Results for: the big guy
Did Donald Trump Really Just Praise Kim Jong-Un? (Video)
He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. I mean this guy doesn’t play games. And we can’t play games with him.” … and the United States. … We criticize politicians for giving double-speak and non-responses all the time, but the answer is not to go full force in the opposite…
Donald Trump is a Canadian health care system-loving big government liberal who needs to be shut down…care-system-loving-big-government-liberal-needs-shut-n55838…care-system-loving-big-government-liberal-needs-shut-n55838
This episode provides another important indicator that it’s time for the conservative movement, the liberty movement, and the GOP establishment … Unless he is seriously marginalized and undercut, the guy is bound to be a branding problem and mega-problem-child for the GOP (which … This guy cannot be—and can no longer be seen to be—a representative of the GOP or “conservatism” in any way, shape or form.…
Benghazi Soldiers Believe Victims' Families, not Hillary [VIDEO]
The three of them have been making the rounds in the media lately trying to promote both their book and the upcoming movie, and yesterday … guy who made the video. … because they have the courage to tell the truth.…
New Anti-Trump 'Buyer Beware' Ad From Make America Awesome Will Put You Off Grocery Stores Forever…make-america-awesome-will-put-grocery-stores-forever-n56150…make-america-awesome-will-put-grocery-stores-forever-n56150
The ad deliberately avoids the glitz and slick editing that many political ads utilize, to emphasize the stark message: Buyer beware … The difference is that some are willing to tolerate them because only Trump can fix illegals or this’ll teach the establishment or … ” to anyone because he’s a rich guy.…
Is the attempt to strip Petraeus of his fourth star actually the first WH strike against Hillary's candidacy?…urth-star-actually-first-wh-strike-hillarys-candidacy-n56142…urth-star-actually-first-wh-strike-hillarys-candidacy-n56142
reopens the whole email issue again, while the specter of the FBI investigation looms in the background. … The problem for Obama is twofold. If he decides to protect Hillary, then ALL the details of the FBI investigation will leak. … So, what’s the guy to do?…
Why Trump Endorsed Bill de Blasio
Constitution of the United States. … Donald Trump: “He’s a smart guy that knows what’s going on really big league and I think he is not going to want to destroy New York … to let the homeless run wild on city streets.…
Team Cruz Makes It Trump against Trump
Image Credit: Joseph Sohm/
Reigniting the Promise, one of the Super PACs supporting Sen. … The Donald is referring to the Cruz effort to defund ObamCare. … Russert did with Trump on Meet the Press, which the Trump campaign released two days ago.…
Donald Trump's Epic Weekend Meltdown
Trump: Look, the truth is that he’s a nasty guy, he was so nice to me, I mean, I knew it, I was watching, I kept saying, “Come on, … And it’s not a good thing, it’s not a good thing for the country. Very nasty guy. … I’d do the public a big favor.
Stephanopolous: So are you going to do it?…
Nikki Haley is a Hero
Well, the guy who sets the tone for his followers, of course – Trump himself. … [crowd cheers] And by the end I’ll say, “Get them the hell out of here!” … RHINOS only support four initiatives – amnesty for cheap labor, big government, support the U.S.…
Rand Paul's Unseemly Whingeing
Rand Paul has already been the beneficiary of one rules violation that allowed him to be on the “big stage” of a debate that he … That the Republican Party in league with the media networks is saying we’re not going to let the liberty candidate on the stage,” he … Third, Rand Paul is a smart enough guy to know that the word “disenfranchises” means “to deprive of voting rights.”…
The Establishment Chooses Trump Over Cruz
The only non-political job she has ever had was working as a big law associate in Manhattan. … Not the worst possible result, from the standpoint of a guy like Mitch McConnell. … In the end, they are not really bothered by the prospect of a guy who allegedly converted to conservatism five minutes ago and shows…
Ted Cruz Leading Tight Iowa Race In New Gold Standard Poll
Perhaps no pollster in the nation is more respected on her home turf than Ann Selzer, the Iowa pollster for the Des Moines Register … guy). … in the past (think Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt in 2004), a big fight can damage both sides (Cruz is also going very heavy against…
The Cruz Campaign On The Damage To Trump From His Cut and Run Stunt
They deserve to see all the candidates on the stage so they can make a side by side comparison. … Big rallies are fine, but actually meeting people, getting a feel for the candidate, that’s what Ted Cruz has done for over a year … You can watch the Interview in the following video:…
If You Oppose Rubio Because of the Gang of 8, You Must Watch This Video
agreed to initially and that he knew would scuttle the bill within the GOP. … He’s a guy that nobody likes and nobody trusts, and he is a nasty guy. He says things that are very nasty. … , and that’s without question the truth.…
(VIDEO) Donald Trump Gives You Two Great Reasons To Oppose Him
ultimate, you know, as the ultimate of the billionaires in terms of, you know, people you don’t want. … The Democrats really don’t care about making deals unless the deals move their agenda forward. … big government bigger.…
Where Will The "Republican Regular" Voters Go?
