Results for: the big guy

With 2016 a Bad Memory, I Look Ahead to 2017
– Entering into 2017, with a Trump presidency about to be a reality, and Roy “Droopy” Cooper as the guy sitting in the North Carolina … And the battle of the communities? … abandoning myself to the big screen fantasy for a couple of hours, either.…
The Top 10 Political Rivalries of 2016
The Rubio Camp, the Cruz Camp, and the Trump Camp. … things from the government and how evil big business was. … They fought in a DM on Twitter, and Cernovich announced the other guy was no longer going to be on the committee… To which the other…
BREAKING: Obama Orders Sanctions Against Russian Officials/Intelligence Services For Hacking…st-russian-officialsintelligence-services-for-hacking-n65546
– Of course, he does it on his way out the door when he has known for a long time this happened. Still, it’s a pretty big deal. … of the military intelligence unit the White House believes ordered the attacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political … Taken together, the actions would amount to the strongest American response ever taken to a state-sponsored cyberattack aimed at the
Watercooler 12/28/16 Open Thread: Propaganda OOPS and Quick Hits
– I just hope she can ride thins out long enough to get a chance at reshuffling the deck under the new administration… the current one … From my read of the case, this guy was just being a normal Commiefornia driver… Why can’t we just kick this place out of the Union … Quote of the Day “When you pay attention to big chunks of people who typically are ignored, interesting things happen.”…
Ashton Kutcher Is Proud of Natalie Portman For Complaining That He Makes Three Times As Much Money…alie-portman-complaining-makes-three-times-much-money-n66100
– It is based on comparing the average salaries of men with the average salaries of women. … The average salary for women is lower than the average salary for men because women more often choose—something we’re always told they … The amount of money paid to an actor in a movie is a function of the budget for the film, how much the actor demands, and how much…
George Soros Lost $1 Billion following Trump Victory
– According to the Wall Street Journal, the Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager, George Soros lost about One Billion Dollars in the weeks … If George Soros wasn’t a commie sympathizer, Hollywood would be making a follow up to theBig Short”. … Perhaps the rest of the world is getting wise to the damage Soros, his money and his agenda can bring.…
Dear Donald Trump: Draining the Swamp Is Not A "Shovel Ready" Project
– Nearly invariably you’d find that the guy you were investigating was just following his boss’s example. … Ever since the election, the Obama donor and appointee who runs the Office of Government Ethics, a guy named Walter Shaub, has been … In short, Shaub should really pour a nice big hot cup of STFU and focus on his job — and the president’s financial holdings are not…
How Leah Remini's Scientology Fight Is A Front in Andrew Breitbart's #WAR
– Here’s the synopsis from A&E: Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath gives a voice to victims of the Church of Scientology despite … “I want my legacy to be that they know that they screwed with the wrong guy.” … Or a scientist skeptical about man’s role in climate change who hasn’t been accused of being in the pocket of Big Oil?…
With One Tweet, A Novelist Defending Hollywood Reveals How The Left Doesn't Get Middle America…ding-hollywood-reveals-left-doesnt-get-middle-america-n65960
– Through their words and actions, they’re making believe that Hillary Clinton took her rightful place behind the big desk in the Oval … Here’s a question I have for Patrick: Does he believe that Joe, the guy struggling to pay his mortgage in Wisconsin, is concerned about … The people at the Golden Globes may have grown up in small towns across the country, but there’s no getting around the fact that so…
#TJAMS: Welcome To the Happy Reboot Year!
