Results for: chuck schumer

Obama facing Democrat revolt over coddling Iran
Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Dan Coats (R-Ind.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.), Marco Rubio…
@Politico continues to shill for the Obama administration
– House Democrats (and it is worthy of note that Senate Democrats aren’t mentioned in any of these stories other than to say that ChuckSchumer will be there) to boycott Netanyahu’s speech then they have succeeded in reframimg the speech from a critique of Obama’s feckless…
A "Serious" Donald Trump is still an Unserious Candidate
– Harry Reid (D-NV)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’R000146′ ], Chuck Schumer, Tom Daschle, Joe Biden (during his days as a Senator), and Rahm…
Senate GOP negotiates with themselves on human trafficking bill
Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), said, “It keeps the expansion of Hyde. We’re not going to expand Hyde, you know that.”…
How Will a Change in Democrat Leadership Impact the U.S. Senate?
– Harry Reid (D-NV)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’R000146′ ]’s retirement, the likely accent of Chuck Schumer to Minority Leader and what a … Harry Reid (D-NV)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’R000146′ ]’s likely successor Chuck Schumer is exactly who Democrats need Melissa Quinn at…
Dick Durbin endorses Chuck Schumer for Minority Leader.
– To wit: Chuck Schumer actually has to win re-election, first.  He’s up in 2016. Now, I know what everybody is thinking. … Chuck Schumer is far too popular in his home state. He’s a tireless and gifted campaigner. He’s safely ensconced in a Blue state. … Is Chuck Schumer an odds-on favorite to win re-election in New York? Sure.  …
4 Ways Democrats Unhinged Antics Are Playing Right Into Donald Trump's Hands
– out at airports; Democrats were pearl clutching in front of anybody who pointed a camera their way and the Senate Majority Leader, ChuckSchumer held a press conference where he started crying about it.  … smearing her in the worst way, forcing Vice-President to cast a tie-breaking vote on her nomination to which Senate Majority Leader Schumer
Ted Cruz Suggests That The Supreme Court Will Uphold Trump's Travel Ban
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) issued a statement, saying Trump should see that the executive order was unconstitutional…
Someone, Please Take Twitter Away From Donald Trump
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, 2017 Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a rally at the steps of The Supreme Court … I’m not saying that commenting on the theatrics from Chuck Schumer or “fake news” from big networks is incorrect.…
Chuck Schumer Thinks Following The Constitution Makes Trump's Cabinet, 'Rigged'
– New York Senator Chuck Schumer is showing more and more how he’s like his predecessor, Harry Reid. … #RiggedCabinet — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) February 7, 2017 Rigged, huh? … Nobody can get anything past you, Senator Schumer!…
EPIC VIDEO. Death Row Escape Underway In Brooklyn (UPDATED)
– /status/834090240893673472 You're all laughing now, but wait until ChuckSchumer requests $12 million in Homeland Security funding to protect NYC against runaway cows…
What's Worse Than Trump's Press Attacks? His Dismissal of Facts
– Once the legislation he wants to sign gets held up, or Chuck Schumer blocks Neil Gorsuch’s nomination, he’ll then utilize the press…
Trump, Hannity, Milo, and The Phony Conservatism of Anger and Agitation
– It doesn’t matter that President Donald Trump’s ideas on trade and government spending line up with Senator Chuck Schumer.…
Senate Intelligence Committee Orders Agencies and Individuals To Preserve Russia-Related Documents…gencies-individuals-preserve-russia-related-documents-n68086
– staffers have said that they are not aware of any evidence that materials are not being preserved, but Senate Democratic leader ChuckSchumer of New York said Thursday on the Senate floor: “There is real concern that some in the administration may try to cover up…
CBC Leader Elijah Cummings Responds to Trump, Says He Lied
Schumer. … Of course, Senator Schumer never told me to skip a meeting with the President. … Also, clearly the President is setting himself up for an ongoing public battle with Chuck Schumer, and perhaps that was the underlying…
Steve King Hit the Nail On the Head (VIDEO)
– Even Chuck Schumer recognizes the danger to our political system posed by an intelligence community that is operating to further its … “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC…
Trump Needs To Either Shutdown the Pro-Obama Leakers Or He Needs To Resign
Chuck Schumer warned Trump that he was being “really dumb” to criticize the intelligence community because “they have six ways from…
Obama Adviser To Trump: Restrictions On Wiretapping Meant To Protect From People Like You
– On Friday, he tweeted out a picture of Senator Chuck Schumer with Vladimir Putin, to highlight Democrat hypocrisy regarding Russia.…
The Attorney General Hypocrisy of Chuck Schumer
– When Attorney General Holder committed impeachable offenses, Chuck Schumer accused his detractors of racism. … It is pretty much copy and past into the TelePrompTer for Chuck Schumer. … Allowing Sessions to falter will put blood in the water, which will further provoke political sharks like Chuck Schumer to ratchet-up…
How Can the Party of Teddy Kennedy Ever be Worried About Russia?
– Democratic leaders like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi cannot find enough microphones to warn us of the dangers of the Resurgent Russian…
BREAKING: Ben Carson Confirmed As Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development
– Carson wasn’t considered to be a tough vote, although Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.…
Miguel Estrada's Hilarious Statement on Rumors He Might Be the Next Solicitor General
– for that matter, willingly place myself in any situation (e.g., a hearing room) in which convention requires that I be civil to ChuckSchumer.”…
Chuck Schumer Seeks FCC Waiver To Unscramble, Trace Origin Of Bomb Threats To Jewish Centers…r-unscramble-trace-origin-bomb-threats-jewish-centers-n68498
Schumer called on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to issue a waiver that would allow law enforcement to trace the anonymous calls. … I won’t agree with Schumer on much, but I can definitely get on board with this. … Good on Schumer for getting serious about tracking down the culprits.…
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