That’s the big question of this primary, and everyone seems to be dividing the voters into “the conservatives,” “the establishment, … guy is on our side and has the best chance of beating Hillary and doing the things people elect Republicans to do. … “We can’t have a guy who stands in the middle of the Senate floor and every other senator thinks he’s a whack job.…
The Case For Marco Rubio Part II: The Salesman
the wreckage of the Carter era. … the battle for swing voters in the center of the election mostly academic. … Watch how Rubio manages to walk the line of treating this guy and his concerns with respect, while standing without apology for his…
No, NBC News, Hillary Clinton's Emails Were Not "Inocuous" ...And There Is Obvious Proof
the anonymous sources crawled out of the woodwork again:
The classified material included in the latest batch of Hillary Clinton … The officials say the emails included relatively “innocuous” conversations by State Department officials about the CIA drone program … The term “special access program” is commonly associated with the military, but the inspector general’s latest letter used it to refer…
Is Chris Christie Dropping Out?
He was very clearly a dog backed into a corner in the New Hampshire debate, and he attacked who he saw as the biggest threat on the … Out of spite for taking his opportunity to be the GOP big money’s favorite? … If the intent was to make the country better, then Donald Trump should be the clear guy to knock out of contention.…
New Hampshire and the Myth of Electability
do the talking here. … John Kasich is seen by folks like the New York Times as the most electable. … That’s what puts Trump at a very, very big first place and keeps Ted Cruz in the top three.…
Make America Awesome
of him— something that needs to happen, for the sake of the country, conservatism and the GOP, in roughly that order. … Data from that poll also suggests that attacking Trump for being “the Man” as opposed to the guy who will “stick it to the Man” is … I’m all for people going after Trump as a big government liberal, and goodness knows, that’s why I and the others at Make America Awesome…
Eating Our Own
Trump, on the other hand, loses big to any Democrat running. … I would gamble with the unqualified nice guy before I’d ever cast a vote for the unqualified, barely coherent, reality TV star, though … they’re not “our guy,” we run the risk of closing out all of our better choices and leaving Trump at the top.…
Jeb Bush's Slam Of Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Fetish Ignores Marco Rubio
And a lot of the big conservatives that tell me how conservative they are — I think I’m more than they are — they tell me, oh — well … You know who has the tickets for the — I’m talking about, to the television audience? … While Bush deserves credit for flogging Trump with this particular prevarication, let’s not lose sight of the fact that the guy who…
Who Were The Grown-ups In The New Hampshire Debate?
The governors on the stage, however, looked like actual grown-ups tonight. … John Kasich, though a sanctimonious ass, once again plays the friendly guy in the room, and doesn’t come off looking any worse for … late for the crowd on stage and perhaps for the primary.…
Are “Electable” Candidates Actually Electable? Part II: Swing State Electability…s-actually-electable-part-ii-swing-state-electability-n56333…s-actually-electable-part-ii-swing-state-electability-n56333
Neither was an excite-the-base guy, which is one reason the huge margin of Kasich’s 2014 win was mostly the product of depressed Democratic … Frankly the big down-ballot wipeouts of 2008 were due in good part to supercharged turnout for Obama (especially black voters), as … into the “war on women” narrative, and suffered a big gender gap.…