater responsibility … So the question may be how the Republicans vote on this and some like Sen.…
Bombshell Report: Dozens of Trump Allies Raided or Served Subpoenas by FBI…ns-of-trump-allies-raided-or-served-subpoenas-by-fbi-n625209
– Bannon said that we saw from Biden’s “demonic” anti-MAGA speech that this was the “primal scream” of a “dying regime.” … Bannon claimed there were “35 FBI raids” on senior MAGA/Trump allies. … That’s about the size of it if Republicans let this go without calling out the abuse.…
Joe Biden's Latest Definition of "Ultra MAGA" Pushes Into Absurdity
– The president railed against “MAGA Republicans,” declaring them enemies of the state and a threat to the republic. … Pretty soon, the president began insisting that he wasn’t talking about “mainstream Republicans” and that the “ultra MAGA” represented … “Ultra MAGA” and “MAGA Republicans” are defined as anyone who dares to question the regime.…
Dem. Sen. Cortez Masto Makes a Disgusting Comment That May Hurt Her Senate Chances…disgusting-comment-that-may-hurt-her-senate-chances-n625139
– Yet Joe Biden tries to falsely smear Republicans as “threats to democracy”? … So just like with Biden and his Red Sermon about the MAGA Republicans, maybe she’s throwing this abortion comment out there to appeal … MAGA Republicans and the student debt bailout, which was a big mistake.…
WATCH: New York AG Twists the Knife Into Steve Bannon
– Bannon, who is the self-proclaimed leader of the “MAGA grassroots movement,” surrendered himself in New York City to prosecutors following … Further, as I’ve said before, Republicans need to get out of New York City. Basing an operation there is suicide at this point.…
Report: Palace Intrigue Hits Fever Pitch as WH Knows Joe Blew It With ‘Dark Brandon’ Speech…tch-as-wh-knows-joe-blew-it-with-dark-brandon-speech-n624408
– viciously partisan primetime address dubbed by conservatives as the “Dark Brandon speech” has not been kind to the White House, with RepublicansRepublicans” as representative of “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.” … Related: Peter Doocy Confronts WH Election Deniers, Implodes Biden’s ‘MAGA Republicans’ Narrative in Short Order…
Maine Department of Education Calls 'MAGA' a Form of 'Covert Racism and White Supremacy'…lls-maga-a-form-of-covert-racism-and-white-supremacy-n633616
– zero surprise that a Democrat governor refuses to remove a controversial video from her state’s department of education labeling “MAGA … , “Maine Online Opportunities for Sustained Education” (MOOSE), as reported by the Daily Caller, that includes a charge against “MAGARepublicans.”…
The ‘MAGA Republicans’ Trope Is All Democrats Have Left
– There’s a reason why the White House and Democrats in Congress continue to harp on the “MAGA Republicans” talking point. … “The MAGA Republicans control the Republican Party right now, and that’s self-evident.  That’s self-evident,” Biden quipped. … “80% of Democrats agree with Biden’s quote about the threat of MAGA ‘extremism,’ while 76% of Republicans disagree.…
Joe Biden's Recent Speeches Indicate There Are 2 of Him
– keep Us united, you must have a Them, an ominous, evil Them who threaten everything that is good about Us: When I talk about the MAGARepublicans are loudly, incessantly, and accurately hanging the blame for all that on Biden. But there’s danger in that.…
If Words Are 'Violence,' When Is Violence 'Violence?'
