Results for: hamas

Just Who Is the American Hitler, Really?
– and/or by acting in the foreign policy realm to punish the Jewish state of Israel in its defensive war against the terror state of Hamas
WATCH: The 2024 Glacier View, Alaska Independence Day Car Launch!
– There was not one pro-Hamas protestor or pink-haired Pride wacko in the place, just regular folks, patriotic Americans.…
Dem Rep.'s Office Inside Capitol Vandalized, Oct. 7 Display Destroyed by Pro-Hamas Mob on 4th of July…7-photos-destroyed-by-pro-hamas-mob-on-4th-of-july-n2176408
– Instead, they play directly into the hands of Hamas terrorists enabling them to continue to hold hostage not only those they kidnapped…
This Year in Pride Month: Bathrooms, Brawls, and Bad Choices
– “There is but one problem with Queers for Hamas: the love is not mutual. There is no Hamas for Queers. … Hamas would never be caught dead in a gay pride parade because it wants gay people dead. … Queers for Hamas has not yet gotten the memo. Maybe one day it will.…
UPDATED: RNC Platform Committee Adopts Slimmed-Down Party Platform, Eliminates Two Major Points…pts-slimmed-down-republican-party-platform-for-2024-n2176514
Freedom Feels Different in a Red State: Alabama Launches Ammo Vending Machines…a-red-state-alabama-launches-ammo-vending-machines-n2176435
– New 'Star Wars' Project Features a Nonbinary JediUCLA Med School Students Are Taught That Modern Science Is 'White Science' by Pro-Hamas
US Bases in Europe Put on High Readiness to Deal With Intelligence Warning of Terror Attack…to-deal-with-intelligence-warning-of-terror-attack-n2176206
– Both of those would be huge targets for Islamists or Columbia grads, but I repeat myself, seeking to show their support for Hamas terrorists…
Sore Antisemitic Loser: Jamaal Bowman Says Jewish Money 'Brainwashed' Voters Into Voting Against Him…sh-money-brainwashed-voters-into-voting-against-him-n2176029
– The antisemitism in this country has gone off the charts with all the violent pro-Hamas protests and assaults on Jewish people on our … Bowman routinely accused Israel of being an "apartheid state" and called reports of rapes and child murders by Hamas "propaganda and … There was a plethora of evidence of atrocities on Day One—which RedState reported in multiple articles—but Hamas simps like Bowman…
Native New Yorker Now Living in Israel to Jews in NY and LA: Get Out, You're Not Safe…israel-to-jewish-new-yorkers-get-out-youre-not-safe-n2176198
– the grounds of American major university campuses took a (slightly) lighter tone, demanding only a "ceasefire" (for Israel, not Hamas
Debate Night: Trump Shreds Biden for Ongoing Wars in Israel and Ukraine
– difference is he never would have invaded Ukraine -- never -- just like Israel would have never been invaded in a million years by Hamas … They had no money for Hamas; they had no money for anything. No money for terror.…
Donald Trump Is Positively Seinfeldian
– over the Israelis, who are strong U.S. allies, and who had given up control over Gaza, only to be rewarded for that by the vicious Hamas-led…
WATCH: Fed-Up Fans Respond Accordingly After Pro-Hamas Agitators Show Up During Orioles Game…hen-pro-hamas-agitators-show-up-during-orioles-game-n2176060
– Guardians and the Baltimore Orioles.The Orioles were playing at home at Camden Yards when, according to local reports, a handful of pro-Hamas … Some of his family members were in Israel when the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks happened, but reportedly are okay.…
Boom: Border Patrol Union Shuts Down Biden With Epic Fact Check After Whopper at Debate About Endorsement…after-whopper-told-during-debate-about-endorsement-n2176085
– lives of 13 U.S. service members were lost in a terrorist attack, and how he has handled both the Ukraine/Russia war and the Israel-Hamas
Sens. Cruz, Cotton Shred Joe Biden Over 'Appalling' Reaction to Pro-Hamas Attacks at L.A. Synagogue…lling-reaction-to-pro-hamas-attacks-at-la-synagogue-n2175940
– As RedState previously reported, disturbing scenes unfolded on a sunny Sunday in Los Angeles, where pro-Hamas agitators showed up to … In particularly eye-opening video clips shared by the Los Angeles Scanner Twitter/X account, some pro-Hamas protesters even brought … true parent-of-the-year— Los Angeles Scanner (@LosAngeles_Scan) June 23, 2024READ MORE: Pro-Hamas
NY16 Primary: Hamas Caucus Member Jamaal Bowman Goes Down in Defeat As Democrats Choose Latimer…goes-down-in-defeat-as-bronx-democrats-pick-latimer-n2175971
– the fact of the matter is that it was Bowman who turned into his own worst enemy.Bowman has staunchly been on the ceasefire, pro-Hamas … side since the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens, even coming out in November as a Hamas rape denier.…
Narrative Busting: Finer Print in the NY16 Democrat Primary Results Even More Devastating for Bowman…at-primary-results-even-more-devastating-for-bowman-n2175985
– All Bowman had to do was not go bat-crap crazy on the subject of Israel - especially after the Oct. 7th Hamas terrorist attacks, and …  At the end of the day, it was more about his national profile and the backpats he could get from the Hamas Caucus/Squad/DSA than…
New: Cori Bush Gets Big Warning Sign the Day After Comrade Jamaal Bowman Goes Down in Defeat…day-after-comrade-jamaal-bowman-goes-down-in-defeat-n2176014
– Summer Lee's (D-PA) primary back in April.READ MORE: Hamas Caucus Member Summer Lee Survives Primary Challenge, Proves Democrat … in the general election, decided in October 2023 to take on Bush in the primary instead - in part over her stance on the Israel-Hamas
Pro-Hamas Agitators Whine Like Babies When Jews They Attacked Turn the Table on Them…bies-when-jews-they-attacked-turn-the-table-on-them-n2175897
– As our RedState editor Bob Hoge reported, Palestinian Youth Movement L.A. and Code Pink L.A. organized a Pro-Hamas/"Free Palestine" …  @LAPDHQ let the Hamas supporters take over the sidewalk in front of the shul and block its entrance. … In fact, LAPD had formed a cordon around the front of the shul to keep Jews out and Hamas supporters in.…
Writing on the Wall? AOC Bails on Jamaal Bowman at Last Minute, Cites Mysterious Scheduling Conflicts…t-last-minute-cites-mysterious-scheduling-conflicts-n2175964
– On Saturday, Hamas Caucus member Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) held a campaign rally alongside Squad leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) … the stage and danced around like a boxer getting ready to spar before she began yelling at the sparse audience, while radical pro-Hamas
HOT TAKES: GOP Has Field Day Celebrating Jamaal Bowman's Loss
–  NY16 Primary: Hamas Caucus Member Jamaal Bowman Goes Down in DefeatAs Democrats Choose LatimerRep.…
What Would Happen If the Democrats Replaced Biden With... Nobody?
– They are already rife with internal problems; their pro-Hamas and pro-socialist "progressive" wing may gain some ground in places like…
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