Results for: the big guy
Barack Obama, Joe Biden And The 2016 Update of The Benny Hill Show
The only guy that dumb still in President Obama’s Rolodex is none other than Joseph Biden. … A big effing deal. … It’s the Funny Or Die version of The Red Wedding from A Game of Thrones.…
Memories of Katrina and Double-U Brooks (from 2010)
I’ve been waiting in the weeds for the 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina to republish the following piece, my memories of the … But his neighbor “knew a guy in City Hall” who owed him a favor. The permit cost $100. … Hell, some of the big decisions he made were against my specific advice.…
Rating the Top 8 GOP Contenders on Past Performance
I’ll let Ann Barnhardt explain why THE DONALD gets a big, dead Red.
So, who said the following? … Next we get the guy I wish were running for President. Florida Governor, Jeb Bush. … The guy is like the Terminator. He keeps on grinding until he levels up. Solid Blue.…
National Review moves towards a rapprochement with Trump
One of the BIG IDEAS floated by self-proclaimed conservative theorists for winning in 2016 was the Reform Conservative or “Reformocon … Josh Barro, of the New York Times, half-serious and half-trolling asks the question Is Trump the Candidate Reform Conservatives Are … (and the George Wallace reference is to the populist anger Wallace uncorked in 1968, so the “Trump is racist” folks should just move…
Rep. Mike Honda (D, CA-17) squirms under allegations he mixed campaign business with House business.
Then the questioners moved in for the kill. … In fact, as Scott Herhold (the guy who wrote that Mercury News column quoted above) went on to note, this looks incredibly ‘sloppy … In 2014 it was one of those districts where you could vote for the Democrat, or you could vote for the Democrat.…
Candidates Will Be Questioned. They Should Have Serious Answers.
HH: That’s the guy.
DT: He’s going back and forth meeting with other countries, etc., etc.
HH: That’s the guy. … him big league, big league. … the Senate on the construction of the U.N. remodel.…
Why I Will Not Vote for Donald Trump in the primary, the General Election, or in a race for dogcatcher
But if you want to save the country, Newt’s not your guy.” … An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.” Trump is close to the reverse. … All the fit-throwing tantrums in the world about the POTUS candidate won’t change that…the only thing that gets rid of them is for…
My Problem With Jeb Bush's Candidacy
My big problem, though, is that we are twenty-three years removed from the last Bush v. Clinton contest. … Not since 1980 have we won without that being the case, but I’m not prepared to say the party of Lincoln is dependent on the Dynasty … If the republic is unable to raise up leaders other than a Bush or a Clinton to lead the country to the future, I think we have fundamental…
Barack Obama is Paralyzed by Fear
And this is the fear with which we find the President of the United States of America. … He went into his presidency with a big majority in Congress, and eventually rammed Obamacare through the legislative body. … the next guy.…
Donald Trump Shows Why Money In Politics Is A Good Thing
The resulting spike in news coverage then drives the poll numbers. … choices of the media and the nature of the candidate. … to a guy like Trump as a guy like Rubio or Cruz.…
Winners and Losers from the CNN/Salem Debate
However, she clearly showed that she belonged on the big stage, and had probably the most memorable moment of the night, stinging Trump … a star in the GOP prior to the 2012 elections. … He was at the center of the stage. He was Trump.…
Stop It. Donald Trump is Nothing Like Ronald Reagan.
Obviously, people chortled at the idea of Reagan the actor becoming President in somewhat the same way that they would the guy from … the end of The Apprentice. … The majority of the American people can tell the difference.…
The hackery of Lawrence Krauss
what the issues are in the Davis case. … The more we learn about the workings of the universe, the more purposeless it seems. … The idea that atheists, untethered by morality, make better scientists is a fallacy as big as Krauss’s ego.…
Where I Was On September 11
When I got above ground, there was a crowd gathering to see the horror above: a big hole somewhere in the top 15-20 stories of the … I thought of the guy who cleans the coffee machines, someone I barely speak to but see every day, who has to be in at that hour. … Aragorn responds that, to the contrary, it is the simpleness and even the pettiness of the hobbits that makes the task worthwhile,…
Why Donald Trump Is Seemingly Bulletproof
It flattens the barn, trashes the crops, eats your loyal pet dog the way a fat SEC football fan would down a tray of nachos. … You want the guy who enjoys swimming up Piranha Creek with a knife between his teeth. … They’ve hired The Donald because there wasn’t any Yellow Pages ad for The Cleaner and they believe the current opposition to The Progressive…
The mystery of Scott Walker cratering is no mystery
As the Walker campaign gained prominence, the big name RNC consultants, people who have no loyalty to much of anything, began descending … Dayspring is one of those guys who will do whatever the guy sending him paychecks tells him to do. … Dayspring, if you recall, is the guy who painted supporters of Chris McDaniel as racists while supporting the candidacy of the clearly…
I expect Donald Trump to do better in Caucuses than in Primaries
Donald Trump has been a big name in America for about 30 years now, The Art of the Deal having come out in 1987, four years after the … Big names generate excitement among the casuals.
However note that [mc_name name=’Rep. … The last two times we allegedly nominated the most electable guy, we lost.…
Trump won't apologize and he shouldn't
“I’ve had this happen to me in Iowa, where a guy used the ‘N-word’ and it was very derogatory towards President Obama and Muslims. … The guy saying, “hey, you’re right, I never thought about it?” … As Jim Treacher writes
He didn’t correct the random guy who blurted out something he wasn’t supposed to!…
Bobby Jindal's Ambitious Tax Plan
The Tortoise In The Tall Corn
In a crowded presidential field, Jindal has sought to distinguish himself as the GOP’s idea man, the … guy who combines the most detailed policy plans and the experience as a battle-tested executive who has fought not just Democrats … fact that his plan would take a big bite out of federal revenues, forcing more belt-tightening on the spending side (always a tough…
The Fickle Spinelessness of a Wet Noodle Choice
In the race to replace [mc_name name=’Rep. … So many of the House Republicans, including the conservatives, are too risk adverse to actually grow a pair and run. … McCarthy knows he has to give conservatives a seat at the table or see himself go the way of Boehner.…
Neutering Men Is A Poor Evolutionary Strategy
on the male cohort of the population. … Unable to get that through Congress, he instead invented the Women’s Studies Major and wrote much of the curriculum. … session at the gym.…
Congressional Reform Goes Beyond Electing the Right Speaker
of the House. … We just know the American people could use that money rather than have it sitting dormant in big parking lots unused. … But, Arthur Laffer told me I was a “Big Idea guy,” and I do have some big ideas.…
@RyanLizza has orgasm over a Bush statement
This is the start of the season where left wing journalists try to make their bones by reporting or, in the case of George H. … For all the strengths of the family, the Bushes have never been known as eloquent speakers. … If he can’t play the verbal game in the big leagues he needs to get out.…
Vladimir Putin Does In Syria What The US Electorate Should Have Done In 2012
Vladimir Putin understands the basic and the primal. … The real rangers deployed to the region would be Russian. … According to Fox News, here’s how the big boys will be handling dirty business while Poor Little Barack goes to his time out room to…
Advice: Don't Be So Obvious When You Get Your Opponents Arrested
The first is Jim Fannin, a guy who is leaving the House (term limits) to run for the Senate. … The guy who is leaving the seat has endorsed him and is putting a lot of stock into his campaign. … The other guy is Stewart Cathey, a former IT specialist and served in Afghanistan for six years under the U.S. Army.…