– Sure, Jussie Smollet was a lying fame-whore who made up the most ridiculous story of MAGA persecution to get a pay raise and an extra … THE MAGA MURDERERS COULD STRIKE FOR REAL AT ANY MOMENT! It’s all projection. … Steve Scalise’s life because the media kept telling him Republicans wanted to kill poor Americans by gutting Obamacare?…
TDS-Riddled Pelosi: McCarthy Accidentally Posts 'Extreme MAGA Agenda,' Then 'Frantically Hides' It…posts-extreme-maga-agenda-then-frantically-hides-it-n631431
– upside for 82-year-old Nancy Pelosi is, relatively speaking, she likely doesn’t have oodles of years to suffer over Donald Trump and “MAGARepublicans” living rent-free in her head, 24×7. … state legislatures absolute power to change the rules of elections at whim, and help insert extreme MAGA allies to disrupt polling…
'Punked': DeSantis 'Plan' to Ship Illegal Aliens to Biden's Delaware Home Arrives...Not Even Close…liens-to-bidens-delaware-home-arrives-not-even-close-n631282
– take it anymore” governors who continue to demonstrate real democracy — a far cry from Biden’s silly warning that Donald Trump and MAGARepublicans are “the greatest threat to our democracy.”…
If Democrats Are So Concerned About MAGA Republicans, Why Did They Fund Their Primary Campaigns?…epublicans-why-did-they-fund-their-primary-campaigns-n630873
– According to President Biden, “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” … Per the president, MAGA Republicans, as well as the 80 million Americans who support the MAGA agenda, are also “semi-fascists.” … Most likely voters, according to a recent poll, think the “danger” posed by MAGA Republicans is “grossly exaggerated.”…
Nobody Should Trust the Biden Administration on the Threat of 'Domestic Extremism'…n-administration-on-the-threat-of-domestic-extremism-n630717
– Meanwhile, Republicans serving on the House Judiciary Committee posted a letter on Twitter from another whistleblower, who contends … From where I sit, this just seems to be yet another way to politicize the FBI by scaring the nation into believing that the “MAGA Republican…
The GOP's Closing Message? It May Just Be Crime
– All 1,200. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 20, 2022 Republicans are within striking distance … Last month, Biden sought to wrest the moral high ground on crime from “MAGA Republicans,” arguing in one speech in Pennsylvania: “Don … Another huge boon for the Republicans is that the immigration stories are drowning out the stories surrounding Trump and the FBI.…
Some Political Violence Is Perfectly Acceptable to the Activist Media
Republicans” and “extremists” pose some type of dire threat to the Republic. … But now, it has been reported that only a few weeks after Biden gave his “MAGA Republicans are evil people who strangle kittens and … In fact, they still bring up Charlottesville as a political cudgel against Republicans and conservatives.…
Radio Host Just Wrecks Tim Ryan During Interview Discussing 'Flip-Flops'…ecks-tim-ryan-during-interview-discussing-flip-flops-n637222
– Nowadays, as Ohio’s Democratic Senate nominee Ryan is trying to win over middle-of-the-road voters and conservative Republicans by … standards), and too extreme for Ohio – particularly on issues like abortion, the gender identity politics debate, and dealing with “MAGARepublicans.”…
Democrats Would Be Fools to Not Be Concerned About GOP Investigations
Republicans’ and provide a useful foil for Biden, allowing him to draw sharp contrasts between his governing and their obfuscating … If House Republicans are true to their word, they are going to be quite busy over the next few years. … In light of this, it seems a bit silly to suggest that these issues will somehow negatively affect Republicans.…
'He Has a DEATH WISH': Trump Blasts McConnell in Controversial Message
– A reignited and public feud could not come at a worse time for Republicans. … Meanwhile, Trump’s own PAC, Save America, recently announced it would shift money to a new group, MAGA Inc., which would also start…
Dan Rather Plays Politics With Deadly Hurricane, Chiding Ron DeSantis for Martha's Vineyard 'Stunt'…cane-chiding-ron-desantis-for-marthas-vineyard-stunt-n634965
– “unite” America during his inaugural address, but has done everything but; including labeling former President Donald Trump and “MAGA … ” Republicans as “semi-fascists” who pose “a threat to the rule of law.”…
The Two Faces of Tim Ryan Strike yet Again
– standards), and too extreme for Ohio – particularly on issues like abortion, the gender identity politics debate, and dealing with “MAGARepublicans.”…
Rather Than Report on Giorgia Meloni as Italy's First Female PM, CNN Compares Her to Infamous Dictator…irst-female-pm-cnn-compares-her-to-infamous-dictator-n634127
– The Bottom Line As in the case of Joe Biden referring to Donald Trump and “Maga Republicans” as “semi-fascists” who “pose a threat … to the rule of law,” while others define the term “MAGA” as a “form of covert racism and white supremacy,” this is what they’re reduced…
Ted Cruz Nails It: Nixon Tried and Failed to Corrupt the DOJ and FBI, 'Obama and Biden Succeeded’…to-corrupt-the-doj-and-fbi-obama-and-biden-succeeded-n642772
– still, it continues, with the Democrat Party, U.S. intelligence agencies, and “mainstream” media all but thumbing their noses at Republicans … “MAGA Republicans” Meanwhile, President “Unity” has found one acceptable use for fossil fuels — pouring partisan gasoline on the … Hence, Biden sneers at “MAGA Republicans,” as if Trump supporters are on par with the black-shirted supporters of WWII Italy’s fascist…
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