Results for: Biden Family Business

Out of Control: Biden DOJ, SEC Launch Yet Another Investigation Against an Elon Musk Company…another-investigation-against-an-elon-musk-company-n2163267
– At this point, the efforts by the Biden administration to seemingly target Elon Musk are getting pretty comical.  … Let's start with the efforts by the Biden FTC to try to stick their nose into the way that Twitter (which now goes by "X") is run. … Meanwhile, how long has the Biden family funny business been going on without any charges?…
The Net Is Tightening: Comer Accuses Biden of 'Abuse of Power,' Demands Records of Air Force Two Trips
– along to AT LEAST 15 COUNTRIES to sell “The Brand” to enrich the Biden family. … Devon Archer, a longtime Biden family associate, has stated it is ‘categorically false’ that Joe Biden played no role in his son’s … Additionally, Comer asked for any communications or records related to Biden family members or associates, including Hunter Biden,…
WATCH: Gold Star Father Explodes at Joe Biden in Must-See Emotional Testimony…plodes-at-joe-biden-in-must-see-emotional-testimony-n2163209
Biden has run his entire political campaign for 50 years as the family man. Well, I've got news for you, sir. … You, sir, gave us all the title Gold Star family. You, sir, dishonor honor and integrity. … Biden has never apologized for his role.…
Evidence Is Getting Tighter: House GOP Lay Out 'Special Privileges' Hunter Biden Got from DOJ…ys-out-special-privileges-hunter-biden-got-from-doj-n2163172
– As more and more comes out, the walls close in more around Joe Biden in the Biden family business scandal.  … family members but also any lead about "big guy" Joe Biden. … Plus he had been a friend of Beau Biden, Hunter's brother.   …
So Biden Had Aliases Upon Aliases, and the Democrats Still Think There Isn't a Problem?…and-the-democrats-still-think-there-isnt-a-problem-n2163173
– At some point, even the Democrats have to admit that there is so much smoke in the room when it comes to the Biden Crime Family allegations … There are all sorts of signs that this is indeed a big scandal waiting to blow up the Biden family. … Joe Biden has better have the best lawyers in the country and Hunter Biden had better get a house in a country that doesn't have an…
Oversight Dems Just Made Huge Admission About Relationship Between Hunter's Biz Associate and Joe Biden…ionship-between-hunters-biz-associate-and-joe-biden-n2163914
– Joe Biden has been publicly trying to deny a relationship with his son's foreign business dealings for years. … conducted by any Biden family member," the spokesperson said in a statement. … Let's start putting Biden family members and more associates under oath as well. …
Mitt Romney's Departure, Cheered by Trump, Is a Sad Comment on Many Things
– Joe Biden turns 81 in two months. Mitch McConnell 81. Nancy Pelosi 83. Dianne Feinstein 90. … Personally, I’ve come to suspect that, in the end, Biden will not be the Democrat nominee. … And Biden says that the multi-million-dollar financial transfers from China into multiple Biden family accounts simply did not happen…
Moore to the Point - No Evidence, My Rear
– that I found myself annoyed (more than usual) when the Democrat talking point regarding the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Bidenfamily members by foreign nationals. … over your eyes, sing “La, la, la,” and contend that there is no evidence to warrant further investigation into Hunter’s shady business
Joy Behar Is Half Right About the 'Political Retribution' Aspect of Republicans Going After the Bidens…bution-aspect-of-republicans-going-after-the-bidens-n2163867
– week, detailing that Republicans were moving forward with their impeachment inquiry using "unproven claims" about Hunter Biden's business … If the Bidens were a squeaky clean family who hadn't actually done anything wrong and Republicans were going after them just because … But the Biden family isn't clean.…
GOP Rep Calls for Impeachment Inquiry After Biden Energy Secretary Granholm Lies Under Oath…secretary-granholm-gives-false-testimony-under-oath-n2163820
– She owned Proterra stock while her boss, President Biden, repeatedly promoted the company. … With respect to that question, Joe Biden was unavailable for comment. … Jr. would've committed a tenth of the crackhead's transgressions — to Joe Biden being eyeball-deep in the Biden Family Business scandal…
Mitt Romney Hands Joe Biden a Massive Gift After Announcing His Retirement…iden-a-massive-gift-after-announcing-his-retirement-n2163802
– Joe Biden hosted his son's business partners on the phone and in person multiple times. … In one case, a Russian oligarch who paid the Biden family millions of dollars not only got a sit-down dinner, but she was then suspiciously … In the end, Romney's move to defend Biden is one of the reasons he's not popular among Republican voters.…
Republican Senator Throws Wet Blanket on Biden Impeachment Inquiry
– The investigation is intended to ascertain whether the Biden family used Joe Biden’s public office for personal gains as he was serving … Should Republicans impeach Biden anyway? … Discussions of a possible Biden impeachment aren’t anything new.…
