Results for: chuck schumer

Dems Wanted Mueller Protections Written Into Omnibus Bill (GOP: Nope)
Schumer says. — ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) March 22, 2018 Democratic … Senator Chuck Schumer of New York told reporters that he and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had asked Speaker of the House … “An alternative that would either prevent him from being fired or give us a recourse in case he was,” Schumer said Thursday.…
Panic Hits Democrats as Trump and McCarthy Plot Cuts in Approved Spending
– Like this from Chuck Schumer’s communications director: I, for one, am tired of all the winning. … And you know the thought of making Schumer and others who boasted of rolling him eat crow has to appeal to Trump.…
American Deaths at the Hands of Iranians and Their Proxies
– I would love to see someone ask Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi a direct question or two about that fact.…
Schumer Used Prepared Notes During Stephanopolous Interview
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., speaks to reporters about the possibility of a partial government shutdown, at the … Scott Applewhite) On Sunday morning, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was interviewed on ABC’s news show “This Week with George … Me: Wishful thinking, Chuck, wishful thinking.…
Watch: Adam Schiff Reveals the Strategy Behind Withholding Articles of Impeachment (But It's Backfired Bigly)…egy-withholding-articles-impeachment-backfired-bigly-n124794
– intention of playing by the Democrats’ rules when it comes to the Senate’s impending impeachment trial, Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader ChuckSchumer (D-NY) and other Democrats have made a show out of condemning McConnell for admitting he would not be an impartial juror during … There was never any doubt where McConnell stood on Trump’s impeachment just as there was never any doubt where Chuck Schumer stood…
Chuck Schumer – Serial Liar
– This article dissects comments made by the execrable Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who also happens to be a member of … Some enterprising “journalist” needs to ask Chuck Schumer a direct question: would you rather have seen Soleimani and al-Muhandis walking … As for Chuck Schumer? A large dose of public shaming and derision is in order. The end.…
Impeachment Lessons from 'The Princess Bride'
– Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, every other elected Democrat on cue, and every Democrat operative in the legacy media are DEMANDING a … Those Democrat senators include: Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Dick Blumenthal (D-CT), Chris …
Checkmate, Chuck: Lindsey Graham Has Some Sour News for Schumer On His Impeachment Plan
– “If you think Chuck Schumer is trying to find out what happened here, you’re missing a lot. … Chuck Schumer is trying to take back the Senate,” said Graham. … The truth of the matter is that Chuck Schumer is willing to destroy executive privilege.…
Adam Schiff is SHOCKED There Are Leaks He Didn't Know About With Russian Hacking…e-are-leaks-he-didnt-know-about-with-russian-hacking-n125732
– In back-to-back interviews Monday evening, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer
GOP Senator Gets Tucker Carlson Excited With Key Point About Witnesses at Senate Trial…cited-with-key-point-about-witnesses-at-senate-trial-n125712
– From Daily Caller: “We talk about Chuck Schumer’s witnesses or speaker Pelosi’s witnesses,” he said. … “I think the speaker and Senator Schumer are together on it. I want to treat the defense fairly. … And we could end up in a very odd circumstance where Senator Schumer, he caught the car. He asked for his witnesses.…
Dr. Michael Pillsbury Skewers the Democrats on Phase I of the China Deal
– (and former assistant for Asian affairs under Bush 41) with a short video that quote Senate Democrats commenting on the deal: ChuckSchumer (D-NY): President Trump and his administration committed the United States to a weak, feckless phase one trade deal with China … Pillsbury: With respect to Sherrod Brown and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, frankly, as well, they were the leaders on this issue…
Mitt Romney Breaks Rank On Trump's Impeachment Trial Because of Course…on-trumps-impeachment-trial-because-of-course-he-did-n125504
