I hate wars and I hate America having to be involved with them, but I do know there are cases when it's necessary to make something explode. To his credit, President Donald Trump seems to be pretty good at knowing when to do that, and moreover, how to follow up after.
I thought him sending a missile right up Iranian General Qassem Soleimani's keister was a fine example of this. Not only did it eliminate a real threat to the U.S., and the world at large, it caused disruption in Iran's military capabilities. Moreover, it taught terrorists groups a very valuable lesson; that the arm of the U.S. was long, dangerous, and deadly. Trump would further demonstrate this with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Hamza bin Laden.
As my colleague Susie Moore wrote on Wednesday, Trump issued a very dangerous warning to the terrorist group, Hamas, which was responsible for the unforgivable attack on Israeli citizens on October 7, 2023. During that day, they murdered, raped, and took hostages, some of whom Hamas is slow-walking to give back.
The world has had enough of this, and Trump released a very open message to Hamas, telling the terrorist group they will release the hostages right away or else:
“Shalom Hamas” means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return all of the dead bodies of the people you murdered, or it is OVER for you. Only sick and twisted people keep bodies, and you are sick and twisted! I am sending Israel everything it needs to finish the job, not a single Hamas member will be safe if you don’t do as I say. I have just met with your former Hostages whose lives you have destroyed. This is your last warning! For the leadership, now is the time to leave Gaza, while you still have a chance. Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not if you hold Hostages. If you do, you are DEAD! Make a SMART decision. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW, OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY LATER!
There's going to be those on the left who say that this goes too far and that Trump making threats like this isn't productive or even, somehow, morally wrong.
But what is morally wrong is to have strength and not use it to establish peace, because ultimately, to have strength is to create peace. That's the moral reason to possess it. The U.S. has it in spades, and it would be entirely wrong of us not to use it when it needs using.
I think a lot of people in the Western world don't understand that not everyone on this planet abides by Western customs or values. Strength isn't as valued, and can even be seen as a bullying tool. The left has spread the idea that strength is something that should be downplayed when coming to any negotiation tables in order to try to meet the person on the other side with equal and "fair" footing.
This is flawed logic, of course, even from one Western country to another, but not utilizing your strength becomes a fatal flaw in any plan when you approach countries or groups outside the Western world. This especially applies to Middle-Eastern terrorist groups who hold territories in their grasp. Strength is what they operate by, and it's the primary language they speak. Any country not willing to utilize strength against them is immediately taken advantage of.
Hamas, like every other terrorist group, counts on Western leftist ideals about strength to get an advantage. It knows how to manipulate that feeling in leftists in order to relax Western aggression, giving them breathing room.
You can see that being played out right now in Hamas's response to Trump after he issued the warning, as reported by The Guardian:
Hamas has accused Donald Trump of seeking to undermine the shaky pause in hostilities in Gaza with his latest intervention in the region: a new and fierce ultimatum telling the group to release all hostages.
The militant Islamist organisation said Trump’s threats constituted support for attempts by the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to back out of the ceasefire agreement.
“These threats complicate matters … and encourage [Israel] to avoid implementing its terms,” the Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qasim said in a statement on Thursday.
This is Hamas trying to play games. They want to sound like the peaceful ones in the room and that Trump's position could complicate negotiations. On the contrary, it makes things very simple. They can either return the hostages now or face the wrath of the U.S., making this a very easy decision to make.
Trump has proved he has a history of severely crippling terrorist groups, such as ISIS, which was pretty much destroyed during his first term, only to find breath again during Biden's time in office. If Hamas doesn't do as Trump says, it could find itself in some serious trouble. All it has to do is release the hostages to avoid it.
There can only be two outcomes here. Either Hamas capitulates and releases the hostage, avoiding being on the receiving end of Trump's very real and very dire threat, or they don't capitulate, and America demonstrates its strength. Either way, the world will watch and learn.
While I'm not one for getting involved in wars, I do think that there are times when triggers need to be pulled. A terrorist group getting so cocky that it formulates plans to invade and kill innocents is a terrorist group that won't stop at its next door neighbor. They hate us as much as they hate Israel, and while they won't be flying electrified hang gliders into American territory to commit atrocities, they can strike in other ways, and rest assured they would try at some point.
It's better to draw lines now, demonstrate what happens when they're crossed for observation by others. This is how peace is kept, through strength, and it's how strength is morale when used properly.