Democrats Become Real-Life 'Trust Me, Bro' Meme While Defending Biden From Impeachment…me-bro-meme-trying-to-defend-biden-from-impeachment-n2163762
– For example, here was Biden spokesman Ian Sams claiming that the president calling into over a dozen of his troubled son's business … WH’s @IanSams46: Biden attended Hunter’s business meetings because he “loves” him — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott … Don't wonder why Joe Biden lied for years about even having any knowledge of his son's business dealings. Just trust me, bro.…
New Info From FBI Agent Adds Fuel to Fire That Hunter Probe Slow-Walked, as Nadler Desperately Spins…bi-agent-adds-fuel-to-fire-hunter-probe-slow-walked-n2163755
– Looks like the Democrats and the media are already trying to spin evidence that's been coming out in the Hunter Biden probe. … and "suggests that he agrees with IRS whistleblowers that Weiss plodded on his decision to charge Hunter Biden." … and the Biden family business scandal at this point.…
WATCH: Scott Perry Drops Reality on Reporter After She Claims Americans Don't See 'Evidence' on Biden…ter-claims-americanscant-see-evidence-against-biden-n2163754
– wrong in terms of the Biden family business scandal.  … And the prosecutor's firing is just a small fraction of the evidence of his involvement in the "Biden family business."  … and the Biden family business scandal. …
Gaetz Warns He May Move to Oust McCarthy After Speaker's 'Baby Step' Impeachment Gesture…carthy-after-speakers-baby-step-impeachment-gesture-n2163725
– “Joe Biden deserves impeachment for converting the vice presidency into an ATM machine for virtually his entire family,” he said. … McCarthy said the Biden family has raked in nearly $20 million and spread the take among members of the Biden family and their partners … family and other business associates that were flagged as suspicious activity by U.S. banks,” he said.…
Raskin Circulates Memo Outlining Defense Against Biden Impeachment…fense-against-biden-impeachment-that-duck-wont-hunt-n2163659
Family Business and alleged bribery scandal. … Testimony from Archer further alleged that Joe Biden had coffee with one of his son’s business associates in Beijing. … Unfortunately, Democrats would rather play [the] Biden family defense lawyer instead of working for the American people.…
Insiders: Biden's Loyalty to Embattled Son Hunter Has 'Created Unexpected Political Peril' for President…reated-unexpected-political-peril-for-the-president-n2163648
– Even the New York Times has to admit it – Hunter Biden is a political problem for the president. … family. … Biden’s apparent inability to say no when Hunter sought to pull him into his business dealings."…
What Joe Biden's Mini-Visit to Vietnam Reveals Anyway
Biden can save his breath this time as the regime imposes a new crackdown. George W. … He, too, talked up freedom, even attending a church service, and focused on business development. … Like Biden, Johnson made his visit to Vietnam in autumn 1967, the year before Americans would vote on his reelection.…
Biden Busted for Plagiarism Yet Again
– Joe Biden has a history of making things up and saying things that are not true.  … Worse, he said that to survivors of the Maui fire, some of whom had lost everything including their homes and their family members. … That's perhaps one of the most troubling things about Biden.…
Putin's War, Week 80. Ukraine's Offensive Continues Slow Progress as Fingers Are Pointed
– I apologize for the update being a day late; I had personal business that took up the whole day. … 🙄The lack of Biden Administration delayed F-16's in the PSU makes such advise "problematic" — Trent Telenko … His family was smuggled out of Russia, the family received new identities, and the pilot got the $500,000 reward for defecting with…
Looks Like It's a Go: Comer Says They Have the Votes for Impeachment Inquiry…er-says-they-have-the-votes-for-impeachment-inquiry-n2163562
– George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley said the fact that Biden "clearly lied" now obligated them to move forward. … family scandal.  … All the dirty business is suddenly going to be very public to a much wider audience.…
Newly Released Interview With James Biden Shows Attempts by Bidens to Sell US Energy Assets to China…tempts-to-arrange-sale-of-us-energy-assets-to-china-n2164387
– President Joe Biden's brother told the FBI the first family – including Hunter Biden – tried unsuccessfully to help a Chinese company … The entire interview with James Biden can be seen here. … This report also blows another hole in the story that Joe Biden "knew nothing" of his brother's and son's business dealings: The bombshell…
Stunner: Hunter Biden Signed off on Burisma Memo to Ukrainian Prosecutor Warning Against Investigation…ukrainian-prosecutor-warning-against-investigation-n2164389
– Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, was serving on the company’s board of directors and signed off on the memo. … The document sheds further light on the allegations and scandals that have dogged the Biden family for years, despite their constant … The ongoing flow of revelations about Hunter Biden, Burisma, and President Biden has continually raised complex ethical and political…
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