The anticipation, the resolutions, the recidivism that the first week of January brings. … Jim and our producer Big Dave, always the skeptics eventually start to see the allure. … But does this really feel like “Archie” the guy whose biggest problem was deciding between Betty and Veronica?…
VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Might Run for Mayor of New York
the Clinton circle isn’t denying the claim – they’re staying silent on the matter. … He was a big supporter of Clinton in the election. … …Maybe so. de Blasio isn’t exactly the most popular guy in New York right now.…
Watch Gateway Pundit's Profanity Laced Screed Announcing His White House Press Credentials…laced-screed-announcing-white-house-press-credentials-n66714
– WaPo blog The Fix reacted to the announcement (covered by Patterico here at RedState) that the Trumpaganda-shoveling Gateway Pundit … And the reason was because I was telling the truth. … If true, we have a big problem in America. You can witness Hoft’s ridiculous performance at the DeploraBall below.…
Trump's Speech At CIA Headquarters. One Could Call It Bizarre Or Maybe Something More (VIDEO)
– [laughter] But I would guarantee a big portion. Because we’re all on the same wavelength, folks. … But I met Mike Pompeo, and he was the only guy I met. I didn’t want to meet anybody else. I said “cancel everybody else”. Cancel. … But this is how dishonest the media is: a big story. And the retraction was like — was it a line?…
Inaugurations Are Stupid: A Contrarian's Position
– But goodness gracious, the level of ceremony that goes into it, and all the emotion and crowds and pomp not to mention the circumstance … Hey, I become similarly misanthropic during the Oscars, the Grammys . . . pretty much any self-congratulatory ceremony you could name … Plus I just don’t like Donald Trump as a person, so the less I see of that guy, the better. Look, I’m a grump, OK?…
New York Times Launches A Fake News Attack On Rick Perry
– took a big dive into the Fake News Pond yesterday with a detestable hit piece on Rick Perry: ‘Learning Curve’ as Rick Perry Pursues … In the days after, Mr. … On the guy Rick Perry would succeed as Energy secretary: — robertklemko (@RobertKlemko) January 19, 2017…
Why Is Neil DeGrasse Tyson A Moron
– This, keep in mind, is the guy who applauded Pope Francis for mentioning the Big Bang Theory Pope Francis announced that he now embraces … the science of Evolution & the Big Bang. … — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) October 29, 2014 All the while he was cluelessly unaware that the originator of the Big Bang…
Scott Pruitt's Testimony Has California's Enviro-Whackos Furious
– I have a man-crush on this guy. … that reduce the profits of big corporations. … Pruitt’s hedging on the issue comes as California regulators have expressed confidence … “When you say ‘review’, I hear ‘undo’ the rights of the states,” Sen.…
Dianne Feinstein Doesn't Even Believe Her Own Propaganda (VIDEO)
– One of the big mysteries to me is how a sane person can look at this election season and come to the conclusion that Russia had any … The best one can say about the Russian effort, if it was even focused on affecting the outcome of the election (something that I think … hasn’t seen the light of day) and that a new fall guy is needed for Clinton’s loss.…
It's Time For Trump Supporters To Realize They Won and Get Over Never Trump
– In the face of that decision is where I will break with some of my conservative brethren who are saying, “Oh big deal. … There is no question the left is going to attempt to turn Gorsuch into Attila the Hun, saying he drinks the blood of infants to get … On issues where Republicans can agree, the back biting needs to come to a stop. Your guy won, Sean. Get over it. …
Trump to Mexico: Handle Your Bizness or the U.S. Military Might
– military down to “take care of” the “bad hombres,” according to a excerpt of the call provided anonymously to the Associated Press … “The assertions that you make about said conversation do not correspond to the reality of it,” the statement said. … One big key to stopping the illegal immigration problem is to incentivize the Mexican government to build its economy.…
Donald Trump's Supreme Court Pick Should Not Be Thomas Hardiman
– of the 3d Circuit. … You don’t have any question where this guy is going to stand on federalism and respect for the Constitution, do you? … These are solid decisions that do not garner applause from the leftists in Big Media or the legal profession’s elite.…
The 'Scientist's' March on Washington Is Misnamed But I Predict It'll Be a Hoot
– Bill Nye, the B.S. in mechanical engineering guy (natch) Neil Degrasse Tyson, the Astrophysicist attention whore guy People who watched … will be attending while the rest of us are paying them to work A guy dressed as Donald Trump carrying a paper-mâché globe that looks … cast of The Big Bang Theory The usual hippie suspects like PETA, Greenpeace, anarchists, Communist Party USA, Black Lives Matter,…
Trump Should Stop the Government's Price-Fixing Micro-Management of Music Royalties
– Leader of the Reality Revolution – and champion of the Little Guy.  … Big Music, and Big Entertainment in totality, did everything they could to stop him – and ensconce in the White House his opponent … Undaunted, Big Music is insisting on even further pressing its luck on the government-crony-front: “They pushed (the Justice Department…
Why Everyone Should Back Donald Trump's Call For An Investigation Into Vote Fraud
– Let’s review the bidding. Two years ago the Elections Director for the State of North Carolina did a quick study. … Taking a step back and looking at the big picture, if we take the North Carolina sample as an accurate representation of the problem … The story is that a guy meets a little boy crying and asks him why.…
How A Donald Trump Nomination Would Make The GOP Consultant Class Very Rich
– One of the underappreciated aspects is how any electoral success by Trump in the primaries and potentially the general election could … The reason for this is fairly straightforward: Trump is the avatar of the clueless-rich-guy style of candidate that is the absolute … If Trump were to win the nomination, consultants all across this land would get the message that the next rich guy, and the next, could…
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