– Somewhere, Chuck Schumer is writing the Utah senator a thank you card. But if Romney wants to do this, let’s do it.…
Actually Chuck Schumer's Strategy For Winning the Impeachment Trial Sounds Like a Press Release Aimed at the Resistance…sounds-like-a-press-release-aimed-at-the-resistance-n125448
Chuck Schumer lost the first impeachment trial battle to Mitch McConnell. … Schumer, than they will lose GOP votes? … McConnell facing off against Schumer in a battle of organizational skill and political will will not be a battle of titans as Schumer
DCCC Chair Cowers in Fear as AOC Plots Against Her Own Party
– She’s had a purifying effect within her party, no longer allowing establishment leadership like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to straddle…
Hilarious! 'Ayatollah Schumeini' Indignant After Trump Retweets Edited Photo of Him and Pelosi Wearing Turban, Headscarf…photo-of-he-and-nancy-pelosi-wearing-muslim-clothing-n125423
– Photo Credit: Screen Shot from   Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer … He has been genuinely supportive of the Iranian people as they stand up for freedom while Schumer and Pelosi and most other Democrats … A laugh at Schumer and Pelosi’s expense. They’re both public figures. It’s fair game.…
The Democrat Impeachment: An Attempted Coup That Violated the US Constitution…an-attempted-coup-that-violated-the-us-constitution-n125191
– include, but are not limited to: Nancy Pelosi, Tom Perez, Nazi Sympathizer George Soros, Adam Schiff, Azhar Azeez, Jerrold Nadler, ChuckSchumer, Eric Holder, Samantha Power, Ibrahim Holder, Susan Rice, Maxine Waters, Laila Alawa, Keith Ellison, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…
Lindsey Graham Provides Key Reminder to Democrats on Why They're Losing on the Witness Debate…to-democrats-why-theyre-losing-on-the-witness-debate-n126994
– Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) keep insisting on the allowance of “new” everything is solid proof that Democrats rushed to impeach…
Report: McConnell Looking to Wrap Impeachment Trial up Possibly by the End of the Week…to-wrap-impeachment-trial-up-possibly-by-end-of-week-n126978
– Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) signaling defeat on the issue, it’s entirely possible this whole thing may be wrapped up by the…
Impeachment Trial: John Sununu Weighs In
– President Trump’s endorsement in the 2018 election – which was given – and now Romney is showing his true colors with his nuzzling up to ChuckSchumer on the subject of new witnesses.…
Chuck Schumer Invited Lev Parnas to the Impeachment Trial, Then Something Hilarious Happened…impeachment-trial-then-something-hilarious-happened-n126946
– That didn’t stop Chuck Schumer from thinking he was being really clever by having Lev Parnas appear at the impeachment trial as his … 5E1222583748450975746& … Chuck Schumer tried to downplay his role, claiming that he got Parnas the tickets like he would any other New Yorker that called.…
Wailing Commences as a Democrat Senator Now Says Hunter Biden Is a Relevant Witness…manchin-now-says-hunter-biden-is-a-relevant-witness-n126939
– FILE – In this Dec. 11, 2018, file photo, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington … The anonymously sourced claims dealing with a passage in John Bolton’s coming book were supposed to give Schumer and company the leverage … Cory Gardner announced that he’ll oppose efforts to call Bolton (see Chuck Schumer Just Lost a Key GOP Swing Vote On Witnesses).…
Chuck Schumer Just Lost a Key GOP Swing Vote on Witnesses
– After an initial sign of momentum in the direction of Democrats to subpoena Bolton, Chuck Schumer just lost a major swing vote on the … just calling Bolton because he’s always good with appeasing Democrats, others like Toomey realize that it’s ridiculous to only let Schumer
Katie Pavlich Catches House and Senate Democrats Doing Something They Warned McConnell Against…ocrats-doing-something-they-warned-mcconnell-against-n126925
– Adam Schiff, D-Calif., speaks in favor of a amendment offered by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., during the impeachment … Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) flipped out. “He was asked if he was an impartial juror,” Schumer stated.…
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