Every parent wants their child to learn a new skill or gain accomplishments. But then comes that quarterly task of actually having to experience where said child — and their contemporaries — are in their learning by enduring the joy…it’s joy, right?…of the ever-feared word: Recital.
Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse has obviously experienced this before as he set in to live tweet his daughter’s piano recital on Tuesday night.
Senator Sasse seems to be optimistic at first…okay, about being able to live tweet during said recital, but still.
It's piano recital night. Am so fired up (Hoping* to live-tweet it)*assuming wife doesn't notice typing under my program
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 20, 2016
But then reality sets in.
Big show kicking off…
(Who knew you could spell "O, pain" from the letters in "piano"?)#RecitalHeaven— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
He then posed the question:
We have one adult student (23 yrs) tonight. She claims heckling is prohibited regardless of student age. Does that seem wrong to you too?
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
Obvi. Being twenty-three means you can handle it so much better!
Yeah, but just like how your kid’s not going to be in the NFL, they won’t be a prodigy either…
How to put this?
Let's just say it's great that most 5-yr-olds have 6-7 years left to become child prodigies.#Goals#PianoRecitalHeaven— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
You’re going to have to answer this yourself, Senator.
Why have I been forsaken?#PianoRecital
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
If you feel forsaken, I doubt you’re this lucky, Ben.
The #PianoRecital has been going for 90 minutes.
I suspect only 4-ish hours left…
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
The answer to this is: People who want you to test how much you love your child.
Guy just texted that he missed SupBowl3 b/c of a #PianoRecital
For the love of all that is good, who wld sched a recital during FOOTBALL?!
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
OOF. This hurts.
a few notes from the kids' #PianoRecital
B flat
F sharp— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
At least they seem to have fire. Fire is always good. Except…you know, when it’s not.
The #PianoRecital Establishment really upped their pyrotechnic game this year. Impressive stuff…
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
And this is why you go to piano recitals. Because this stuff is precious.
One kid just (accidentally) sang 62% of the song as he played. #PianoRecitalForever
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
But then your wife notices what you’re up to and you’re hosed.
I like where your head's at, but…
wife has an #EagleEye and I've "been warned" https://t.co/ZDXgMbdClo— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
(can't talk now. kinda in the doghouse.) https://t.co/YiRxEXVdEd
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
(71% probability it will survive the #PianoRecital #fallout… Pray.) https://t.co/1WTKrfYmXE
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
And then…that moment of pure relief when you realize that was the last performance.
El fin.#PianoRecital https://t.co/0YtgwuGq6O
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
He was taunting Florida this morning so he’s fine.
Shortest day of the Yr
Also, Steinbeck taunts Florida:
“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness"— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) December 21, 2016
And that’s how you get through a piano recital.
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