Results for: eric adams

Winning: Judge Tosses Vax Mandate for NYPD Officers, Orders Cops’ Reinstatement…mandate-for-nypd-officers-orders-cops-reinstatement-n632019
– In a major repudiation of New York City Mayor Eric Adams and his preposterous, nonsensical vaccine mandates, on Friday a judge threw … Adams. … It’s also a serious blow to the credibility of Mayor Eric Adams, who has shown none of the bravery and rationality many were hoping…
NBA Star Kyrie Irving Torpedoes NYC Mayor Eric Adams' Continued COVID Vaccine Mandates…yc-mayor-eric-adams-continued-covid-vaccine-mandates-n630665
– New York City Mayor Eric Adams ended the private employer vaccine mandate on Tuesday, but not for city workers.They’re still required…
Democrats Could Make it So Much Easier on Themselves
– Mayors Muriel Bowser and Eric Adams, respectively, slammed Gov. Abbott for engaging in such cruelty.…
For the Kids: 850 More NYC Teachers Fired for Refusing COVID Vax
– Wasn’t Eric Adams supposed to be a saner, better mayor? … Mayor Eric Adams was supposed to be a breath of fresh air after the disastrous reign of Bill de Blasio; instead, he has continued the…
Now It's Just Getting Weird: Girl Gang in Neon Green Bodysuits Attacks NYC Subway Riders…ng-in-neon-green-bodysuits-attacks-nyc-subway-riders-n637454
– Apple, then along came woke prosecutor Alvin Bragg, who doesn’t seem to give a hoot about anyone but criminals; now we get Mayor EricAdams who talks a big game but has been utterly unable to stop the carnage.…
Senseless: NYC Veteran EMT Murdered Two Days After Eric Adams Boasted About City's 'Brand'…two-days-after-eric-adams-boasted-about-citys-brand-n635570
– As we previously reported, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) appeared before the cameras on Tuesday looking as cool as a cucumber … At one point, Adams arrogantly proclaimed through fits of laughter that “We have a brand, New York has a brand. … @NYCMayor Eric Adams and Acting FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh today announced the death of Emergency Medical Service Lieutenant…
Mayor Eric Adams Says 'New York Has a Brand' That 'Means Something' to People…new-york-has-a-brand-that-means-something-to-people-n634384
– Talk about leaning face-first into a right hook… controversial New York City Mayor Eric Adams ironically boasted on Tuesday: “New … "New York has a brand, and when people see it, it means something," says Democrat NYC Mayor Eric Adams. … Sorry, Eric.…
Kamala Harris Makes the Most Self-Unaware Remark About Gov. Greg Abbott and the Migrant Crisis…remark-about-gov-greg-abbott-and-the-migrant-crisis-n641600
– New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared a state of emergency last Friday because of the flood of migrants and illegals coming to his … “El Paso, the city manager, the mayor, they should stop sending buses to New York,” Adams said.…
Eric Adams Delivers Surreal Presser, Declares 'Emergency' Over Illegal Immigration…presser-declares-emergency-over-illegal-immigration-n639588
– That was New York Mayor Eric Adams on Friday. … Now, Adams is moving to declare an emergency while begging for federal assistance. … Eric Adams declares a state of emergency over NYC's immigrant crisis: "We have not asked for this.…
New York Supreme Court Judge Orders NYC to Reinstate Municipal Workers Fired for Refusing the COVID Vaccine…nicipal-workers-fired-for-refusing-the-covid-vaccine-n648747
– The critical issue, in this case, was Fuehrerbefehl Executive Order 62 issued by NYC Mayor Eric Adams, which provided extensive exemptions … The judge stopped just short of lighting Mayor Adams on fire and chasing him down the street.…
NYC's New Accommodations for Illegal Aliens Have American Homeless Crying Foul…or-illegal-aliens-have-american-homeless-crying-foul-n646378
– NYC’s Mayor Eric Adams declared an emergency after just getting several thousand illegal aliens sent to his city. … The city unveiled Mayor Eric Adams’ controversial tent city on Tuesday — detailing how migrants staying there will be given three meals … There are always going to be reasons people feel that someone is something better than them, Mayor Eric Adams said, putting down the…
Even MSNBC Calls out Hochul to Her Face for Claim Crime Concerns Are 'Conspiracy'…to-her-face-for-claim-crime-concerns-are-conspiracy-n654882
– According to the NY Post, the word from insiders is that even Democrat NYC Mayor Eric Adams wouldn’t be unhappy if Zeldin won, instead … Adams is actively campaigning for Hochul and not openly supporting her GOP rival Rep. … “Eric Adams and his inside City Hall leadership team . . . wouldn’t be upset with a Zeldin win because it will help the mayor in changing…
Leader in NYC Mayoral Race Questioning Where 100,000 Votes Just Came From to Make Race Much Closer…100000-votes-just-came-from-to-make-race-much-closer-n404562
