Results for: chuck schumer

RNC Calls For Democrats to Return Weinstein Donations
– Weinstein’s most recent and notable contributions have been to the following: • At Least $246,290 to the DNC • At Least $16,200 to ChuckSchumer • At Least $5,000 to Elizabeth Warren • At Least $7,800 to Cory Booker • At Least $11,800 to Kirsten Gillibrand •…
After the Las Vegas Tragedy, Trump Is Ready to Talk About Gun Laws
– Given the media love President Trump got for dealing with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, who would be shocked if he was equally accommodating…
Blue on Blue. DREAMers Attacking Democrats Over DACA Stance
– . … So far, Representative Nancy Pelosi of California and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leaders, are staying pragmatic…
The Dirty Little Asterisk to Trump’s Nominations Swipe: Crony Obstructionism
Schumer over the issue of nominations. … Schumer and the group are holding up every single nomination. … Chuck Grassley and Sen. Joni Ernst, with the backing of the ethanol industry, are the ones doing the blocking.…
Laura Ingraham Threatens Trump Betrayers
– few who can’t find a clothespin robust enough to hold their nose to vote for the “conservative” who bankrolled the campaigns of ChuckSchumer, Charlie Rangel, and even Hillary Clinton?…
Trump's New Post-Video Strategy: Attack Republicans Being Mean To Him
– Or does he actually think Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is going to move forward with any of the people on that list of potential…
Forget Trump or Hillary and vote down-ballot!
– Trump because we know what Hillary will do, we need to take a chance on the Republicans because we know what Senate Majority Leader ChuckSchumer would do with the Democrats in control.…
Top Democrats Seem TERRIFIED Marco Rubio Will Win
– The soon-to-be-retiring senator and Florida donors are pressing Chuck Schumer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee to fight … Via Politico: The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee — under the direction of Schumer and its chairman, Montana Sen.…
Thanks to Trump, the Senate is looking to be a DISASTER for the GOP
– With the Senate currently split 54-46, 5 seats is enough to guarantee that Chuck Schumer will be the next majority leader, even if…
Stephen Bannon, Trump Pravda, and the death of a free press
Chuck Schumer, grappled with an issue that Graham called one of the “great issues of our time.” … Known under it original name as the Free Flow of Information Act of 2007, Schumer and Graham presented a new version of the law designed…
These Big Cities Refuse to Give Up Illegal 'Sanctuary' Status
– Charles “ChuckSchumer as the new Senate Minority Leader. … In 2006, after Senate Republicans reached a compromise on the status millions illegals in the U.S., Democrats, led by Schumer wanted…
Immigration Crackdown a Top Trump Priority
– Charles “ChuckSchumer as the new Senate Minority Leader. We almost accomplished immigration reform in 2006. … But According to the Associated Press and Eleanor Clift the Democrats, led by Schumer, wanted a political advantage more than they…
Schumer's Big 'FU' to Trump
– In a blatant “FU” slap in the face to President-Elect Trump, soon-to-be Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has thrown his considerable … According to Politico’s Playbook, Schumer spoke with Ellison Thursday afternoon and “supports him for chair.” … Schumer and company’s support for Ellison becoming head of the DNC amounts to a declaration of war.…
Will the DNC Actually Select A Muslim Brotherhood Supporter As Its Chairman?
– Via Politico: SIREN — SCHUMER BACKS ELLISON FOR DNC CHAIR — Soon-to-be Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is backing Minnesota … Schumer spoke with Ellison Thursday afternoon and “supports him for chair,” according to a source close to Schumer, who added: “Without … There is no doubt that this is a cheap parlor trick on the part of Chuck Schumer.…
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is Dead
– News from a labor source: Chuck Schumer just told AFL-CIO exec council he talked w/McConnell & TPP is dead.…
Schumer Promising Far Left Bernie Sanders Style Agenda If Dems Win Senate
– Senate, Chuck Schumer will become the new majority leader. … The Washington Post is reporting that Schumer is hinting at a Democratic Senate agenda in a last minute fundraising email targeted … Schumer will make the appeal as part of a Progressive Change Campaign Committee fundraising email and the last-minute fundraising pitch…
BLINDING FLASH OF THE OBVIOUS. Chuck Schumer Doesn't Know What He's Talking About (VIDEO)
– Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace and gave us some of his insights on the election … of Donald Trump and demonstrated why the Democrats might find themselves in the minority for a while: SCHUMER: On — surprisingly … Schumer is full of crap and is spinning this repudiation of the Democrats as best he can.…
Delete Your Account: Trump Tweets His Favoritism for Chuck Schumer Over Harry Reid
– Trump loves Chuck. That would be Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. … Chuck Schumer isn’t really a friend to Republicans or Conservatives. … I have always had a good relationship with Chuck Schumer. He is far smarter than Harry R and has the ability to get things done.…
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