Results for: chuck schumer

Democrats: We Lost Because We Are Too Nice
– And indeed, all available signals from Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren — the de facto leaders of what little remains…
BREAKING. Senator Heidi Heitkamp May Join Trump's Cabinet
– This is a win for everyone but Chuck Schumer. Trump meeting set for Friday with North Dakota Sen. … She will undoubtedly be succeeded by a Republican and put Schumer in an even weaker position.…
The Democrat's David Duke
–   Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have endorsed him.   … This is the man who may likely lead the Democratic National Committee and, along with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, will become the…
Tom Cotton Has Chuck Schumer Searching for His Adult Diaper
– Tom Cotton and Chuck Schumer are not the best of buddies. … That relationship has only matured and fermented in the immigration debate where Chuck Schumer is firmly in the open borders camp and … Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told President Donald Trump this week that there will be no deal on Dreamers if hard-line…
How is it the GOP is Not Being Scorched Entirely Over the Government Shutdown?
– Senator Chuck Schumer was given airtime to read his rebuke, labeling this as “The Trump Shutdown”. … GOP now labeling the likely partial government closing the “Schumer shutdown,” hoping that this time Republicans will not be blamed … Following suit the Associated Press was willing to cast the blame on Schumer and the Senate Democrats.…
The Shutdown is a Democratic Electoral Gimmick
– Clearly, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wanted this government shutdown as a way to create some electoral momentum at the outset … I agree with White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, this is the Schumer Shutdown.    …
The Government Shutdown is All Mitch McConnell's Fault.
– It’s true that Chuck Schumer and the Democrats voted to shut down the government, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had the…
Why Did the Government Shut Down? Here's How It Happened
– Is it Donald Trump or is it Chuck Schumer? Did Paul Ryan do this? Did Mitch McConnell? Did Nancy Pelosi?…
BREAKING: McConnell Offering Amendment to Fund Government Through Feb. 8
Chuck Schumer objected and forced a vote at the 60-vote threshold, and that measure failed. … So, no matter how Schumer tries to spin this, it was the Senate Democrats who blocked the continuing resolution and caused the government…
Government Shutdown: Chuck Schumer Was Right (Yes Really!)
Chuck Schumer was right. Yes, the New York Democrat’s comments about government shutdowns were correct…in 2013. … Senate Republicans pulled some video clips from 2013 of Schumer, with some great cameos from Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi. … Which means that the impossible is true… Schumer was right! Bet he wishes he weren’t.…
Mick Mulvaney Reveals Jim Acosta as a Simpering, Dishonest Stooge
– ACOSTA: You said this was the ‘Schumer shutdown.” … How can it be the ‘Schumer shutdown’ when Republicans control the White House, the House, and the Senate? … This is purely an attempt by the Senate Democrats, led by Mister Schumer, that’s why we call it the ‘Schumer shutdown,’ in order to…
BREAKING: Schumer-Trump Meeting Ends, but Was a Deal Made?
Chuck Schumer has been in the White House with President Donald Trump over the looming government shutdown, but the meeting appears … Walking by cameras, Schumer essentially told the media that there is no new news. #UPDATE: 'We made some progress,' Sen. … Schumer says after meeting with President Trump ahead of possible government shutdown. — WFMZ-TV 69News (…
BREAKING: Trump Invites Schumer to White House in Final Hours' Effort to Avoid Shutdown…schumer-white-house-final-hours-effort-avoid-shutdown-n83230
– Donald Trump has invited Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to the White House as the looming deadline over a government shutdown … #BREAKING: Trump invites Schumer to White House to try to reach deal to avoid shutdown…
From Campaign Promise to Democrat Swap Meet: Trump's Not at All Shocking Immigration Drift…ocrat-swap-meet-trumps-not-shocking-immigration-drift-n82770
– Trump has frequently said he is willing to work with Democrats and has met multiple times with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.…
If the GOP Supports Trump, Congress Should Protect Him From Himself
– President Donald Trump, left, listens with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of…
Chuck Todd Tries To Launch a Democrat Meme But Kevin McCarthy Cuts Him Off at the Knees
– First, guys like Chuck Schumer are saying “the Russians want the memo released so the most important thing is not giving the Russians … CHUCK TODD: Why are they afraid to send this to the Justice Department for review? REP. … CHUCK TODD: –do you want the president to declassify this memo? REP.…
Republicans Must Refuse to Add Amendment Shielding Mueller in Budget Deal
– I hope the Democrats are paying Chuck Todd well for his unwavering propaganda machine known as “Meet the Press.” … Todd, predictably, took his marching orders from Chuck Schumer and pressed McCarthy about including an amendment to shield Robert Mueller…
White House Expects Movement on New Immigration Legislation Monday
– Following reports Tuesday that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) had reneged on his promise to support funding for a border … on any future immigration legislation, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to call the Senator out on his backtrack: Cryin’ ChuckSchumer fully understands, especially after his humiliating defeat, that if there is no Wall, there is no DACA.…
The Democrats Don't Want a DACA Deal, They Want a DACA Issue
– Just to refresh your memory, the original gambit by Chuck Schumer to get DACA through the Congress  was to do so riding the coattails … The response wasn’t long in coming: Cryin’ Chuck Schumer fully understands, especially after his humiliating defeat, that if there … — Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) January 21, 2018 The only way all of that passes Congress and gets signed is if Chuck Schumer pushes…
DREAMers Are Not Happy About the Democrats Caving (and Neither Are Chuck Schumer's Neighbors)
– Instead, as I noted Monday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer quickly realized that holding health insurance for several million … Some chanted “If Chuck won’t let us dream, we won’t let him sleep.” … Chuck Schumer and Democrats know: 800,000 lives are on the line! We need a #DreamActNow!…
Move Over, "Sloppy Steve," There's a New Nickname in Town
– He’s continued this practice as President, referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong Un as “Rocket Man,” Chuck Schumer as “Cryin’ Chuck,” … in his side: Even Crazy Jim Acosta of Fake News CNN agrees: “Trump World and WH sources dancing in end zone: Trump wins again…Schumer
Ted Cruz: "Radical and Extreme" Democrats Shut the Government Down in 2018, Just Like in 2013
Schumer and all the other Democrats have said over and over and over that they are opposed to government shutdowns … even as they deliberately … But unlike Chuck Schumer in 2018, Ted Cruz in 2013 didn’t try to or design to shut the government down. … Only Schumer went in with the intent that government actually shut down. Here is more transcript from the MSNBC moment.…
Don't Believe the Hype: It's the Democrats in Disarray, Not the GOP
Chuck Schumer tried to resurrect the same narrative last week, but failed miserably at it. … Schumer shut down the government then backstabbed the liberal base, getting nothing in exchange for total surrender. … This, Schumer seemed to be saying through his actions, is what the average Democrat wants (although many Democrats, the ones who liked…
President's Statement on Immigration Shows How Pointless This Shutdown Was
– As Streiff pointed out earlier today, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) led his caucus into a government shutdown in exchange for … to blame the shutdown solely on Republicans, and that avoiding a shutdown was a higher priority than an immediate fix to DACA, Schumer
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