– Brooklyn Borough President and former police officer Eric Adams had been the surprise leader in the race when he came in first place … Eric Adams is clearly not happy at all and he’s raising questions about where the 100,000 votes suddenly came from. … Eric Adams' statement, which goes there — Dana Rubinstein (@danarubinstein) June 29, 2021 “The vote…
Democrat Voters in NYC Mayoral Primary Abandon BLM and Antifa -- Pro-NYPD Candidate Takes Huge Lead in Race…nd-antifa-pro-nypd-candidate-takes-huge-lead-in-race-n401025
– The leader, by a surprising margin of 32% to 22% over the second-place finisher, was Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, a 22-year … At the same time, Adams significantly over-performed his expectations. … But Adams had beaten him there and had the benefit of credibility earned from having spent 22 years on the NYPD.…
Andrew Yang Drops the Nice Guy Act and Bodies His Race-Baiting Opponent
– This is Eric Adams, one of Yang’s chief opponents, claiming that Yang is just a racist who is trying to stop a black or Hispanic person … Of course, what Adams is whining about is perfectly normal in ranked-choice elections. … Today Andrew Yang said of Eric Adams that the "last thing New York City needs is a mayor who uses race-baiting any time he is criticized…
Axios Sees a Way out for Democrats on 'Defund the Police,' but There's a Big Problem…ocrats-on-defund-the-police-but-theres-a-big-problem-n408423
– week, New York City handed the “Defund the Police” movement a humiliating defeat when Democrats picked Brooklyn borough president EricAdams as their mayoral nominee. … The Adams model: Reform, don’t defund, policing. Take both crime and police misconduct seriously.…
New York City Hands the 'Defund the Police' Movement Yet Another Humiliating Defeat…d-the-police-movement-yet-another-humiliating-defeat-n407534
– — Eric Adams (@ericadamsfornyc) July 7, 2021 Because NYC is heavily Democratic, the Republican nominee … “Now, this is really being led by a different demographic,” Adams said. … But Eric Adams is (A) not an anti-cop, anti-anti-crime loon and (B) proof, yet again, that working-class people of color don’t like…
NYC Mayoral Race Wrongly Counted 135,000 'Test Ballots' but Now There Are Still More Issues…000-test-ballots-but-now-there-are-still-more-issues-n404816
– As I reported last night, the election was last Tuesday, and on that day, with most of the votes in, it looked like Eric Adams had … People on the left immediately attacked Adams for questioning the numbers. … Wasserman said there appears to be a lot of Election Day underreporting going on, including in pro-Adams areas.…
Donald Trump Responds Accordingly to New York City Mayoral Election Debacle…ccordingly-to-new-york-city-mayoral-election-debacle-n404801
– To quickly recap, Democrat Eric Adams, the leader in the mayoral primary race that was held last week, raised an issue about a pretty … The BOE eventually responded by admitting they made an oopsie that didn’t get caught until Adams raised the issue. … Countless smug liberals — @HeerJeet, @chrislhayes, Vox's @imillhiser — spent hours maligning and sneering at Eric Adams as a Trumpian…
NYC Finds a 135,000 Vote Error in Election Count -- 42,518 Votes Decided Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin in 2020…votes-decided-georgia-arizona-and-wisconsin-in-2020-n404736
– There were 14 candidates on the ballot, with four main players — Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, DeBlasio Administration Official … When those totals were announced, the leader was Eric Adams with approximately 32% of the vote. … Adams had gone from 32% to 51%, but Garcia had gone from 22% to 49%. Or so it seemed.…
MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle Mashes Panic Button Hard as Dem Fears of 2022 Midterm 'Red Wave' Grow…tton-hard-as-dem-fears-of-2022-midterm-red-wave-grow-n410984
– President Biden just met with Eric Adams, New York City’s Democratic nominee for mayor, after he ran a tough-on-crime campaign. … As I explained last week, the Democrat move to turn this around on Republicans and use the Eric Adams model to escape the “defund”…
The Progressive Left Might Not Hold as Much Sway Over the Culture as We Think…t-not-hold-as-much-sway-over-the-culture-as-we-think-n418556
– Voters in New York City vigorously repudiated this idea when they chose Eric Adams to be their nominee for mayor after he ran a blatantly…
Are Democrats Finally Realizing That Wokeism Is a Fool’s Errand?
– The authors point to Eric Adams’ victory in New York City’s mayoral race as proof that voters are rejecting the incessant focus on…
President Trump's Hand Picked Candidate Romps to a Victory in Hotly Contested Ohio Congressional Primary…ictory-in-hotly-contested-ohio-congressional-primary-n421180
– 10.01% Thomas Hwang  2,480  4.92% Stephanie Kunze  2,344  4.65% Thad Cooperrider  1,061  2.10% Omar Tarazi  899  1.78% John Adams …   172  0.34% Eric Clark  81  0.16% Two key points, Republicans were fired up and produced the largest primary turnout in OH-15’…
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